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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on January 13th, 2016, 4:15 am

aw miss you already Tribal
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Sayana on January 13th, 2016, 4:25 am

Hey Tribal, just wanted to say what a fabulous ST you were. You did incredible work and really brought Endrykas to life, in full flourish. I'll miss seeing you around as an ST but I hope you continue with Dravite.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Colt on January 13th, 2016, 4:33 am

You've been an amazing ST, Tribal. Like, one of the best. I've been around Endrykas a really, really long time, and you've brought so much energy and creativity, it's sort of hard to believe. You've had an immense influence on what this place has become, and I'm very grateful for everything you've tone. Take it easy, bud!
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Seirei Dawnwhisper on January 13th, 2016, 4:45 am

Tribal, you're the best ST I've seen since I've been writing in Mizahar. I'll miss you.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Merevaika on January 13th, 2016, 7:20 am

Tribal, you were one awesome ST. You've brought so much good stuff to Endrykas and I hate to see you go. Goodbye and I will miss you!
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Erikal on January 13th, 2016, 8:17 am

Happy Trails Tribal! Hope you find what you're looking for wherever your path leads. :)
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Dove Brown on January 13th, 2016, 5:07 pm

Sorry to see you go, Tribal
Very busy at work. May not be around much for a while.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Wikus on January 13th, 2016, 5:19 pm

I hate to see you go, Tribal. I can say everyone will remember you with a wide grin for all the good storytelling and moderation you've done.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Gossamer on January 13th, 2016, 5:52 pm

Just a quick note to let you guys know that unless someone steps up before the season change, we will be closing Endrykas Feb 29th.

However, the situation is a little unusual in Cyphrus because you guys play nomads and don't necessarily need to visit the city to continue RPs. That means if you are stationed in Endrykas, you will need to migrate. However, if you want to continue RPs outside the city in the Sea of Grass, you have a full support system for that.

Also I've been asked repeatedly today by everyone about Tribal's dropped moderated threads. The recommendations I've given have been to rp these threads out as solos or group rps without moderation leadership. Just do your best and have fun. You don't have to abandon threads or drop story lines. Make them your own. Own them. This is an opportunity to work some things out you might not have had a chance to before.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Naiya on January 13th, 2016, 6:11 pm

Good morning guys.

Things are going to be a bit rough without Tribal here, and I'm sure we will all miss his presence. Drykas are tough, though, and we can rally and continue on.

As Goss said, the ongoing events and plots can continue on. The group events can be finished through group storytelling, so those of you on the ships should have a little talk and then push forward. The children in the event can likely be adopted as well, I would imagine your best bet is to apply for them as NPCs in the help desk.

Obviously the threads for the 62nd will have to change, scavenging will have to be for small less valuable objects. Or perhaps objects in disrepair. I don't know that we can still take on the 61st, perhaps just the people already on the ships should take part, and then likely just their escape.... I'm a fair bit less sure of that..

Regardless, the events already in motion can continue. Those of you finding yourselves in new locations come the 61st should probably PM your new STs, just to touch base with your arrival since Tribal isn't running that anymore.

People in one on one events with Tribal can solo out the remainder of the threads, be creative, have a little fun.

My moderated event will continue, everything has been approved for that already. I'm also happy to help with ideas to continue on existing threads if anyone needs help.

So, hopefully plots will continue as planned, then we just have to worry about finding a ST before the season is out. If anyone was hoping to step into that role, now it definitely the time.

Tribal will be a hard act to follow for any ST, so we'll just have to be sure and lend a hand. Especially grading, guys, without Tribal wiping the queue out all of our graders in the city will need to put in some extra effort to keep things moving. I think we have quite a few graders in the city though, I'm sure we can manage.

Also, if any of you are unsure about grading despite having your badges, then go ahead and do a grade and ask the writers to double check your efforts, or grade something that has already been graded and see if you awarded all the same or more skills as the person who did the grade. Just remember to take your time!

I'm looking forward to the rest of the season with you all!
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