by Erik Murphy on January 3rd, 2016, 6:38 pm
Character Concept
Erik is an old mercenary in a city where history is forgotten with each elder that is buried in the ground and every generation is a product of the last. Erik was born in year 466 AV, two years after the fall of Obal Causten and was ingrained with the knowledge that these mages committed atrocities that would whiten even the most fanatical gang member, to the people of Sunberth at least, and the belief that by extension all mages were practitioners of an inherently evil force. Olsten the Giant was also placed on a pedestal as he still is today and with that there was the idea that was drilled into Erik that the common man in Sunberth could not be subjugated; he would not tolerate oppression. His sword can bought for a time but his loyalty, his friendship and his respect were not for sale, they had to be earned with blood, sweat and time.
Erik is a tough old mutt that is set in his ways and so he struggles with new ideas and concepts; trying to change this man is a true ordeal that he is happy to warn someone about up front. Also, while his respect has to be earned, because of the age he has reached, he expects some automatic deference which he has always given to his elders, and because of this when he talk to those who are clearly younger than him, there is a snappiness and dismissal that comes with his speech and actions. He feels he is too old and too tired to bother getting to know a new face, he is simply happy to stick with the grizzled old friends he has already.
He is not a good man. He places his duty first to his children, then to wife, then his friends and then finally himself and he struggles to juggle that as it is. Everyone else can go fuck themselves as far as Erik is concerned. He loves his family deeply and every throat he has slit, every bone he has broken and every coin he has earned since his held his first children has been with them in mind and as he has aged he now looks to future to see how his children's and their children's future can be secured.
Character History
Erik has a humble story to tell so far, nothing extraordinary nor heartbreaking as far as the city of Sunberth was concerned. He was born on the 18th of Summer, AV 466 to a large family on the outskirts of the Sunset Quarter. His father was a practical man, he had little time for yours scholars, scribes or any of their kind and so as soon as Erik was old enough, his father stuck a weapon in his hand and told him that would be his wage, his life and his death.
Erik grew up in this culture of violence and still to this day relishes combat, the idea that one wrong move could end it all is a thrilling if not frightening one. Over the years he had done odd-jobs for all the now major gangs, whether he realized it or not, though these were in the days when the Daggherhand's true purpose was concealed and the Sun's Birth had nobler but still bloody cause. He married at around twenty four years old, his first child arrived just under three seasons later and as such he had undertaken the long, difficult task of raising a family in Sunberth.
Now with his children adults or fast approaching that age, Erik is now facing the bittersweet prospect of a life without constant parenting and a bloody city that is always in utter chaos. |
Last edited by
Erik Murphy on March 15th, 2016, 12:21 am, edited 2 times in total.

“And you have your part to play, Erik. You will be fooled, like most, but you will survive. You might even benefit it all. Hold history close to your chest, young man. That’s my advice.”