Location [Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Nidassasyae on November 22nd, 2010, 2:29 pm


Nidassasyae furrowed her brow, trying to figure out how he was counting. She could count up to ten, but that was it. It seemed like Sel was trying to show her that she needed five tens of coins. Her eyes widened. How on Mizahar had her mother gotten that much? She knew that Sundassasya had disappeared for weeks on end, and came back with nothing. But, was is possible that her mother had been trading with the Vantha all that time, slowly accumulating the giant amount that now lay in the emergency pack that Nidae held? Surely it must be so.

The leopardess nodded in understanding when Sel finished showing her, and them gave him a big hug. "Thanks, Sel," she smiled, letting go of the Dhani. Her brow creasing once again, the Kelvic began to count out all the coins. One ten, two tens... when she finally got to five tens, there was a small pile of gold coins in front of her. She gathered them up, and placed them on the table.

The shopkeeper seemed at a loss. It certainly wasn't everyday that a random child learned to count right in front of him, the proceeded to dig out a large sum of coins. With a weary sigh as he tried to figure out how to put them into his purse, he gestured for her to collect her purchases. With a grin, Nidae tucked the preserving kit into her pack, and proceeded to drag the sled along. "Sel, where to now?"

Receipt :
1 sled= 45 gm
1 preserving kit= 5 gm

(Continued here)
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[Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Hrafn Alaric on November 22nd, 2010, 9:11 pm

81st of Fall A.V

Hrafn kicked the stone pebbles on the street, he strangely found it entertaining and soothing. As he walked down the lonely alley, he hummed to himself, similar to a bee. He stepped outside - into the sunlight and the Great Bazaar greeted him. Food, materials, spices and weapons, if you wanted it, you'd just step into the Great Bazaar.

He moved one with the giant sea of crowd, blimey, how could it become so large? Hrafn shook his head as he continued down the cobblestone streets. He was weary of pickpockets and such.

He searched for his regular, he always got cheap deals from him. He saw him, not to far away. A stubborn, short man with greasy black hair, the runt of his family you could say. "Aye! Ye lukin' fer sumthin' are ye!?" he called, a bit loudly. -"Yes. I am looking for Iron." Hrafn responded, making sure he talked slowly as the thick pillock might not understand him. "Iren! A necessity for eny smithey! Ach-ach-ach!", he called, his hacking laugh made Hrafn grit. -"I'll take... 8 pounds of it, sir."

He seemed to wheeze, perhaps he was calculating how much he'd get. Time to put the ol' Rhetoric bartering skills he inherited to use...
"If my calculations are correct, it's 3 gold minx's." Of course it wasn't, the idiot. He hardly could do the math.
"S'pose you're right mate!"

Hrafn handed him the 3 Miza's and grabbed the Iron, he placed it on his toolbelt and wasted no time. He hurried back home.
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[Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Mant Liknessa on November 22nd, 2010, 9:27 pm

81th of Fall, 510 A.V.

Mant slowly walked through the main gates of the Great Bazaar with a vengeance, having entered it from a side-street going downwards. His eyes focused on the colourful, open stalls, or shops at the sides, which urgently directed people to them and presented their goods. Eventually, after a throughout searching for a stall or store, he reached a stall under a plain, grey canvas tilt which dealt in blacksmithing accessories.
The shopkeeper lifted his glaze up from his calculus and said: "D'you want to buy somethin'?"
Mant, not showing any emotion as usual, formed his hand into a directional stand and poked with his forefinger at a grindstone with all the wood frames and well-functioning parts that was necessary to make it work.
"Is that for sale?" He asked, staring brooding at the shopkeeper under his bushy eyebrows.
The shopkeeper carefully laid his pen away and said: "Yes, it is. Do you want to buy it, or what?"
"Yes," Mant said.
The shopkeeper found a new paper from the bunch and wrote down some near incomprehensible numbers on it and said: "Large or ordinary? The ordinary one is cheaper."
Mant's expression turned immediately after that statement into a thoughtful one emitting... well, thoughtfulness.
Mant's expression morphed into one pretty similar to the facial look a Jamouran usually would get after eating (or, in some cases, drinking if it is especially liquidic) Dryrassian yoghurt made of fermented horsemilk, and, in its own sour-stomached way liking it. You see, Dryrassian yoghurt is unique in that way that it actually have wondrous results for people who have digestion issues, and it doesn't, though your mileage may vary as in all other things, necessarily taste bad. Not as much as Nuitic cuisine when they have recently taken up cooking.
"How much the normal cost?" Mant responded in his matter-of-factly way, and got the chilling response of "25 gold mizas."
Mant counted up his money with a dire patience, and then looked firmly and darkened on the stallkeeper. Which is an impressive feat, compared to the brooding stare he usually wields.
"Do you know anyone who can help transporting it?"
The stallkeeper, of calculating wit and speaking in a chilly voice comparable to the one Mant had, said: "Well, I'd suggest a girder, if you can find one."
"Can you lay it off? Until I find one or someone else to help me. Of course."
"Well, sure, but be quick, I don't got all the day."
Mant, with his baldness of shininess that reflected the lights in the great bazaar, turned around after having signed a hastily scribbled agreement with the shopkeeper of him laying it off until one could help carrying it to the blacksmith and then left the stall, seeking for a girder or something else to help him.

