Skill Creation Questions

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Skill Creation Questions

Postby Reihn on December 9th, 2009, 4:54 am

1.) To assign starting xp to a brand new, user-created skill ( ie: Animal Empathy), does the creator need to create a lengthy description of the skill and include novice, competent, expert, master specifics?

2.) I want Reihn to be a Druid of Caiyha, but there's no established canon information yet. How should I submit a request for further druid information?

(had the idea of splitting Druidism into seaparate categories for skill leveling- ie: can choose to be either a primal druid [one that focuses primarily on transformations] or some sort of divine spellcasting druid.)
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Re: Skill Creation Questions

Postby Gossamer on December 9th, 2009, 5:26 am

If its a brand new skill thats not on the list, then it needs to be pretty well developed before you can assign it to yourself.. unless its something common that just about anyone could figure out some ranks for... like say juggling.

Animal Empathy sounds like (to me) an special ability not necessarily a skill. It sounds more magical than a learned ability. Animal Husbandry is on the list, and it allows you to be able to 'relate' and 'read' animals as well as having the skill to breed them and care for them.

I'm working on druidism as a gnosis for Caiyha, but its one of the things I've back-burnered because no one has requested it. I can move it up if you'd like. Druidism will not have shapeshifting because we have morphing as an arcana and shapeshifters in the game already. It will more relate to interacting in the natural world, speaking to plants and animals, controlling and summoning them, and being able to work with the natural world to alter it in specific ways.
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Re: Skill Creation Questions

Postby Reihn on December 9th, 2009, 5:59 am

Okay, I'm glad I asked because now I'm pretty certain I don't want Reihn to be that kind of druid.

That makes sense not to have druids undergo transformations, since there seems to already be almost an abundance of that ability (that's not really the right word, but oh well).

I'll need totally rethink him now (suggestions welcome).
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Re: Skill Creation Questions

Postby Gossamer on December 9th, 2009, 6:07 am

Well, what kinds of concepts do you like to play off of? Suggestions are easier if we know what you enjoy. :) We're hanging in chat if you want to real-time interact as well.
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