12th Day of Winter, 515 AV
Rumors had come to the Sanctuary. The kids Lian had taught in his earlier riding lesson were unable to focus on what they were supposed to be doing. All they could think about was an announcement that had been made in the city earlier today. Some of the kids claimed to have been there to hear the announcement personally. Others had a parent or friend who had heard the news for themselves. Still others were repeating what they had heard "someone said."
Lian didn't know if the rumors were true or not. He had heard the news from children, after all. And children got things wrong. They exaggerated things. Or they didn't understand what they were being told, and they filled in the blanks with their own limited understanding of how the world worked. But as different as the rumors were from one another, and as vastly unlikely some of them were to be true, they all held a common factor. Each rumor said that the announcement had been about the strange powers that had been cropping up all over the city.
If the rumors were true, and there really had been an announcement, Lian wished he had been there to hear it for himself. He was curious to know if someone had figured out where the powers were coming from. Were they a gift from one of the gods? If so, which god? If Lian knew, he would go out and bring down a deer to sacrifice in thanks for the gifts. Part of him felt that he should do that, anyway. Perhaps as a gift to all of the gods he knew. The only thing that stopped him was the fear of angering the god who had sent the mysterious powers if he thanked the wrong god or gods for the gift. It would be a very bad idea indeed to anger a god. Losing his newfound ability to talk to Talise and understand other animals would likely be the least of his worries were that to happen.
There was also the chance that the strange powers were not a gift from the gods at all. Though, if that were true, Lian had no idea who or what could have caused them. He wondered if he would ever learn the truth. Then again, even if he didn't, he wasn't sure that it mattered. He loved his new found ability, and was deeply grateful to whoever or whatever had given it to him.
Lian pushed his current train of thought to the back of his mind. Announcement or not, rumors or not, mysterious powers or not...he had another riding lesson to prepare for. He found himself looking forward to giving this next lesson. He had greatly enjoyed giving the riding lesson earlier, as well.
With his newfound ability to understand animals, it was a lot easier to teach people how to ride. The horses themselves were able to communicate how they felt about their riders. That in turn told him if there was a problem developing even if he missed seeing it for himself. And then there was the sheer amusement value to be had. Talise had started watching whenever he gave a riding lesson, and she always had something to say about it. Sometimes her comments were about the people he was teaching. But she also had plenty to say about his less than perfect teaching skills. He often felt a deep impatience, and annoyance when someone failed to grasp a concept that to him seemed perfectly obvious. And whenever he was close to letting his feelings get the better of him, Talise was quick to say something that made him take a deep breath, and regain control of himself. And with the running commentary in the back of his mind, Lian was often hard pressed not to laugh.
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