After a while, having looked for a girder he suddenly passed a shop selling provisional, though sturdy-looking, wheel carts which could be dragged by hand. A seemingly honest-looking, but with a weird flick in her eyes, shopkeeper stood in there in front of a table with her hands folded over her crotch.
Mant looked intrigued on them and stopped in front of her.
"Can I help ya?" She asked him when he got to the table.
"How sturdy are they?"
"Very s'urdey, ya can use 'em for 'ransporting wares from place tha place. 'ey are very good."
Mant looked closer at them, walking to them and looking below them to see their shafts.
"How much can they carry?"
"Loads, guv'nor. Loads and loads from place tha place. They are specially made by me."
Mant turned and looked her straight in the eyes, having resumed his brooding stare which seemingly pierced through her soul. She looked confused back at him, releasing a croak when he spoke: "Can they take a grindstone?"
She flinched her eyes from him, and then responded with: "Aa... grinds'one? I'll be hones' guv'nor, ya need one wif a s'urdy s'ark for 'fat."
"Do you have one? A sturdy one."
"Eyah, but 'll cos' a bi'."
"How much?" He asked, still looking on her.
"10 goldies, I guess. I's lowes' price I'll give for a good one." She shrugged, looking on him while she retreated back a bit.
"6 minx."
"Ya 'ryin' 'o ruin me? I go' 'o feed myself 'oo."
"7 minx, then. I hope that's enough."
"Hah, 9 goldies, I'll no' s'and for bein' robbed by mah own cos'umers."
"8 gold mizas." He looked firm now in his decision, standing tall as the large man he was and towered over her.
"... 8 goldies, fen. I ain' goin' 'o sell 'o ya again." She turned to one who stood in the background and dragged it out behind her. She placed it beside Mant while he stood and counted up money. His eyes ran over the mizas, adding and subtracting in his mind, and then counted up 8 gold mizas which he held in his hand before testing it by jumping at it. It didn't crack.
"I hope ya are done 'ryin' 'o wreck my wares before I have sold 'em."
He just handed her the mizas, took up the cart and went towards the blacksmith stall.

"Done already?" The shopkeeper asked when he saw Mant returning. Mant simply nodded.
"I guess you want help to lift the grindstone up on that thing?"
Mant nodded again in a very redundant fashion.
"Well, I am not going to help you."
Mant frowned, took up his pouch, counted up the coins he was supposed to pay to the shopkeeper for the grindstone, and added one silver for making him help putting it up on the wagon.
The stallkeeper looked at the silver mizas, got the hint and helped Mant getting the heavy grindstone on the wagon.
Mant then departed the bazaar with the grindstone on the wagon, careful for not making it fall and break, and went for the upward ramps away from the bazaar.
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[Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Hrafn Alaric on December 27th, 2010, 6:45 am

11th of Winter 510 A.V

Hrafn hurried down the steppes of the castle and into the Great Bazaar. This glorified basement never ceased to amaze him, such a testament to sentient trading and socializing. He opened the crumpled shopping list. Mhmnn, bow and arrows - definitely. Hrafn walked up to one of the booths. A tall, lanky patron stood by, in a heated argument to a stumpy, fat man. They seemed to be arguing about prices, Hrafn did not care. The burly Isur pushed the man away with his brute force, -"Begone, you pestering midget!" Hrafn called. The man croaked something about injustice but then he just left. A fine, short bow grabbed Hrafn's attention. He pointed at it, his eyes glistening with curiosity. -"Good man, fetch me that bow." he nodded at the young man. He hurriedly inclined, fetching the bow down and handing it to Hrafn. It was a fine bow, worthy of the hunt that was to come. -"I'll take it for... 25 gold coins. I think that's a fair price. And arrows! Arrows -..." Hrafn paused, trying to figure out the right number. -"30. 30 arrows at... 1 gold miza and 1 silver coin aswell?"

