84th of Autumn, 515AV
6th Bell, 30th Chime, Morning
River Flower
6th Bell, 30th Chime, Morning
River Flower
By the time Ixzo reached the River Flower, she was ready to scream in agony. Walking on it and waiting so long, paired with the bitter cold was biting into her wound. She had never been to the tent, even the few days prior when she could do nothing but empty her stomach, of which there was nothing to retch. Fatigue, sickness and general mal-nourishment were a few reasons she could have visited earlier, but blood would the only reason that the Myrian-raised Kelvic would request help.
Caring not for modesty or hesitation, Ixzo stepped into the entrance of the tent. It was early in the morning. The orange sky had just given way to the pale blue and she had been up all night, but Ixzo still took her time to watch she surroundings before speaking. There were sick and wounded, as well as many to take care of them. The strong scent of blood did not maker her mouth water, but rather her stomach churn. Maternity blood, rotting flesh and wounds that were heavily mixed with strong herbs did not appeal to the predator.
Finally deciding she would be fine her, Ixzo turned to the nearest Drykas. She tried to be polite, signing a greeting to the woman, however the simple gesture was hard to do while she tried to keep her right arm as still as possible. Request? She tried to sign as well, waiting until the worried look on the woman's face turned into a compliant not. She watched the pale green eyes flit down to her bare chest with her shirts tucked under her arm. Gooseskin lit up her tattoos and pronounced her decorative scars, but the woman only looked mildly surprised. Ixzo was sure she had seen worse than a topless woman.
"Help?" She asked, slowly turning her right shoulder towards the woman. She didn't really need to point at the swollen and bloody gash that took up her shoulder, but she felt the need to, carefully extending a leathery digit towards the wound.
A chatter of Pavi started up and she felt the cold hands of the woman on her forearm. "Come sit, sit. I'm just a nurse, let me get you a doctor." Silky blonde braids whipped back and forth as they tried to usher her towards a thin bedroll that served as a cot. Ixzo shook her head.
"No, no. Just bandage." No concern. She signed, trying to keep from being forced onto one of the cots. She needed it cleaned and bandaged. Perhaps the healers would grind some root she didn’t know about or sprinkle it with an herb to fight off an infection, but the Kelvic really didn't need to pretend she needed to sit down because of the wound. "No, no." She tried again, looking down at the human nurse. Soft green eyes hardened as the looked at her.
Sit. She gave the simple sign and the lioness blinked. With the smallest hesitation, she stepped forward, sinking into a crossed-leg position on the floor. "I will get you a doctor now." Ixzo nodded, silvery orbs still wide with the sudden sternness as they followed the Nurse towards the other end of the tent.
Ixzo looked to the left of her to see a small boy grinning at her. His foot was propped up, bandaged and secure, likely because of a break. "She's hard." He tried to emphasize, before little brown eyes floated down to her chest. The child giggled, not really used to the bareness, and Ixzo clutched her fur-lined vest to her chest. Was something wrong? She had forgotten about the human's need for modesty, so she didn't realize that the boy was giggle from discomfort, not because she looked wrong. Frowning she turned away from the child.
The movement of her head brushed her dreads against the wound and Ixzo cringed, clamping down on her cheek once more. She would not cry for this Drykas healer. She would not cry for anything, most especially not a shallow wound.
Caring not for modesty or hesitation, Ixzo stepped into the entrance of the tent. It was early in the morning. The orange sky had just given way to the pale blue and she had been up all night, but Ixzo still took her time to watch she surroundings before speaking. There were sick and wounded, as well as many to take care of them. The strong scent of blood did not maker her mouth water, but rather her stomach churn. Maternity blood, rotting flesh and wounds that were heavily mixed with strong herbs did not appeal to the predator.
Finally deciding she would be fine her, Ixzo turned to the nearest Drykas. She tried to be polite, signing a greeting to the woman, however the simple gesture was hard to do while she tried to keep her right arm as still as possible. Request? She tried to sign as well, waiting until the worried look on the woman's face turned into a compliant not. She watched the pale green eyes flit down to her bare chest with her shirts tucked under her arm. Gooseskin lit up her tattoos and pronounced her decorative scars, but the woman only looked mildly surprised. Ixzo was sure she had seen worse than a topless woman.
"Help?" She asked, slowly turning her right shoulder towards the woman. She didn't really need to point at the swollen and bloody gash that took up her shoulder, but she felt the need to, carefully extending a leathery digit towards the wound.
A chatter of Pavi started up and she felt the cold hands of the woman on her forearm. "Come sit, sit. I'm just a nurse, let me get you a doctor." Silky blonde braids whipped back and forth as they tried to usher her towards a thin bedroll that served as a cot. Ixzo shook her head.
"No, no. Just bandage." No concern. She signed, trying to keep from being forced onto one of the cots. She needed it cleaned and bandaged. Perhaps the healers would grind some root she didn’t know about or sprinkle it with an herb to fight off an infection, but the Kelvic really didn't need to pretend she needed to sit down because of the wound. "No, no." She tried again, looking down at the human nurse. Soft green eyes hardened as the looked at her.
Sit. She gave the simple sign and the lioness blinked. With the smallest hesitation, she stepped forward, sinking into a crossed-leg position on the floor. "I will get you a doctor now." Ixzo nodded, silvery orbs still wide with the sudden sternness as they followed the Nurse towards the other end of the tent.
Ixzo looked to the left of her to see a small boy grinning at her. His foot was propped up, bandaged and secure, likely because of a break. "She's hard." He tried to emphasize, before little brown eyes floated down to her chest. The child giggled, not really used to the bareness, and Ixzo clutched her fur-lined vest to her chest. Was something wrong? She had forgotten about the human's need for modesty, so she didn't realize that the boy was giggle from discomfort, not because she looked wrong. Frowning she turned away from the child.
The movement of her head brushed her dreads against the wound and Ixzo cringed, clamping down on her cheek once more. She would not cry for this Drykas healer. She would not cry for anything, most especially not a shallow wound.
Myrian | Pavi "Speech" Sign | Common | PC/NPC "Speech" Sign