Faradae’s spirits sank upon hearing Alija’s last comment. There truly was nothing left for the two of them to do. “You are right,” she acknowledged, shoulders hanging a little. Should all the morning’s running and struggling have been for naught? But it had not been. Although they had failed to track down the reasons behind the dogs’ strange behaviour and the mysterious snow, they had made each other’s acquaintance – and spent an interesting time. Faradae concluded that not every story necessarily had to turn into an epic adventure, that sometimes, there simply was nothing for her to accomplish. Now out of sight of the Cursed Bridge, she ceased walking, sighed and flashed Alija a smile, pushing the disappointment aside. “I’m sorry we couldn’t find out anything useful,” she said. “I hope that you and your dog will be safe nonetheless. I don’t think the phenomenon will reoccur on a regular basis, and if it does, well, I’m sure there’s someone rich who loves their dog and is going to pay a lot of money for a professional team of investigators.” There was nothing left to say except for ‘goodbye’, and Faradae decided not to keep the other woman from her duties elsewhere for too long. “I’ll be on my way,” she said and tipped her head in greeting. “Be safe.” |