The man, hesitated, not sure if he should take it. -"27 for the bow and I'll accept." he said after a long pause. -"Haha, I'll take it good sir!" Hrafn chuckled as he handed him the coin. Hrafn fastened the shortbow around his back and slid the arrows in the sheath that followed with the arrows. He continued along the marketplace, but soon made his way out - ready for all the beasts the Cobalt Mountains could throw at him.
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[Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Klyphaestus on December 27th, 2010, 4:03 pm

Klyphaestus took off hsi cloak as he was about to step into the bustling bazaar. The heat of a hundred men's bodies could be almost frightening if you pay attention to it. Klyphaestus humphed at the smell of sweat and body odour, but kept nudging in the crowd to get to the stall he had in mind.

'Traveler's heaven!' A young boy yelled at Klyphaestus with an incredibly bright smile. 'We've got all you need for a journey!'

'I want a bedroll, a winter blanket, two torches, an one-person tent, some hemp rope of fifty feet, and the cheapest preserving kit you have.' Klyphaestus leaned forward and spoke loudly into the boy's ear to make sure he get the list of things right. The crowd was starting to irritate Klyphaetus.

'A bedroll, a winter blanket, two torches, an one-person tent, hemp rope of fifty feet, and a preserving kit.' The boy repeated quickly without a pause, hands rummaging in the pile of seemingly chaotic things in front of Klyphaestus. Klyphaestus looked at the boy with amusement. He had always liked people quick in minds.

'That'll be...er...8 gold 8 silver pieces in total.' The boy's voice pulled Klyphaestus back to his surroundings. 'Need someone ta deliver these to your place?'

Klyphaestus let his gaze fell on the pile of 'things' which were now his belongings. He surely could not bring these back all by himself once, but he did not wish to spend any extra copper on this hunting trip preparation. 'I'll take care of them.' Klyphaestus said with a sigh, handing the boy the coins. 'There can't be that many people around here.'
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[Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Crosby on February 8th, 2011, 4:50 pm

Crosby had walked around Syliras all day, ever since he arrived at dawn. Most of the time he spent going from shop to shop in the bazaar to try and fill his lengthy list of items he needed for the long journey that awaits him. He planned to travel from Sylira to the planes of Cyphrus and even further down to the arid deserts of Eyktol and then only the gods know where he'll go.

He had already got the heavy stuff down on his list and all that remained was clothes, bedding and food. He had remembered seeing a series of shops at the entrance the the bazaar, so he he walked what seemed like an eternity back to the shops he saw. On the way he saw a weapon store, Seeing as he didn't have a weapon, and the places he travel are sure to be dangerous he said "why not?". So he went up to the weapons dealer

"Hello" the man replied back "what can i do for you".

He looked around for a second and said "how about this Gladius, how much is it worth?"

"Ill sell it to you for 60 gold mizas" the shop keeper said.

"Ill buy it for 45, no more, no less" he said sternly.

The dealer said "50"

"45" Crosby said with the same tone.

"Deal!" He said submissively.

Crosby looked around in the mans booth for a second and eyed a suit of studded leather. "Ill buy that as well" he said "how much?".

The shopkeeper said "25, no bargaining"

"Alright" the man said as he handed 70 gold mizas and 25 silver to the man in the booth "theres an extra 25 silver in there for it to be delivered to my mule outside the gate".

The man walked on to the shops he originally intended to go to "Hello" he said the the elderly man across a table form him. "I would like one of those bed rolls and a couple of sets of sack cloth pants and shirts, a nightshirt, one of those broad brimmed hats and a wool cloak"

"Quite a bit don't you think?" the elderly man said.

"Going on a big trip" Crosby said nicely.

"Well good luck to you, its a dangerous world" the shop keeper replied. "That will be 14 gold, and 6 silver, if you would like my assistant to deliver this somewhere that would be an extra 25 silver"

Crosby handed over the money and said "Yes, i have a horse and a mule that should be waiting outside the city gates"

Crosby moved on to the food booth right next to the clothing booth "Hello, can you get me 2lbs of j... you know what just take my list and get me all the food on it, i'm sure it doesn't exceed 75 gold, so here" he handed over the gold. "And when your done just send it out to me, ill be at the front gate with my mule" And he walked out.

OOC-Shopping list and price.
Crosby :
    Beef jerky 2lbs 14gm
    Bacon 1lbs 4gm
    Tabaco 1lbs 5sm
    Coffee 1/2lbs 25gm

    Gladius 45gm
    Studded Leather 25gm

    Bedroll 1sm
    Blanket 5sm
    Lantern 12gm
    Rucksack 1gm
    Travellers stock x2 6gm
    Rope hemp 1gm
    Rucksack 1gm
    Pot iron 5sm
    Soap 5sm
    Axe woodman's 4gm
    dice ivory 8sm
    flask 3cm
    Bucket 5sm

    Horse heavy 200gm
    Mule 8gm
    Saddle pack 5gm
    saddlebags large x2 16gm
    Halter x2 2sm
    saddle riding 10gm

    Total=392gm 88sm
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[Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Klyphaestus on February 18th, 2011, 12:44 pm

13th Day, Winter 510

Klyphaestus walked slowly among the crowd, feeling twice as tired as he would feel when walking before. The injury in his left thigh was still burning. He had asked his neighbours about how to tend this kind of injury and various lists of herbs were produced from various mouths. The information which came from them was in fact so overwhelming that Klyphaestus even started to imagine that he would have to buy all the herbs a healer could name to tend himself. Klyphaestus had spent a night writing down the herbs that were mentioned by most advisers on a piece of paper.

