OOCHope you don't mind me joining in on the fun 
Somehow, watching the empty streets of the Azure was even more tedious than when they were crowded. At least then he could watch people as the passed by while he kept an eye on the patrols of the Shinya guards. Bah, it was like a whole day of rest periods, where just about no single soul left their own residence. The only exception being, of course, that this was now caused by snow, and not the actual rest bells. And that snow also covered the rooftops of most of the buildings, so the surveillance Brandon had decided to do was even more uncomfortable and trying than ever before.
Luckily, some roofs had skyglass plating, which made things better; no snow, and it was rather warm. The downside was that due to the snow melting when it came into contact with the crystals, the whole roof was wet. Still, it was better than lying in the snow, besides, he'd been able to dry off most of the glass he was lying on. A couple Shinya passed by below, voices chatting about things that didn't concern the bat in the slightest, the weather not being something new anymore.
Hm, just about the same time as always... the bat thought, glancing at Syna's position,
And they're taking the same route as usual. Good to know.Of course, this wasn't the first couple of guards he'd seen passing by today, not even close. Brandon had been lying in wait, observing, for a couple bells now -from before the last rest period actually- in hopes to update the information he had on the patrols of the Shinya in this part of town. Apparently, that had been a waste of time. He'd also decided to try and find out more about the security of the Starry Chalice, which lied -not coincidentally- right in front of the Kelvic. Ways of entrance he had analyzed, thinking of what kind of extra protective measures the proprietors could have taken since his last
visit... from the looks of it, the latter was quite the disappointment in the way nothing appeared to have changed even a little. Well, he had been away for quite a while, and Lhavit wasn't a city where crime was a regular thing. Quite the contrary in fact.
The bat sighed then, deciding he'd been lying about for long enough, he slowly crawled backwards, to the small ally he'd used to get up there unseen. One leg was asleep though, interfering quite a bit, yet it arouse from the numbness soon enough, enabling the bat to clamber down into the streets and start to head home quickly.
It was during his stroll home that the now familiar sensation of an undead presence presented itself, resulting in a deep sigh from the thief. Last time he checked Lhavit hadn't been infested by ghosts, but strangely enough he'd found more than just a couple since he'd returned from Wind Reach. Either something was not right, or he'd just been more ignorant than he'd imagined. It mattered not, at least tracking down spirits was more entertaining than staring at a shop for bells. Though by no means was he going to try and deal with the apparition right away; he could just spy on it to get an idea where it was residing, and go send it to Dira on another day.
The farther he walked, and the closer he got to the ghost though, the more cheering he heard. It sounded like children playing, which was not so strange, and with this snow they were probably having a blast. However, it weren't all children partaking in the fun, oh no, even from a distance Brandon spotted a young woman running about scooping up snow, along with a white-cloaked male.
Well, so I've tracked down Levi's sister again... I should have realized this sooner. It was rather strange though, to see the spiritist, who'd seemed so... stiff, partake in a snowball fight with a group of kids. In fact, it was strange and amusing enough to lure the bat closer, hiding in a shadow so he could watch the event from up close, though still evading detection. Well, until his mark worked its magic on Levi's ghostly sister, that is.
“That's pretty unfair, Levi, having your projectiles be prepared for you instead of doing it yourself,” the Kelvic jested as he approached all the way to the spiritist's side, dodging and swatting away the increasingly larger amounts of snowballs headed his way as he did so.
“Apologies, I haven't figured out how to suppress the effect I have on your sister yet.” Judging from last time, she'd probably be out for the count within a couple chimes, if she wasn't already trying to hide somewhere. A snowball passed his defenses right then, scattering into dust when hitting his shoulder.
“So I suppose you'll have to do with me instead,” he grinned mischievously, quickly bursting into action, scooping up some snow, compressing it for a moment and then throwing it towards the person who'd hit him. Usually, his aim was rather good, but snowballs had a different density and trajectory than daggers, so he missed by more than he'd liked.
“Tsk.”Bah, after a dozen throws or so he probably have adapted a bit, no worries. If those children could achieve modest accuracy within a couple bells -since it rarely snowed in the crystal city- then Brandon could reach the same level in a couple chimes.
“Seems like those two ladies are teaming up,” he remarked, nodding in the direction of the girl he'd seen frolicking about when he'd been watching from the shadows,
“and the kids are focusing less on besting each other too... as things stand, you're at a huge disadvantage... want to enlist my help?”