Alex finishes his training for the morning and latches onto some information he didn't expect to stumble upon. From multiple sources
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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]
by Hwyn on February 3rd, 2016, 8:54 pm
The gambit had worked, mostly anyways. As Hwyn's eyes had begun to mist over it became clear that the mercenary's resolve had faltered, it was amazing what a few tears could do. The fact that the boy called Cor collaborated so nicely with her was also quite the amusing boon, she liked him. Though he did feel the need to ask for a name. Though perhaps giving a title for their "game" wouldn't be so bad.
"A name for a game? well when you ask that I guess i should think if something, Hmm"
Lightly chewing his bottom lip as he thought as was a habit Hwyn tapped his forehead waiting on an answer.
"you my astute nephew may call me H, for today at least."
It wasn't a total deception it was a letter in Hwyn's name, the only word he could spell as it was. The mercenary seemed to wage an internal war with himself for a moment, some mild amount of irritation evident on his otherwise calm face.
“Sure, you’re welcome to join us for today.”
With that Hwyn immediately closed the water works dabbing at his eyes gently so as not to ruin his make-up. After all Black streaks of eyeliner suited no one but those graving. Hwyn let a small smile creep across his continence. This had turned out to be a small victory indeed. That said The mercenary did do something unexpected, He had reached over and petted his head. That was an alien sensation, not something anyone had done in Sunberth and the gesture was... confusing, if not mildly pleasant. Hwyn allowed his hair to be ruffled hoping that his confusion did not cross his face.
Pulling out a knife the mercenary pulled out a knife and began to dig a divot into the table with it staring at it with an odd amount of intent. Another show of power? The knife was not something that Hwyn himself found particularly intimidating after all scarier people with scarier weapons made up practically half of the population of her hometown. though taking a moment to look away from his knife The mercenary again looked at Hwyn.
“So sis…How’s about we play a game.”
Clapping his hands together lightly in a show of mock excitement Hwyn smiled at the mercenary.
"You know I do love to play games, so what'll it be this time... big brother?"
Yes what was it they were going to be doing, Hwyn had intered the game and the fact that the man was gathering information was clear. But what else was there to the mans plan?

Hwyn - Soul endowed plushie
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by Cor Alspach on February 4th, 2016, 1:14 am

"You my astute nephew may call me H, for today at least."
“H it is,” Cor replied with a little nod. He doubted very much that was the girl’s real name but at least it was something to refer to her by. At least he knew the name of the Knight so he still held some cards. He was still somewhat upset that he hadn’t been quick enough to give himself a nickname to begin with -- though after that ordeal in the ‘Pit it hadn’t worked out too well for him anyway. As long as he didn’t give his complete name or place of residence then he’d be safe enough. Hopefully.
The boy beamed as the Knight allowed the girl to join in their game. It wouldn’t have been quite as much fun if he chased her away now that they were getting along so swimmingly. He did notice the small smile that crept onto the girl’s face and once again wondered if she really knew what she was getting into or if it was all just a game she was playing.
“So any information on Rhov then?” The question from the Knight brought Cor’s attention back to him.
“Ah yeah, right,” he said, taking another slurp of milk and scowling as it was running out faster than he would have liked. “Rhov. Nasty nasty fellow. Happened the day before I met you actually. Here I was just minding my own business in the ‘Coin and out of nowhere he just attacked me!” The boy’s hands flew as he spoke, almost acting out the story where he sat. Then he paused, wondering if that was really the greatest thing to be sharing. With a small shrug he continued “Before he leaped on me I saw him talking to the owner -- Gene, that’s right -- and I’m pretty sure they were making a deal.” One of the boy’s hands slid across his throat in emphasis of the type of deal. “Thing is, I’ve poked my nose around since and I don’t think our pal is just making hits. I’ve heard that he’s hauling people off to whatever place he came from, selling them. Right bout of luck he didn’t do the same with me.” With this Cor gave a nod, crossed his arms, and sat back in his chair with a smug look on his face. He was a strong believer in never letting the facts get in the way of a good story and he really had very few facts with this one anyway. A little ‘purtys’ never hurt anyone though he really hoped these ones would hurt the man who so openly humiliated him.
In the meantime the Knight had pulled a dagger which Cor was somewhat surprised with. He wasn’t scared in the least, no Knight in his right mind would attack an innocent like him, but it was unusual behaviour all the same. Cor sat back up in his chair, eager to hear what kind of game the Knight wanted to play with the girl.
He finished off the cup of milk as he listened.
Cor / Others / 517 words 

Cor Alspach - Player
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by Alexander Faircroft on February 4th, 2016, 2:08 am

