[The Red Diamond] Fires and Frozen Days [Open]

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

[The Crystal Cavern] Fires and Frozen Days [Open]

Postby Ykala on November 23rd, 2010, 5:51 pm

Ykala's red lips curled slowly into a grin as Viktor victoriously exclaimed towards Yuralia. He assumed that the stranger was so easily defeated. What a poor story it would be if it was so simple. "He returned after this, though." Ykala waited to see Viktor's expression shift as she offered that little teaser of information. "Anyway, the story is quite long, as any good tale of our Queen should be. I'll have to save the rest for later. Can I get you anything else?" Ykala returned to her post behind the bar counter, then proceeded to clean half heartedly. Cleaning was no fun, but mounds of dirt and dust were frowned upon. Every few moments or so, Ykala would glance around the room, looking for the other patrons that had seemed to vanish. Perhaps they went above, or decided the drink here wasn't suited for them.
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[The Crystal Cavern] Fires and Frozen Days [Open]

Postby Viktor on November 23rd, 2010, 8:47 pm

Viktor let out a disappointed groan combined with what he had heard several Frostfawn's refering to as 'the puppy face'. A quivering lower lip and pleading eyes joined forces against an overall sorrowful expression to invoke pity in even the coldest of hearts. At least it might have worked had he not started laughing after less than a second of making the face. He knew the was no way she would be so easily swayed, but stories weren't the only treat on the menu. A quick glance out the window warned him that his time here was running short, but he didn't have to leave just yet. "I think I could polish off one last mug before I need to get back to the barracks." He explained, standing up with a stretch and a sigh before walking over to the bar. "Is there any thing I can do to help?"
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"She is not fish. She is a person too!"
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[The Crystal Cavern] Fires and Frozen Days [Open]

Postby Ykala on December 3rd, 2010, 10:16 am

Ykala was almost moved by the childish acting by the rather large man that could be very intimidating if he had only tried to be. She grinned lightly as she shook her head slowly. "If I finished my story, what would I use to make sure that you ever returned to me here? I can't risk that. I've got to have something to keep people coming back." Ykala giggled at herself as she prepared Viktor's final mug and placed it on the counter for him.

"Help? There's not much to be done. I'm just doing what I can to keep myself busy while I wait for more people to come or leave." Ykala smiled one last time, knowing Viktor was going to leave soon. It was alright though, he had places to be, people to protect, and she had a feeling the big strong Bear Kelvic would return to this place on occasion, they were friends now, at least mild ones."
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[The Crystal Cavern] Fires and Frozen Days [Open]

Postby Viktor on December 6th, 2010, 2:28 pm

OOCSince this thread was started in fall and you are trying to join in winter, you will need to start a new thread. This one is pretty much finished anyway.
Viktor grinned, trying to make his final drink last. "You will certainly be seeing me around. Who knows, I might even finally have a story of my own to tell." A quick glance around the tavern made him even more reluctant to leave. The warmth and the friendly conversations, so many possibilties under one roof. Not to mention some of his favorite drinks in the city. His eyes caught a glimpse of the horns hanging above the fireplace. He knew of the competition to take the largest beast possible and present it's horns as proof. "Maybe I'll bring in a replacement too!" He gestured towards the display.

The door to the tavern opened and a familiar face popped in. It was one of the other kelvics from the watch, though Viktor didn't know him by name. His appearence carried a sense of urgency, as did his voice. After a muttered "Of course he's in here." He brought his voice up to a more audible level. "Viktor, your shift starts in ten chimes. If you're going to be on time you need to leave now." With that said he disappeared as quickly as he had arrived, pausing only to close the door gently. Viktor drained the mug before fumbling around in his pockets for a moment, only to remember he had paid earlier. "It's been a pleasure! Also, keep the change, if there is any." With a slight bow and a mischevious wink he hurried toward the door, being careful not to bump anything. He opened the door and rushed outside, making sure to close the door behind him.
Memorable quotes (Or, really just quote at the moment, but more will come!)
"She is not fish. She is a person too!"
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[The Red Diamond] Fires and Frozen Days [Open]

Postby Cheshire on December 13th, 2010, 9:23 pm


Character: Ykala
Experience: Philosophy +1, Negotiation +1, Storytelling +2, Poetry +1
Lore: Generosity to Those Who Serve, History of Morwen, Roping in Customers With Gripping Stories

Additional Note: +1 Gold Miza

Character: Viktor
Experience: Seduction +1
Lore: Downplaying Own Importance, History of Morwen, Protective Instincts for Morwen

Additional Note: -1 Gold Miza

Character: Yuralria
Experience: None
Lore: History of Morwen, Knowledge of Morwen's Kind Nature

Additional Note: I loved this thread. I had some nice homey music playing as I read and I felt like I was right there! Ykala, I loved the story. I seriously think you should try to get it into the wiki as a Vantha folk lore when it is done. I cannot wait to hear the second half of it. I call dibs grading it! I really like how you three played off each other in this thread. It was very well done. I did not give Minosayaa or Mayjor points because they seemed to disappear. If they come back I'll give them their fair grading as well though! If I missed anything just let me know!
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen
When I was just a kitten,
They said I'd be a gem.
But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat,
It's odd how odd I am...
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