Closed A thieving Miss?(Hwyn)

Piper saves a young fiddler

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A thieving Miss?(Hwyn)

Postby Piper Quinn on December 10th, 2015, 2:55 am

5th of Winter

The young bard sat inside the tavern she often played. Today however she sat with a music book and a vial of ink. Music composition, writing and reviewing already written music. Piper scratched her head looking at the score in front of her and reached for the mug not far from her. It was filled with weak and watered down ale. the bard didn't like to drink, so a warm mixture half weak ale, half water. There was something wrong with this score, she was certain. But what the mistake was eluded her. Maybe she just needed some fresh air.

Piper pushed out her chair and stepped outside the pub. The cold air felt good and the bard was able to clear her mind. A peaceful day, until a squabble not far away broke out. A couple of squires were detaining a young girl in a worn pastel colored dress. Although just a bard, curiosity got the better of her. "Hey um, 'scuse me sirs. What did this girl do?" A thief, she had taken something it seemed. Turning to the girl, she said very bluntly, "Give it back. It's not worth it. It really isn't. Get a bad rep with one shopkeeper and soon they'll all be hawking you and they'll refuse you service. Then what? Give it back and I'll buy you a hot meal, okay? You look like you could use one."

In the bard's mind it was a fair trade, as all the vendors around the area sold food anyway. Then a beaten and battered case caught the bard's eye. "You have a fiddle? You're a bard as well!" Turning back to the squires she asked, "Please sirs, let me handle her from here." Somehow she had persuaded them. The girl was handed off to the bard.

Re-entering the tavern Piper sat the girl down, "What were you thinking? A castle jail is no place for you!"
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A thieving Miss?(Hwyn)

Postby Hwyn on December 10th, 2015, 4:01 am

If there was really a god that governed luck, They decidedly weren't a fan of Hwyn. The day was almost like any other, Hwyn had decided that today would be a good day to find some quiet place to practice playing his fiddle. On his way however the usually mild complaints his stomach gave reminding him of his hunger became decidedly unbearable.

Slowing his pace he had begun perusing the various shops that were available to him in the cooler winter season. As he walked along something red caught his eyes, moving towards it Hwyn realized with a slight smile, that he was looking at one of the final fall crops of apples fresh for stealing. Slowly walking past the stall once Hwyn looked the shopkeeper over, a slightly pudgy man, more comfortable with eating produce than selling it by the looks of it. Chances where the man wasn't likely to be the fastest of runners. Using his usual tactic Hwyn waited close enough to the stall that he could reach it within about ten paces.

So when another customer snagged the man's attention Hwyn made his quick approach and quickly snagged an apple from the side while the man's eyes where on his customer. Had everything gone according to plan it would have been a quick job too, Sadly when Hwyn grabbed one apple he dislodged two more that quickly rolled off of the pile and fell to the ground. By the time the apples had hit the ground Hwyn was already several steps away, but the damage had been one. Proof of this being the sound of someone yelling "Theif!" behind him.

Turning his swift walk into a run Hwyn took off down the street he was on hoping to lose his pursuer in the crowds. Bobbing and weaving through the crowds Hwyn. After a few minutes of running Hwyn came to stop near a place called the rearing stallion taking a moment to catch his breath. Just as Hwyn felt that he had escaped two people grabbed him from either side one grabbing a hold of an arm. Giving a struggling jerk to try to loosen their grip it quickly became evident that Hwyn was not strong enough to break free from his captors, accepting his capture Hwyn hung his head down as the two berated him for his antics and theft.

But as the two were getting ready to drag her away a new voice chimed in. it was a both harsh and concerned voice from the sound of it. Furthermore the voice was Directed at her, Hwyn again found himself on the receiving end of a scolding.

"Give it back. It's not worth it. It really isn't. Get a bad rep with one shopkeeper and soon they'll all be hawking you and they'll refuse you service. Then what? Give it back and I'll buy you a hot meal, okay? You look like you could use one."

Not seeing any other option Hwyn grudgingly handed the apple to the squire who snatched it out of Hwyns hand more violently than was necessary, though that was not all too surprising.

"You have a fiddle? You're a bard as well!"

Hwyn didn't answer, he was no bard, bards had talent. Though this particular moment was not likely a good one to point that out.

"Please sirs, let me handle her from here."