Description "Alex Common" Alex thoughts "Myrian" "Fratava" "Others"
The situation had swung to one slightly out of his control now but he still had an angle on the two who he’d followed in. Thanks to the dagger which received strange looks from the two sitting with him at the table. Cor’s inquiry had yielded a letter, not a name. “H” was what they were to call her. Clever. Simply a letter if they were to ask after her they’d get nowhere. Perhaps it would have been a good idea to simply let her into this little bargain. He broke the silence now. “Don’t worry about the dagger. It’s not to intimidate you two it’s for me to keep an eye on something.” His words quiet and soft as always. Now the words from Cor began to pour forth.
Apparently he’d attacked Cor for him simply listening in on a conversation. Alex doubted this highly, primarily as he’d seen Rhov toss a full grown man with little effort. Still the words kept coming, a hit man or a removals man. Nah he was closer to a bounty hunter. The kid had quite possibly mistaken the conversation. Still he couldn’t rule out the possibility given the things he’d seen. Even so Alex then shifted his attention back to the girl at his side. Her eagerness to play the game he was about to set forth was going to be something she’d possibly regret. Alex then glanced over at Cor. “Right then.” He smirked a little.
“You see the two behind me, they’re who I’m watching with this knife.” He shifted his seating again slipping the blade back into its sheath on his belt. “The game is simple, whichever of you two can relieve one of the two of the jokers behind me of their coin gets to keep it. And I’ll turn a blind eye. Primarily as they’re bandits. Now you tow can’t move until I step up to the bar and tell Kevith what’s going on.” With that he rose from his seat leaving the pair to plan an attack between them. Alex stepped up to the bar handing over the coin for the drinks to kevith and borrowing him for a moment.
“You see dumb and dumber over there? Both are bandits who’ve come into the city to recruit. Been sat there for the past two chimes just listening in on them. The two kids I was talking to are going to alleviate them of their possessions in order to get me proof. So don’t say anything.” He smiled and kevith just looked at him queerly. And then eventually slowly nodded.
Good. Let the games begin.
oocHave fun guys this is the bit where you two get to show alex how good you are with your thieving skills 
- Alexander Faircroft
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by Hwyn on February 6th, 2016, 2:00 am
thus the game was afoot. Hwyn grinned, this was indeed an interesting challenge. With the goal set Hwyn began to formulate a plan, how could Hwyn seperate the thugs from their coin without them separating his head from his shoulders? The easiest route was to force the risk onto the boy, after all he had the knight's favor so chances of him getting harmed too badly were slim. So, how to get their attention? Hwyn had decided to play distraction for this particular escapade. Favoring the role that could most be played off as a distraction. Though if worst came to worst and the boy fumbled that too could become an opportunity to snag the coins of the bandits. Either option played to Hwyn's favor, odd's Hwyn liked.
So.. Exectuion now, how to get the plan to play out in Hwyn's favor and still communicate the plan to the boy.
"Allright my dear cor, will you be a magnificent actor for your auntie this evening? I'm going to set a glorious stage, and you my dear must match the beat to the music I play."
Not giving the boy time to respond Hwyn stepped away from the table and walked to the place where the two men where sitting. The next couple steps needed to go off without a hitch, the plan would play out with the help of the two bandits who were about to become unwilling actors on Hwyn's stage. As Hwyn passed behind the two men Fell spilling the still full mug of Ale onto the head of the first bandit. Controlling the fall Hwyn fell in such a way that his dress flipped revealing a hint of posterior and all of his pale thighs for a moment before falling back into a safer position.
The effect was immediate as it was amusing the Bandit standing up to fight the "bastard who poured ale on me" was met with a sight he was unprepared for as he opened and closed his mouth once or twice looking for words. Capitalizing on his speechlessness Hwyn through the act into full gear. The fake tears Hwyn had shown Cor and the knight did not compare to the wet drops that began to stream down Hwyns cheeks, Fixing the bandit with a pitiful stare Hwyn began to apologize profusely.
"I'm so sorry mister, It was an accident honest,Please don't be mad at me I'll get this taken care of..."
The Bandit went from balling his fist to scratching the back of his still damp head. His partner watching the scene unfold silently laughing at his partner who had just been dowsed a clumsy girl.

Hwyn - Soul endowed plushie
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by Hwyn on June 3rd, 2017, 1:28 am
XP Award!
Character 1
XP Award: - Larceny 2
- Flirting 2
- Comstology 1
- Socialization 2
- Disguise 1
- Subterfuge 2
Lore: - Subterfuge Crocodile tears
- Subterfuge Lying
- Subterfuge, implicating actions
Notes: Trial grading wrapping up loose ends. The other two players one retired the other inactive, if circumstances change pm me for a grade please.

Hwyn - Soul endowed plushie
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