Title of Business Bare Fists and Broken Bones "Where you learn to avoid the second, using the first" Concept: Bones, having formerly been an instructor at the Iron Fist School of Combat in Nyka, has since moved to Sunberth. There he decided to start his own smaller training facility for the general population, or whomever wants to learn how to fight, regardless of group affiliation or usefulness to the gangs. Since there is already a specific gang affiliated training facility with a focus on armed combat, Bones decided to focus instead on fighting without weapons, or unarmed, and for anyone who wishes to learn, whether young or old. Business Type: Service Services offered: Children's Introductory Course: 4 GM/ person/class (Limited to children younger than 13 yrs old- or the equivalent age if non-human.) Basic Training, Group Session: 6 GM/person/class (To Competent) Basic Training, Individual Session: 9 GM/person/class (To Competent) Advanced Training, Group Session: 18 GM/person/class (To Expert) Advanced Training, Individual Session: 22 GM/person/class (To Expert) - The Children's course is meant for the young to learn the basics of defending themselves. With Sunberth being as rough and tumble as it is, being young does not mean you won't be the target of violence. With that in mind there is a course specifically for such under age students, with a main focus on protecting oneself from larger and stronger foes, and various basic defensive techniques. - Basic training sessions are meant for the novice just learning to fight with unarmed combat, or without any base fighting knowledge. They are mainly copy and instruction based, where one follows the teacher and does as he does, with occasional practical examples and sparring, or use of dummies. Group classes are usually larger than those in more advanced classes, as there is little need for direct one on one instruction. In the case of solo sessions, more focus is given on the one student, usually allowing them to learn faster through direct feedback and immediate correction. - Advanced sessions are meant for those already knowledgeable of the basics, and moving into more advanced fighting. It focuses mainly on practical applications and actual fighting, with a main focus on sparring, and occasional technique instructions. Group classes are usually smaller than those in basic classes, allowing for more focus on each individual student. In solo sessions the student usually spars directly with the instructor, allowing direct and immediate feedback and correction. Base Income: Teacher/Instructor 10 GM /day (the actual teacher pay range is 1-15 gm, but I was told to use 10 gm for his job as a combat teacher, so I've put that in.) Skill Bonus: Unarmed combat (Expert): (X3) 30 GM/ day Sales Bonus: 20% GM /day Total Income: W/ Sales Bonus 36 GM /day 3,276 GM /Season 13,104 GM /year Assets: Training Room- 1000 GM, 400 sq ft. Courtyard, Simple- 500 GM, 400 sq ft. Bedroom, Simple- 350 GM, 400 sq ft. Total Building: 1,850 GM- 25% = 1,387 GM, 5 SM 1,200 sq ft. Land, (less than 1/4 of an acre): 100 gm X 8 Practice Dummy, Simple- 80 GM X 4 Punching Bags- 20 GM Total Cost: 1,587 GM, 5 SM Debts: -As Bones has the funds to cover it, he'll be paying this out of pocket. |