Get A Kick Out Of This


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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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Get A Kick Out Of This

Postby Ixzo on January 4th, 2016, 5:38 am

2nd of Winter, 515AV
There were days when Ixzo liked to be alone. Very few, compared to the days when the Kelvic consistently wished she knew more than four Drykas in the strange moving city.

Trying to lug all of your possessions to the other end of the camping grounds was especially a time to wish she knew someone. At least, after firing her, Injal had given her a ride. Afterwards she was on her own. She had her clothes packed tightly in her pack and a rucksack of what little rations she could fit. Her pail had her miscellaneous items, knives, half a bar of soap, flint and steel and whatnot. But her hands were left with the large bundle of the tent. It was made for only one person, but the rolled up mass of canvas was nearly the size of her and hard to see around as she walked.

The Kelvic stopped abruptly, a chirp of surprise finding its way out when she saw a trio of children run past. The youngsters weren't the least bit concerned with the tall dark woman carrying a distracting load, but more intent of whacking each other with deflated bull bladders. She paused for a moment, readjusting he grip on the canvas before carrying on, straining to dart her silvery eyes across the tent. She just had to make it to the other side of--

This time, the yelp was not her own. Her foot collided with something soft and Ixzo immediately dropped the canvas. Her initial reaction was to growl, but it took the more tame side of her a tick to realize that was the wrong response. Once the tent thudded to the ground, unravelling a bit and taking her bucket of miscellaneous items with it, she realized what she had kicked. It was an older dog that had yelped and although she was sure she hadn't kicked it too hard, the thing limped for a tick as if it couldn't find it's bearings.

A low, guttural, growl made her upper lip twitch at the creature, never fond of dogs, but she suddenly realized there was another person there. Apologies. She signed automatically, slinking backwards one step and wrapping her arms behind her back. She could only imagine how someone would react to her kicking and then growling at their dog.

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Get A Kick Out Of This

Postby Graham Whipmane on January 31st, 2016, 4:52 am


So far, Graham's day had been nothing short of hectic. With him set to marry Ife in three day's time, his mother had him out and about running all kinds of errands; from borrowing neighbouring pavilions spare tents to fetching the formal Yvas' for the horses. Naturally by lunch time he was exhausted, and his companion for the day, Fader, was doubly so, the old dog dragging his paws behind his master as Graham made him way back towards his families Pavilion for the midday meal.

Graham stopped abruptly, jerked out of his thoughts by a yelp and a growl. Turning quickly, Graham quickly located Fader and a woman, the two growling at each other. The dog was growing irritable with his old age, and was likely to snap and growl at the slightest annoyance. It was due to this that Graham was careful to keep the dog away from children and strangers as much as possible.

"Fader." Graham called, stepping forward. The dog stepped back immediately, his growl quietening and his posture becoming more relaxed as his master stepped up to his side. With a quick flap of his hand, Graham dismissed the woman's apology with a curious but stern glance. He glanced about the strange woman, taking in her scattered belongings.

He moved to pick up the closest item, but stopped, eye's scanning the woman's somewhat defensive posture. "Can I help you?" He asked instead, gesturing to the items.

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Get A Kick Out Of This

Postby Ixzo on April 2nd, 2016, 3:46 pm

"Can I help you?" The stranger, who's dog she just kicked asked her. He wasn't yelling at her, so that was a good sign. Yet, the man before her was not the kindest face she had seen. On anyt other day, Ixzo might have decided to be friendlier, trying to engage the man in a conversation, but today she didn't want to push the boundaries.

Neither did she enjoy the presence of the dog. The creature was probably gathering now that she was not entirely human, and these animals were too loyal to allow a predator like her to be too close to their masters. Sshe doubted the thing would tolerate her for very long. Deciding to cut the interaction as short as possible, she dropped to her knees, making a messy fold of the canvas and scooping it up, once more. Still holding it at an awkward angle, Ixzo tightened her grip, turning to the side so she could still see the man over the height of her load.

"Thank you, no." She gave a curt nod to the man, silver eyes watching his stern but curious glance warily before stepping around him and doing her best to follow in the direction she had already been going, being more tentative with her steps. She couldn't afford to trip over much else and anger a Drykas that was not in such a good mood.

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Get A Kick Out Of This

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on May 25th, 2016, 10:32 pm

Hate to see it cut short. I found what I could guys

  • Body building: 1 XP
  • Socialization: 2 XP
  • Ixzo: wishes to know more Drykas
  • Dogs are protective of their masters

Graham Whipmane
  • Socialization: 1 XP
  • Animal Husbandry: 1 XP
  • Graham: hates to be called Ham
  • Graham: soon to be married
  • Fader: irritable due to age
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