He stopped at a stand shortly and squinted, trying to make out the owner from all the hanging herbs and dry leaves.

'Yes, young man?' An old woman came from the shadow behind the counter and smiled tenderly at Klyphaestus.

'Good day,' said Klyphaestus rather shyly. 'I am looking for these.' He handed the piece of paper with the list on it to the old woman.

The old woman toook the paper and studied it with some effort. 'Ah, for healing, yes? What kind of injuries do you have, may I ask?'

'I was, uhm, pierced by the tusk of a boar in the thigh.' Klyphaestus gestured at his left thigh, which was stilled tied with bandage under his pants.

'A boar!' The old woman exclaimed dramatically yet still tenderly. 'A brave young hunter indeed.' Klyphaestus smiled awkwardly and ran his hand through his dark hair. 'Well then, I fear the list you gave me is not quite correct. Perhaps you wouldn't mind if I change it a little bit?'

'Please, please do,' said Klyphaestus quickly. The strange advice from his neighbours had been causing him unease for quite some time. It would be more than excellent to have a herbalist to make some correction.

The old woman smiled and started to move around, picking a little bit of this and a little bit of that while humming some unknown tune to herself. Soon she put two small paper packages on the counter and pushed them towards Klyphaestus. 'The smaller pack is for you to boil the ingredients and drink the liquid down. The other one is for you to stew them with some water until they become sticky. That's when you cool them and have the medicine on your injuries.'

'Thank you,' said Klyphaestus sincerely. 'And I should pay you...?'

'Two silver mizas will do,' said the old woman, still smiling.

Klyphaestus payed without further haggling. Having yourselfe healed was different from buying mutton from a butcher. The price of a healer could be higher had the one he met were not so kind a person. Now he should hasten home and tend to his injured leg before anything bad happened.
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[Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Aleath on March 20th, 2011, 3:45 pm

70th Day of Spring 510 AV

After her little adventures in Syliras, Aleath thought that it was time to slowly move on. She knew exactly where to go, but first she had to buy a few things. Traveling was not safe when one went unarmed. So she decided it was time to visit The Great Bazaar.

She quickly entered the shop she wanted, greeted the shopkeeper and looked around. When she found the needed things, she went to the shopkeeper and gave him money and took the things she bought. Then she left the shop.

Shopping list :
Halfspear – 1 Gold Miza
Two daggers – 4 Gold Mizas
Leather armour – 10 Gold Mizas
Tent, one-person - 2 Gold Mizas
Wool Cloak - 5 Silver Mizas
Starting Ledger – 100 Gold Mizas
After shopping – 82 Gold Mizas, 5 Silver Mizas, 0 Copper Mizas

Prices taken from Price list
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[Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Llewelyn on May 21st, 2011, 6:25 pm

511 AV Spring 18, noon

Llewy walked into the bazaar dead set on his favorite treat. Apples. His whole body yearned for them. Recently he had ran out of all his fruits and other sweets. He knew what he wanted and, like a junkie, knew where to get it.

He b-lined to the fruit stand slavering over the various dried fruits. Though he'd much rather fresh and juicy, dried was a long lasting and delicious substitute. He grinned at the shopkeeper and nodded towards the apples. "One pound please." The benshira handed over his gold miza and hungrily snatched the apples to his person.
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[Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Corinth on June 12th, 2011, 5:37 am

Spring 13, 509 AV

While with her Father on a breif trip to the great city of Syliras, Corinth's father decided to make a stop at the Great Bazaar.

"Wow Pops! Its quite busy in here...what exactly are we getting?" Asked Corinth. The gangly 19 year old tried not to get seperated from her father as he made his way to a booth with all sorts of lovely weaponry.
"My dear, some day I will not be with you to protect you. Its time we purchase you something to protect yourself. Especially with the crime escelating in our beloved town...no lets see, do you have your coins with you? This is part of responsibility my dearest." He said as he turned towards Corinth, hand out. "Those daggers there are 2 gold mizas. Thats a fair price indeed." Corinth looked at the daggers her father was referring too. They were all very plain yet she felt she wanted, no , she needed it. She hastily dug into her coin purse, this was the first purchase she would make with her very own money.
"One dagger please." Corinth said to the man behind the booth and the deal was made. Corinth now had her very own dagger.

-2gm Dagger
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