Shrugging the two squires leered at him one more time before heading off. Apparently the youth had managed to take custody of Hwyn from them.The bard proceeded to drag Hwyn into a tavern and push him into a chair at a table before looking back down at him.

Hwyn couldn't meet the bards gaze, instead he stared at the floor as they scolded him. He knew there wasn't much he could do to justify his actions or thank the person who had saved his neck.

"What were you thinking? A castle jail is no place for you!"

"I was hungry, and besides a jail is as good a place as my empty room to stay for someone like me."

Hwyn hated to admit it, but he likely had a better chance of finding a companion on a jail cell than he did wandering the city. He was from the home of crime called Sunberth after all.

"thank you"

That was all the words Hwyn had in him. He knew that the Bard wasn't done with him, but he had little to say in his Own defense. He knew he was in the wrong.
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A thieving Miss?(Hwyn)

Postby Piper Quinn on December 13th, 2015, 4:11 pm

With a sigh the bard slumped back into her chair, "You're lucky I knew those squires... "My name's Piper and... you're welcome..." The bard waved down a waitress, "Two dinner plates, please." She turned to the girl, "I'm a bard of my word! You gave the apple back, so dinner is on me. Just this once." Piper picked up her mug and took a drink of the cooling watered ale. "So, what do people call you? and where is your home?"

Piper looked over the girl, she had somewhat long brown hair. Her pastel dress was dirty and torn. " even have a home?" A look of concern painted the bard's face. Was she alone out here? "Look, if you need a place to stay... I have a place it's not much... But there's a hearth...." Stopping to think, Piper had to admit her simple home had very little to offer but warmth... and shelter from bad weather.

A waitress returned to the table with two plates of hot food. Piper pushed a plate to the girl. "Here, eat." Piper herself readily dug into her own plate of food, yet she kept an eye on the girl. She was so skinny. Surely she couldn't of grown up here in this city. Even the poor of Syliras looked better fed than this one. Still quite curious over why she had been carrying a fiddle, Piper let the girl eat before asking anymore questions as she herself was hungry. The fiddle could wait. "The food here's pretty good, wouldn't you agree?" She gave the girl a warm smile.
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A thieving Miss?(Hwyn)

Postby Hwyn on December 15th, 2015, 2:35 pm

Hwyn was constantly confused by the ways of Sylirans, Choosing to be kind to others when it was easier to keep to ones self. After all every time you stick your neck out for someone, it becomes that easier to lose your head. The bard was a rather skinny person of a lanky build Hwyn only coming up to the bards chin when standing next to them. Beyond that the bard looked worn down, tired from too many different problems in life, and yet they were taking the time to be kind to him. It made Hwyn's chest tighten with a peculiar pain. Then the young bard began to speak again.

"You're lucky I knew those squires... My name's Piper and... you're welcome..."

Hwyn had to guess that that was fortune at work indeed. Certainly, things could have gone much worse had Piper not shown up. Hwyn would have to try and remember the bards name. While Hwyn appreciated the kindness he was being shown it still pained him to receive it, Hwyn didn't deserve kindness he was a wretch and thief to his very core. If Piper knew Hwyn's truth chances where he'd be back on the street in no time, and it was so much easier lying to people who were unkind.

"I'm a bard of my word! You gave the apple back, so dinner is on me. Just this once."

Again Hwyn wasn't really sure how to respond to the bards kindness. It was genuinely overwhelming. Hwyn almost would have preferred the woman yelling at him to her being so kind to him, going so far as to even feed him when she didn't have to. Hwyn felt the unfamiliar sting of tears behind his eyes as he tried to stifle his emotions.

"So, what do people call you? and where is your home?"

The first thing the girl said that Hwyn could actually answer. Trying to hide hi emotions behind a facade of toughness he replied to her questions.

'People tend to call me many things, thief and scoundrel being the foremost of those..., though those who know my name call me Hwyn. My home, is... was in Sunberth."

" even have a home?"

Hwyn looked down at the table, she had had a home before, or somethng that was supposed to be called a home but that had been an unpleasant place that Hwyn had run from for his own sake. If that was what a home was supposed to be then Hwyn didn't need a home.

"Look, if you need a place to stay... I have a place it's not much... But there's a hearth...."

"I'm ok, I was able to get a room in the travelers row for a little while, and you're... already being too nice too me... I really don't deserve it."

