PM to join Thyme for a Meeting [Thyme]

Thyme stumbles upon Beodan's abode.

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

Thyme for a Meeting [Thyme]

Postby Thyme on January 11th, 2016, 2:29 am

“Perhaps I cannot handle someone as large as you. Maybe you speak the truth” Thyme stopped for a moment and flopped over into the bed next to Dan and then rolled over onto her side so that she could be face to face with him. “Or perhaps you would prove your own theories wrong hmm?” She ran her right hand down to her side and traced her curves, then she paused as if in thought “And if I can’t take it, there isn’t an owl that could. After all I belong to the largest species of owl“ Thyme chuckled to herself. As the thought of Dan conveniently finding another kelvic, which happened to be an owl as well was vastly improbable and that fact alone made her chuckle. Regardless of her words Thyme’s eyes were filled with lust for Dan, even though she had questioned Dan and his playful banter, as well as her own ability to accommodate Dan. And his large size, Thyme was quite confident in her own abilities. “So, what do you say stallion. Shall we do some experimentation?” she ran her hands down Dan’s lower abs, and to the base of his shaft she would never get tired of the feeling of his toned body. She would pause for a moment and give Dan a moment to take control, or Say something. But right before he could do, or say anything Thyme would look deep into his Dan’s eyes and attempted to get a feel for Dan's wants, and needs.
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Thyme for a Meeting [Thyme]

Postby Beodan Clathony on January 15th, 2016, 3:39 am

Beodan’s brow dipped as Thyme climbed off of him, just as gracefully as before, the loss of her skin’s warm pressure leaving him feeling a little twinge of loneliness. But that was ridiculous, she was in his bed! That was about as far from alone as one could get. He dismissed the feeling, and tuned in to the real world in time to hear the last of her teasing, “...theories wrong, hmm? And if I can’t take it, there isn’t an owl that could. After all, I belong to the largest species of owl!” The largest species... He wondered just how big owls could get. Surely no bigger than an average man’s torso! But, he supposed a bird that big would be quite terrifying if you made an enemy of one. The small tangent had failed to distract him from the seductress in his sheets, what with her hand roaming over her hips and onwards; he was growing more and more aroused by the tick. For living a life of solitude in the woods, this kind of thing was surely happening more often than it should. Maybe it was his host-like personality? Or the flowers in the front? Not that a little company wouldn’t do him good, mind you.

It was her eyes that kept him compliant. Those pools of crystallized tree sap had an exotic beauty to them in even normal interactions. But right now, they were filled with a fiery hunger. A contagious fire, that ignited everything her gaze fell upon! That must be why there was a burning in his chest and abdomen, heat suffusing every capillary in his body. Hah, so she was a goddess after all! “So, what do you say stallion. Shall we do some experimentation?” Oh good, another ‘choice.’ As if the hands slowly leaving a trail of fire down his chest possessively would give him an option. The words on his tongue died as she hit him with a blast of her lustful gaze. He knew, that in that moment, she knew that he did not want to resist, even if he had been able to. He wanted her. And somehow, her knowing made the passion inside him intensify. It was in a moment of lucidity that he realized her hand had not stopped its journey downwards, and he let out a gasp as it reached its destination. He leaned in closer, kissing in the divot just above her collarbone, then up her neck to the edge of her jaw. Encouragement if there ever was.
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Thyme for a Meeting [Thyme]

Postby Thyme on February 5th, 2016, 12:31 am

That small bit of encouragement, was all that Thyme had needed. At this point both of her hands were well past their intended destination, her nimble fingers working in unison to relive Dan's pent up "stress". After all you can only tease for so long, any long and it would have been cruel "well, don't think that you get to have all of the fun, my dear. Surely you didn't think that you would be the main focus of all of my "efforts". She paused and gently grabbed Dan's head pulling him into yet another passionate kiss, she could feel the heat and lust. Almost as if it were radiating off of the surface of his skin, pulling her lips from his own for only a moment she gingerly placed her hands on either side of his face "Dan, I want you to mount me as if I were a mare, and...Don't be gentle" She relinquished her grasp on his face and sat up on the bed. She came to rest on her hands and knees and gave her rear, a playful shake. "Don't keep me waiting all night~" while she would wait, however long or short that amount of time was she moved her hair over her right shoulder and arched her back inwards slightly.
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Thyme for a Meeting [Thyme]

Postby Beodan Clathony on February 8th, 2016, 11:52 pm

Beodan managed to smirk at Thyme’s little jab, despite the obvious distractions he was faced with. The effect, unfortunately, was ruined when his witty retort was turned into a moan thanks to her ministrations. Who knew that such a simple, repetitive motion could produce such an reaction in him. He decided it was a power ordained by the gods, for no man could resist their influences just as no man could resist a determined woman. His hand found the small of her back as he was pulled into a passionate kiss, their lips crushing together with a fervor and desperation of people who know that blissful moments such as these would soon come to an end.

The Stallion felt as if he was glowing, like forged steel, with heat and light. Well, perhaps not the light part, but it sure felt that way. And from the way her skin caressed his, she felt the same. She pulled away from him with swollen lips, placing relatively cool hands on each cheek. Her breath tickled his face as she murmured, “Dan, I want you to mount me as if I were a mare, and...Don't be gentle.” Releasing him, her touch already missed, she positioned herself on all fours. He raised eyebrow. Now was the moment of truth, where they would find out if Great Horned Owls had what it took to run with beasts. Their little wager was soon forgotten in favor of blind desire as the object of his attention shook gently. He approached the mare, spending some extra time to run a hand through her mane. “I always do prefer riding bareback!” he quipped, and proceeded to promptly, and carefully, mount up. And they were off, keeping a brisk pace for who knows how many chimes, before sticking to walk for the last leg of their journey as the first hint of dawn was creeping onto the horizon. As the sun kissed the tops of the trees, both horse and rider had finally found sleep.
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