Kai Wavecrest
Race: Svefra
Gender: Male
Age: 22 | 4th of Spring, 493 A.V
Birthplace: The Tears of Balnag, Suvan Sea
Height: 6'3"
Location: Alvadas
Housing: Otani's Blessing, Casinor
Gender: Male
Age: 22 | 4th of Spring, 493 A.V
Birthplace: The Tears of Balnag, Suvan Sea
Height: 6'3"
Location: Alvadas
Housing: Otani's Blessing, Casinor
Best remembered for his laid back personality and lazy demeanor, this Svefra is often found stretching out on the deck of his casinor with blue eyes half closed, and endless legs dangled over the ship's edge in leisure. Not one for expelling unneeded energy on things like appearances or impressing others, Kai's style can best be described as sleepy or disheveled with long blonde hair often thrown back into a messy bun, and scruffy facial hair varying throughout the year from a mild shadow to a full beard. His eyes are an electric blue, and on occasion you can find a tobacco pipe sitting in his mouth. Also known for his practicality, Kai's clothes are simple in form as well as color, and he has a non-threatening appearance, save for the cutlass that can be found hanging from his hip.
Tattoo wise, Kai has only one at the moment, on his left forearm that he received when he was 16. In traditional Svefra fashion, it is of his tavan, and while it is a bit feminine, he loves it, as he thinks it suits the female manatee. On his right arm is his gnosis, Oceanus, the first mark from Laviku which he received at birth. This resembles flowing water, and often the mark will roll upwards, disappearing onto the back of his shoulder, neck, or bicep.
Tattoo wise, Kai has only one at the moment, on his left forearm that he received when he was 16. In traditional Svefra fashion, it is of his tavan, and while it is a bit feminine, he loves it, as he thinks it suits the female manatee. On his right arm is his gnosis, Oceanus, the first mark from Laviku which he received at birth. This resembles flowing water, and often the mark will roll upwards, disappearing onto the back of his shoulder, neck, or bicep.
Character Concept
Kai isn't a complex character, or at least that's what he'd tell you. He likes simple things, like fishing and women, and can't say no to free tobacco or an animal in need, hence his loyal pig, Quimby.
Drawn to the sea and wanderlust, like almost all of his Svefra-kin, Kai has traveled throughout his life and has seen a great deal of things, which leaves him less surprised or prejudiced when meeting new kinds of people or experiences. This Svefra also prefers having a good time, or relaxing as opposed to actual labor, and getting him to work is a challenging feat in and of itself. Kai is the type of person to work hard so he doesn't have to work, often putting in more effort to avoid a task than the actual task would take. The biggest exception to this rule is when he is given the challenge of working on his casinor's repairs or caring for his companions, Quimby and Pearl.
Kai's casinor, Otani's Blessing, is something he takes great pride in and will go to great lengths for it. As for Quimby, the two are fast friends and the little piglet has stolen the heart of the Svefra. As a result, Kai continues to try and teach the little pig to swim so that they can go into the water to spend time with his tavan, a manatee named Pearl.
Drawn to the sea and wanderlust, like almost all of his Svefra-kin, Kai has traveled throughout his life and has seen a great deal of things, which leaves him less surprised or prejudiced when meeting new kinds of people or experiences. This Svefra also prefers having a good time, or relaxing as opposed to actual labor, and getting him to work is a challenging feat in and of itself. Kai is the type of person to work hard so he doesn't have to work, often putting in more effort to avoid a task than the actual task would take. The biggest exception to this rule is when he is given the challenge of working on his casinor's repairs or caring for his companions, Quimby and Pearl.
Kai's casinor, Otani's Blessing, is something he takes great pride in and will go to great lengths for it. As for Quimby, the two are fast friends and the little piglet has stolen the heart of the Svefra. As a result, Kai continues to try and teach the little pig to swim so that they can go into the water to spend time with his tavan, a manatee named Pearl.
Kai's casinor is an average, if not well maintained ship. White sails, and a dark wooden finish with blue accents, the ship is modest, yet clean. While it's size is just right for him and Quimby, it would be capable of fitting a few more passengers if need be.