Why was it so hard? Why was talking to this person so difficult, things had been getting weirder and weirder since Hwyn had come to this city, the city was Making Hwyn weird just like the rest of the people in it. But know Hwyn started to feel anxious when he took things and sad when people forgave him. Forgiveness wasn't even a concept in Sunberth, but it seemed to be a currency in this damned city.

Then the food arrived, too steaming plates of meat ad potatoes and other ingredients that Hwyn couldn't name, it smelled delicious and looked even more so. Piper, as the bard had said their name was pushed the plate towards Hwyn. Tentatively taking a bite Hwyn tasted the first hot food he had eaten in a very long time, fresh food that almost tasted better just because it wasn't stolen and hastily eaten. Piper seemed to be waiting on Hwyn to take a bite before smiling at him and asking,

"The food here's pretty good, wouldn't you agree?"

Those words finally forced Hwyn to break. The dams that held Hwyn's tears back burst and tears began to stream down his cheeks as his tough act finally faltered. The food was good in fact it was some of the best food Hwyn had ever eaten. Nodding hard Hwyn replied.

"yeah, it's really good, too good for me"

Hwyns tears turned into small sobs it was so frustrating. Why could people be so nice to one another. Didn't they know that the world was a cruel and unforgiving place? that the best way to survive was to push yourself away from everyone else and only care for your own need?

"Why.... are... you... being.... so.... nice.... to .... someone.... like.... me..."

Pained words snuck out between ragged breaths. Hwyn could hardly handle it, he had never really cared about people other than himself and in sunberth that had just been the way it was. But now, here in Syliras he had met people who seemed to genuinely care about him without even knowing him. it made the knot in his chest tighten to unbearable levels as if an iron fist had formed and it was pulling his heart apart.

"I'm... so.... Sorry..."
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A thieving Miss?(Hwyn)

Postby Piper Quinn on December 16th, 2015, 5:08 pm

At the teen's sudden outburst of tears Piper was beginning to put everything together. What this child had been through. The sobbing broke her own heart and she struggled to find the right words. It was funny how sometimes you knew what you wanted to say, but not how to say them. Until she could figure out her words, Piper just sat there a hand rubbing Hwyn's back in an attempt at comfort. "Hwyn, it's alright. It's alright..."

"Why am I being so nice to you?" The bard stopped as if to think, "Because I don't think you're a bad kid. I think, that this is the only way you know to survive. I think you've seen more than anyone your age should of growing up in Sunberth. I also think, that no matter how you did it; coming here, was very brave and something not many twice your age would be able to do. There are other ways of living Hwyn." The bard gave an overwhelmed chuckle of sorts and shook her head in dismay, "And what you were doing in Sunberth was merely surviving, not living. Not living at all..." Piper gave teen a one armed hug. "It's a new city and maybe it's time for a new you. I'll teach you to play that fiddle if you want."

Piper gave a small laugh, "Your food's going cold. I think you should eat up. After that, let's get you cleaned up. Oh, and you're going to stay with me. Like it or not, you're much too young to be out alone. It'll be fun! Besides it sounds like you don't have any family here, and if that's the case I'll be your adoptive sibling! Once you get settled, I'll let you go on your way. But, until then you're stuck with me. The squires will leave you alone if you stay with me too. Now eat."

No human was born evil, or so Piper believed. Bad homes, broken families, and bad choices changed a human's heart. And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't begin to fathom what that city had put this teen through. But it broke her heart. "I'm being nice to you because, that's what I would want if I was in your shoes. For someone, anyone to reach out and find me and help."
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A thieving Miss?(Hwyn)

Postby Hwyn on December 22nd, 2015, 7:29 pm

Letting out his emotions hurt. Possibly more so than holding them in had. Yet at the same time their was a feeling beyond despair, an alien emotion that Hwyn could not define. Choking back his sobs tell the became quiet tremors Hwyn let Piper soothe his aching heart. He didn't have any idea as to how to deal with the kindness being shown.

"Why am I being so nice to you? Because I don't think you're a bad kid. I think, that this is the only way you know to survive. I think you've seen more than anyone your age should of growing up in Sunberth. I also think, that no matter how you did it; coming here, was very brave and something not many twice your age would be able to do. There are other ways of living Hwyn."

Hwyn didn't feel much like that was the case. He had run out of fear not because he was brave, and Hwyn knoew that he had made bad choices that maybe he could have avoided, he was not a god person like she seemed to think. Hwyn knew he wasn't going to amount to much more than a thief, how could he?

