Akasja appreciated how alert Pearl was being during this trip. Pearl took care to guide her horse carefully, and the stallion responded well, although Akasja could tell he wanted to speed up. Akasja's own horse was fine with the slower pace, though the stallion excited her somewhat. A couple times Akasja let her horse pick up her speed as she followed closer to Knox. Before the Desertbred could get carried away, Akasja slowed her down with a short tug on the reins. Perhaps she and Pearl would be able to run their horses on the way back. The cooler weather seemed to perk them up.
Akasja thought about Pearl's answer to her questions. Snow could fall in the desert, but knee-high snow was unheard of in Eyktol. Akasja realized that she would need to get some sort of boots before too long. Her feet were suited to walking on hot sands, and the thought of her feet freezing was a little frightening.
"I have to buy more clothes," Akasja mused, hoping Pearl knew the best places to go. For a moment, Akasja considered what she owned. It was not much. But now, with many thanks to Pearl for the opportunity, Akasja was employed. With that money, she would be able to buy things for herself. In the past, she would have had to make most of her own tools and clothing, or find someone willing to trade. "And I need to buy other things as well."
When Pearl asked Akasja to join her and her family for a dinner, Akasja was pleased. She readily and gratefully agreed, and hoped to speak to the woman named Yuki about her recipes.
While Akasja was not sure where they were heading, she could tell by the way Pearl touched her horse that she knew exactly where to go. Before long, the women arrived at a dark, gnarled tree.
Pearl pointed to it and said, "That's the Acklar Tree." Akasja had never seen a tree like it, and was intrigued. Pearl went on to explain its properties, noting that they would be using the bark for medicine. When the Drykas mentioned that too much of it could be deadly, a spark went off in Akasja's mind.
Pearl began to dismount, and Akasja followed suit, still concocting her reply. She suddenly frowned, realizing she had no hatchet. She did have a dagger, but it was not really the proper tool. She let Pearl work at the tree, steadily watching the young woman's method. The Acklar Tree seemed to be a plant that was very highly regarded, in part because it was hard to find, and Akasja felt honored to be sharing this work with Pearl.
"Pearl?" Akasja queried, grabbing a sack for the stripped bark and holding it open for Pearl to use. "This tree can be used as poison? For weapons?" Akasja thought that she might be able to take some of this bark, make a strong infusion of it, and soak blades and arrows in it. In a pinch, perhaps rubbing the freshly stripped bark directly on a weapon would coat it sufficiently. If ingesting too much was enough to kill a person, then using the bark as a poison would potentially make for a deadlier weapon. Although her mind strayed to offensive measures, she knew that using this bark properly to heal was a necessary skill to learn. Akasja looked forward to this. As Pearl's assistant, it was her duty to be so knowledgeable.