Winter515AV 35 of 92
Stone bricks lined the pathway of the known Sundial Circle. Crisp cool winds filled the air light snow blanketed the gardens. Hiding all of the shrubberies and bushes as well as flowers that would perhaps grow. The small Pycon walked throughout the pathway and take one little step at a time with his small clay like feet. Tails was starting to grow eager of the walk. Since he is roughly three inches. His little clay feet crunched against the snowy white field of snow. Leaving a trail of small feet behind him. The day was meant to be worshiped as he was one of the religious beings who believed in religion as well as Gods and Goddesses. Today, he meant to praise to Harameus.
But, things change. And he wanted to thank Syna even though the Sundial Circle might not be the best place to praise her. But, Tails felt like he could be alone here within the Gardens of the Sundial Circle. The snow hadn't bothered the young Tails, but the crunching underneath his feet had bothered him like a kid asking multiple questions over and over. Or, someone staring at him because of his physical features. Just because he was made out of clay doesn't mean he could be interrogated by the people of Lhavit. He wasn't the only Pycon though. In fact, his parents were Pycons as well, so they also get the same amount of treatment. Synas light shone brightly as it reflected off of the snow.
Tails looked ahead of him with his little clay head, his fox like ears perked up as he thought he had heard something. Was it just his imagination? Or did it actually happen? The small aura reflected Tails eyes as it floated throughout the Gardens. Shifting and brushing against the dead bushes and snow. And left no noticeable footprints. The aura sensed was one of strangeness. It reminded Tails of the scent of blood. In a way, was it truly a ghost's aura? Tails rubbed his eyes as he didn't want to focus on the aura, but the temptation to understand what it was, was killing him. Not literally though. He attempted to avoid the temptation to begin the process of things to say to Syna. Even though, Syna wasn't Tails official deity. Without light though, Darkness would roam throughout Mizahar. Possibly terrorize the Good and enslave most of them. So as long as there is light, the shadows would be hidden behind.
A bend Tails had took, and he could now see the Circle. It was truly impressive. Well in Tails eyes, something small, but held a lot of importance. If only he was tall enough to see the Sundial Circle. He knew enough about at least. It was Synas Dial that could tell time by shadows that would be cast upon it. The weather grew cold, but did not bother Tails as much as it might when a normal being was exposed. He smiled as he neared the Sundial. A true accomplishment achieved as he had reached the sacred zone.
"Ah, finally. I can rest now."Tails said to himself. He figured that Syna would appreciate him walking all this way and allow him to rest for a few chimes. His little feet managed to walk the long pathway, but it seemed like ages to get here. He took extra effort to sit up on one of the benches he sighed heavily. Staring at the Sundial. He noticed the aura of the historical object. He could sense the history of the object. If only he would touch it, but no, Tails is not that dumb to fall for Overgiving. A consequence for using too much magic. It could end up killing you, and that was what his teacher had been teaching him. To try and control it.
Off a few yards into one of the patches where flowerbeds would might grow more shuffling and rustling was heard about. Tail's fox like ears perked up again, and he had sighed heavily as he turned to look. Nothing, he had spotted nothing out of the ordinary. It was strange though, was it really his imagination? Or... Tail pushed the thought aside. As it didn't bother him much. Perhaps it was just a squirrel or maybe a rabbit? But, the rustling had happened again, and Tails had thought he had heard crunching. But the crunching was coming from the pathway and not the flowerbeds. Tails spoke up concerned "Hello? Who' is there?"