"It's a new city and maybe it's time for a new you. I'll teach you to play that fiddle if you want."

At this Hwyn perked up slightly, that did sound very nice. Looking up at Piper Hwyn wiped his eyes. That was something that Hwyn did want to do, His fiddle meant a lot to him and if he could learn to better play it then he would do all that he could.

"Your food's going cold. I think you should eat up. After that, let's get you cleaned up. Oh, and you're going to stay with me. Like it or not, you're much too young to be out alone. It'll be fun! Besides it sounds like you don't have any family here, and if that's the case I'll be your adoptive sibling! Once you get settled, I'll let you go on your way. But, until then you're stuck with me. The squires will leave you alone if you stay with me too. Now eat."

Not really knowing what to say Hwyn merely nodded semi happily before taking aother bite and another his stomach relishing in the food laid before him. Living with another person was a prospect Hwyn was entirely sure about, though perhaps it was not a good idea to question the bard. They seemed so full of conviction that arguing with her would gain him no ground.

"I'm being nice to you because, that's what I would want if I was in your shoes. For someone, anyone to reach out and find me and help."

Maybe that is what Hwyn wanted, his heart was so full of conflict that he didn't entirely know what he wanted, but Pipers enthusiasm seemed to be infectious as Hwyn went along with her enthusiasm forsaking some of his own sadness for the moment. He still couldn't imagine a future where he was a hero but he did want to be able to someday.

"Piper, Uhm... one of the reasons I came to Syliras was because I heard that Heroes lived there. I think that you are the first hero Iv'e met here though. So thank you for being my Hero today."
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A thieving Miss?(Hwyn)

Postby Piper Quinn on January 9th, 2016, 4:37 pm

Piper arched an eyebrow, "Heroes? Do you mean the knights and squires? But, anyone can be a hero. A hero doesn't have to do anything big or dangerous. All you have to do is what is right, and sometimes I guess that can be hard." She took a bite of her own food. Her, a hero? Hmm, maybe.

In between eating her food, Piper began to shuffle her papers together. A sudden thought crossed her mind, "Hey Hwyn, can you read music? I mean notes and what not? Or do you need to be taught?" Bundling up her half-written songs and capping up her ink she cleared the table. The last thing she needed was smudges and food on her scores. Now with a clean space she could eat with no worries. "Pretty good, eh? When I was a kid I thought all tavern food would smell of ale and be soaked in it. I'm glad I was wrong!" She gave a smile.

"Oh! I've been meaning to ask... May I have a look at your fiddle? It looked a little worn when I saw it earlier. I might have to have the local music store owner take a look at it if it's too worn. Gotta get you a case if you don't have one..." Luckily it was early yet, or it was it the bard's eyes. After Hwyn finished her food they'd head to the baths. The poor girl looked as if she hadn't a decent one in a while, plus the tussle from earlier hadn't helped either. Maybe she could get the girl's dress laundered as well...
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A thieving Miss?(Hwyn)

Postby Hwyn on February 8th, 2016, 8:38 pm

Words will be here

As the conversation changed from talk of heroes to Music Piper asked Hwyn a question that he wasn't prepared to answer.

"Hey Hwyn, can you read music? I mean notes and what not? Or do you need to be taught?"

This was followed by the bard showing Hwyn a series of papers covered in symbols Hwyn had never seen before. Shaking his head Hwyn immediately knew that he hadn't the slightest clue as to what the bard was talking about but was loath to admit it.

"I.. I uhm can't read.... Sorry"

Hwyn had never been taught to read. After all he had grown up focusing on learning to survive not learning how to read books. It just wasn't something that had ever come up.

"Oh! I've been meaning to ask... May I have a look at your fiddle? It looked a little worn when I saw it earlier. I might have to have the local music store owner take a look at it if it's too worn. Gotta get you a case if you don't have one..."

Gingerly setting the Violin on the table Hwyn nodded. He trusted the woman to know better than to smash something so valuable. After handing it over Hwyn devoured the rest of his food. Not leaving a morsel on the plate. It had been much to long since Hwyn had gotten such a meal and his stomach lay silent in appreciation for the first time in a long while.

"Thank you, for the food."

Then Hwyn waited to see what the Bard thought of the instrument. It was the first time he had run into another musician in Syliras and he was somewhat curious as to what he could learn.

