AppearanceRace: Human
Age: 21
Birthday: 27 Spring 494 AV
Birthplace: Sunberth
Basil’s is 5’7” and about 135 pounds with a supple build. Her hair is in long dreadlocks of which she has many colors, including black and red though the majority are her natural color, brown. Usually she has this in a woven braid laying on her back to keep her hair out of her face because she doesn’t like when the dreadlocks get into everything, such as coffee cups or food when she’s working. She has a nose ring as well which is always in, she's big on adorning her body and finds the like appealing. Upon her body she has many tattoos of the normal variety, flowers and symbols, engraved forever as a sign of her own personal tastes. The woman’s eyes are a soft green, which she got from her mother so they say, and have an intelligent, deep, quality to them as if she has a joke at the tip of her tongue. She’s good looking and knows this as a fact. For clothes she usually wears either a back tunic and a pair of black leather pants, fit with a scarf, or a black dress (her favorite). Black is her preferred color to wear as it she finds it compliments her eyes and hair.
Character Concept
This woman is hard to get to know. When her mother passed she retreated inwards and never fully came back out. She’s also very judgemental and it’s hard to change her mind after she has it made up about the person. Her judgements are usually harsh as well, leaving her with little friends other than a few whom she holds in the upmost respect and love. When she likes you she’ll do anything within her power for you, conversely if she doesn’t like you it’s safe to say she wouldn’t spit on you to put a fire out. Most people, though, have a neutral standing with her as she believes in karma and treats others as she’d like to be treated. She’s a fighter and will say what she needs to say no matter how it’ll be construed. To those who know her she's a very raunchy type of person who loves a dirty joke and loves to tell them. She enjoys good music, booze, and Temper when she can get her hands on it.
She loves her work as a waitress. Her customers are her friends there, an arm’s length kind of friendship but she respects them all the same, and keeps an eye out for their well being. She has a kind of double personality as at work she totally shifts and is a bubbly, happy type of person opposed to her composed manner outside of work. This is mainly to get the best tips, she needs all the money she can get, but all the same she’s a different type of person at work than at home by a long shot. If she sees her customers outside of work she acts the same way. She never tires of this facade. One day she hopes to move out of her tent and start up her own tavern.
Character History
When she was nine her mother died of consumption and her grandparents, who lived in the city, took her in. Her mother was a prostitute and didn’t know who her father was. They had a good relationship and loved each other very much. Some of Basil’s favorite memories are of she and her mother playing cards. Her mother also loved to tell stories, which is where Basil learned all of her stories, and would tell her a new one almost everyday unless Basil, as a child, would ask to hear a repeat. Most came off of the top of her head while others were of a more mundane crop, fables from her own childhood. Because of her mother’s passing she goes by her middle name claiming only her mother could call her by her first name. Her name, Nevaeh, is backwards for heaven and her mother would tell her she fell from the sky itself into her belly to be born.
Her grandparents were loving enough, taking care of the child, though due to her mother’s death she became unruly and sometimes hard to deal with. A lot of anger welled up in the girl. Her grandfather was a bowman and also a fetcher, meaning he made and sold arrows in the city of Sunberth. On the side, known by few, he would accept bribes by from a local gang for a huge sum of arrows monthly and due to this her family was well off as she was growing up. She never wanted for anything. Her grandfather was also the one to teach her the bow and when she turned 16 he bought her a beautiful bow as a gift for being such a great pupil. Even this, though, wasn’t enough to make the young girl happy and she still was unruly; sneaking off in the night to meet with boys and smoke tobacco or temper and drink wine.
(needs to be approved ->) When she was of age, five years ago, began working in
Pig’s Foot and fell in love. She loved the many faces, old and new, and quickly earned her stay by becoming a well to do waitress and barmaid. She’s saved up her earnings from the bar in her chest, which she keeps the key to in her pocket at all times, to eventually start up a bar of her own. It was here she learned, from its patrons, pick pocketing and does so usually as jest. She’ll slip spoons or forks into people’s pockets or take off people’s hats without them knowing. Only on occasion, if she feels they haven’t tipped her well enough, does she reach into people’s pockets for coin. She’s well known in the tavern and well loved by most for she does her job well and with a, plastered but oddly genuine, smile on her face.
LanguageFluent Language: Common
Basic Language: None
Poor Language: None
SkillsSkill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
Persuasion | 27 SP | 27 | Competent |
Story Telling | 5 SP | 5 | Novice |
Stealth | 5 SP | 5 | Novice |
Larceny | 8 SP | 8 | Novice |
Weapon: Longbow | 10 RB, 5 SP | 15 | Novice |
LoresLore of Sunberth Street Layout
Lore of Sunberth Culture
Starting Possessions1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat
-Simple Boots
Outfit basically, if a little less modern looking1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Metal)
-Brush (Metal)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas
1 large tent (4 person), a large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a compass, no riding horse.
Heirloom: A trained owl, wings clipped. His name is Bowie.
HousingLocation: The Tent City
House: A pavilion tent with a bed, a large chest which locks and has all her belongings in it, and a bookcase fit for ten books. She lives in here comfortably with a small opening in the top to let her firepit's smoke out. She has a good standing with the local gang, a small time gang, not affiliated but friendly for protection's sake so she's sure her belong's are kept from harms way. Even if they weren't she has the locking chest just to be sure.
LedgerPurchase | Cost | Total |
Starting (cash in house) | +600 GM | 600 GM |
Living Expenses, Poor | -45 GM | 555 GM |
Dress | -2 GM | 553 GM |
Bed, good | -20 GM | 532 GM |
Chest, Lock, Good | -80 GM | 452 GM |
Table, average | -1 GM | 452 GM |
Chamberpot | -1 GM | 450 GM |
Firepit | -1 GM | 449 GM |
Bookcase, 10 books | -1 GM | 448 GM |
Book, blank | -3 GM | 445 GM |
Ink, (2) | -2 GM | 443 GM |
Quil, (10) | -1 GM | 442 GM |
Cooking Pot, Gallon | -3 GM | 439 GM |
Pan, 12" / 8 oz | - .03 GM | 438.97 GM |
Dish, 6" | -.02 GM | 438.95 GM |
Table spoon, (3) | -.03 GM | 438.92 GM |
Table fork, (3) | -.03 GM | 438.89 GM |
Serving spoon | -.03 GM | 438.86 GM |
Wooden pipe | -14 GM | 424.86 GM |
Blue Vision (5 oz) | -1 GM | 423.86 GM |
Quiver | -20 GM | 403.86 GM |
Longbow arrows, (40) | -2 GM | 401.86 GM |
Tent, pavilion | -50 GM | 351.86 GM |
Chair, average | -7 GM | 344.86 GM |
A hand crafted longbow, finely made | -75 GM | 269.86 GM |
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