So! I want to start a thread for music lovers of any and all kinds to share music together! I welcome discussions, and disagreements, even

Band/artist: Martin Carthy.
Thoughts: Martin Carthy is one of those greats in English folk music, and this track in particular is one of my favourites because... well, the lyrics. Basically this guy who wants to make a woman cry(/love him, I can't quite tell... O.o), and she won't. So he rapes her, kills all her family, locks her up without food or water, makes her give birth on the floor and all the while she won't cry. And in the end the guy falls in love with her, but she never once cries for him.
So it's preeeetty dark, like most folk songs that I know (I know a good few Swedish/Norwegian folk songs where children are put in barrels filled with nails and then rolled down hills...) but that's what I love. Because it's so full of energy, and violence and imagery most of all. It's a story in song, and it's something I like listening to as I write.
Even if folk music isn't your thing, I'd recommend to take a listen. You might find you like it. Or you might find you hate it, but either way, you've explored something new

And I urge you to write your own little thing about something you like listening to, or something you listen to while you write, whichever's your preference. I've seen various people who put theme songs for their PC's, and that intrigues me, so write about that if you want

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Track/Album: [youtube](put whatever is after the 'v='s in the youtube link here, nothing else)[/youtube]