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A thieving Miss?(Hwyn)

Postby Piper Quinn on February 9th, 2016, 10:47 pm

Piper blinked a few times at Hwyn's answer. Wait, did this mean that Hwyn couldn't read at all? "No one ever taught you to read books? Is that a common thing among the children of Sunberth? If it is, it's no wonder why the city never improves." The bard looked away. Just how much of a hell was Sunberth? Hopefully Piper would never have to find out and Hwyn would never have to return there. "Well learning to read musical scores can be pushed back. There is too much to learn from books. Too many stories to read. I'll try and teach you the best I can. There's no other way, it looks like I'm gonna have to have you stay with me until I feel you're ready, of course that is if you're okay with that." The bard nodded.

She watched as Hwyn placed the fiddle and bow on the table with such a gentle touch it made Piper smile. That small action told her much about the young girl seated next to her. This fiddle meant so much to Hwyn. With a soft smile she picked up the worn fiddle with perhaps even a lighter touch than Hwyn had. It was her way of showing that she understood just how much the instrument meant to Hwyn. Piper gave the fiddle a quick look over before placing it back on the table.

Next she picked up the bow which had many of the horse hair strings hanging from it. In fact more seemed to hang than were attached to both ends of the bow. Moving her hand Piper held the bow as if she were about to preform on an invisable fiddle, her fingers checking the grip. Once satisfied with what she had found she turned to Hwyn. "First thing, these hair strings need to be replaced. Don't worry though it's an easy fix, they break pretty regularly. Now I like to keep things.... authentic by not mixing cultures. My fiddle hails from Avanthal so when my hairs break I put in an order for those from the horses from there. Now tell me, this fiddle and bow are both from Sunberth, correct? So the hair should be of whatever horses are easiest to find around there. Beyond the strings, everything looks good on your bow." She handed the bow to Hwyn.

Reaching over to her side Piper placed a case on the table producing her own bow. "Now for a better look at the fiddle." Piper placed the fiddle under her chin and ran her own bow over the strings, playing simple scales. As she played at certain notes she made a face and she inspected the head of the instrument. "I see..." She muttered messing with the tuning knobs. "It's pretty out of tune, some notes more than others. But your tuning knobs feel a little too loose in my opinion, so I'm not going to try and tune it myself. I'll have Miss Sina take a look at it, she owns Wildwood Music."

With the table cleared and the plates taken away Piper gave a very unlady-like stretch. "Now that you're full, let's get you cleaned up. Those Squires got you all dirty. So we'll head to The Soothing Waters from here, take a bath and get your dress cleaned. I have to make a stop at the market after that. Unless that's too much for you, then I'll just get the extra blankets and whatnot tomorrow morning." The bard smiled and tilted her head to the side. She didn't want to overwhelm Hwyn.
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A thieving Miss?(Hwyn)

Postby Hwyn on February 10th, 2016, 11:52 pm

Not having too much to say to the woman about her thoughts and comments on Sunberth and the ability to read Hwyn just nodded. Their wasn't much to be said or elaborated on. Nor did Hwyn have any desire to elaborate his life in Sunberth. The offer to teach Hwyn to read was a welcome option, it had been something he had been wanting to learn. As for living with Piper, well that was something that Hwyn was unsure of, he hadn't lived with anyone since he had fled Sunberth, and his life had been relatively easier even with the loneliness. The dangers of living with people where just rather high... but the bard seemed so nice.

Holding his breath as the bard looked over his instrument. He hadn't let many people look over it, even less people hold it. Though he learned a fair bit about his instrument as to what was wrong with it. On top of that the woman seemed to know people who could repair Hwyn's instrument. That brought him some mild amount of joy. A small smile crawling across his lips, he might actually learn to play well that was something he'd thought wouldn't happen any time soon.

"Now that you're full, let's get you cleaned up. Those Squires got you all dirty. So we'll head to The Soothing Waters from here, take a bath and get your dress cleaned. I have to make a stop at the market after that. Unless that's too much for you, then I'll just get the extra blankets and whatnot tomorrow morning."

Nodding slowly Hwyn agreed silently to let the bard take him to the places they had listed, he hadn't heard of the soothing waters before, though he hadn't been in Syliras too long.


Hwyn wanted to trust the bard it would be nice to have someone who could teach him to play and read, things he had never had a chance learn in sunberth.
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