Location Anchor of Gold and Earth

This is the place for history and justice.

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

Moderator: Gossamer

Anchor of Gold and Earth

Postby Prophet on February 8th, 2016, 1:51 am

Anchor of Gold and Earth


Just as an anchor is used to tie down strands of the web, this piece of Endrykas ties down everything. In the large golden tent is a record of every pavilion’s lineage, the structure of clan hierarchies, breeding records for striders and livestock as well as some of the transactions of slaves. Some of the Drykas’ history is stored in elegant knotwork creations that start with two threads and weave in more and more every time a new member is added to a family or a new line is introduced into a herd. These line the walls of the tent and dangle from the ceiling. They are elegantly cared for and dyed according to clan affiliation as well as tied with marks to indicate various achievements or positions of note. For instance, gnosis are tied with a symbol of the respective deity. The watchmen and women are tied with the tooth of a wolf. The records are complex and numerous so the art of reading and deciphering as well as weaving them is passed down under a rigorous standard. This makes up the Earth cord of the name for Drykas were born of Semele’s womb and the records of the people are as fundamental as the ground on which they ride.

The golden cord relates to the keeping of law in Endrykas. The Watch may enforce and protect the people but the Topaz clan still preserves order by overseeing disputes and presiding judgments on rulings passed by the conclave of Ankals. The person who sits within the tent is always of the Topaz clan and must be a chosen of Eyris. The marked of this goddess can see through the history of an object and as a seeker of truth, the appointed individual is required to be devoutly aligned with knowledge in his or her life. Knowledge is neither good nor evil; it is fair.

It cannot be stated enough that the selection process for these positions is extremely difficult. Each sage has several apprentices and slowly weeds through them. Families bring intelligent, talented and sometimes physically damaged or limited children here for selection. There is an entirely separate group of people who handle the waves of young Drykas who wade through the applicants before passing the best of the best on to the sages for further schooling. Weaving and the worship of Qayala is taught to those studying under the Earthen cord. The Golden cord uses a variety of skills such as logic, interrogation and rhetoric in their studies. Both schools teach storytelling and faithfulness because discipline is the ultimate sacrifice.


ImageName: Bull
Age: 68
Clan: Topaz
Skills: Storytelling - 66, Interrogation – 63, Singing - 51, Teaching – 49, Webbing – 36, Riding: Horse – 34, Weapon: Longsword - 42
Fluent Languages: Pavi, Shirbi
Basic Languages: Common, Tukant

This hardened man has seen much and spent the first part of his life as a member of the Watch. An injury on an assignment crippled him and prevented him from ever riding again. He has since dedicated his life to Eyris and his word is considered law. Quiet and subtle, the Bull’s questions tend to leave those before him with shaking limbs and sweaty brows. He is very kind to his pupils.

ImageName: Rosemary
Age: 55
Clan: Amethyst
Skills: Weaving - 83, Knot-tying – 69, Teaching – 61, Record Keeping – 55, Ukulele – 41, Storytelling - 39
Fluent Languages: Pavi
Basic Languages: Common

This woman can weave anything. Some say she could weave a strider if she had the right thread. Her pupils fear her passionate outbursts when they fail or create something that is subpar but she dotes on the successes of her students more than any mother in the entire Sea of Grass. There’s a rumor that her hugs could melt the ice of the Northern Wastes. She can find the lineage of a pavilion in seconds amongst the hundreds that dangle and seems to know every single knot even though some were tied hundreds of years before Rosemary was every born.

Player NotePlease PM your ST if seeking conflict resolution.

Credit goes to Jasmine Moonstone and Prophet.
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