by Dove Brown on February 14th, 2016, 10:44 pm
"I do know," she said quietly. "But now isn't the time to talk about it - another day maybe." Her mother's death wasn't exactly news to Mithryn, or her father's grief, or the damage the storm wrought - but he wanted hope, not hate. When he said he'd grieved, she nodded. "What I've seen - when you lose someone, you don't forget them. You miss them. Life isn't the same afterwards, but you can let them go, and, well, it's not been bad since..." Since she escaped the prison of Syliras's walls, since she escaped living with her father and the blame he piled on her, since she came home to Mithryn and open skies and a place of her own.
A place she didn't even know was still standing, she realised with a sickening feeling inside. She closed her eyes for a moment and swallowed hard, driving the lump down, out of her throat into her belly. "Some people don't let go so easily, and that's when folk get hurt." She looked sideways at him. "Sometimes they hurt themselves too." She tipped her head back to watch the smoke wind its way up past the dawn sky and vanish amongst the clouds. "But another day rolls in, and life goes on. You make the most of it, if you're wise." She wasn't wise, but she felt old next to his drivenness. She sensed eyes watching her, taking her in, but kept her own gaze on the sky. Farming had a rhythm and a virtue to it that she loved, but there were days when she just wanted to take herself up into the depths of the sky and outwait whatever grief was happening on the ground. It didn't matter what was happening, the sky was there, and she could turn to it for comfort. Except when she was trapped in Syliras. She took a slow breath, then another. The cold air bit into her throat, and she swallowed once more.
Very busy at work. May not be around much for a while.
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