The current Philosophy skill page is a bit spare. I was wondering if it would be worth expanding slightly?
I wouldn't want to suggest altering the balance of utility of skills people are already pursuing, but I think philosophy relates to many important skills (and would make certain lores, gnosis powers, etc. more effective).
Perhaps something like:
Philosophy is the study of how we understand our existence and the preferences that result from this understanding. Work within this field may fall into several disciplines:
Ontology is the study of what exists, or might exist. Alchemy is a related field, since it's concerned with the properties of substances.
Epistemology is the study of how we form and use beliefs. Mathematics (and logic) are related: sometimes we can deduce additional beliefs based on information we are given. For some beliefs, mathematics can't help because we lack the information to make a deduction. Rather than relying only on mathematics and reasoning, some philosophers claim we need to gather data from outside our own minds before forming a belief. Auristics and other forms of observation are powerful ways to gain knowledge.
Ethics is the study of what we ought to do. Members of a particular race, religion, or city have assumptions about what actions are right or wrong. To many, right and wrong seem knowable and absolute. Philosophers often see examples of results one person might consider bad, but that another would consider good. A philosopher might study both Law and Politics to consider what's best for societies, sub-groups, and individuals.
Consciousness is how we perceive ourselves and our surroundings. Hypnotism and other skills can influence the mind for good or ill, altering an individual's ability to accurately understand themselves or their surroundings.
Philosophers are also interested in fields like Language. Depending on the meaning of a word, our conclusions about the fields above may vary. Philosophers can be very particular about the definitions of words, even to the annoyance of others. However, precise language can help avoid serious errors.
Novice philosophers are students new to the field. They are becoming aware of the flaws in their assumptions and are willing to consider new ideas. They often feel they're better informed than before they began study. They may learn new ideas faster or begin to understand others better.
Competent philosophers are aware of many of the concepts above. They may have selected a particular area of interest. They make fewer mistakes, and have replaced faulty assumptions with more functional ideas. They learn quickly and suspect there is more to existence than meets the eye.
Expert philosophers have completed a rigorous course of study, often in both philosophy and other related fields. They are trusted experts and advisors. Although they might still cling to certain points of view, these will usually serve them well. Experts at this level tend to have a deeper understanding of the nature of existence.
Master philosophers are among the leading thinkers in the world, and are forming new ideas that are useful to masters in other fields. They may publish, teach, or live in contemplative seclusion. Collaborators seeking their capacity for observation and examination bring promising research to master philosophers, hoping for a breakthrough in magic, the sciences, religion, and politics. Some masters have cultivated a level of self-understanding that leaves them perfectly suited to console the bereaved or resolve international strife, while others' obsessive pursuit of the truth causes personal and political conflicts even as they produce vital new knowledge.