OOC Info Spring 516 AV - Calendar & Registry

All the info you'll need for Spring 516 AV

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

Moderator: Gossamer

Spring 516 AV - Calendar & Registry

Postby Prophet on February 26th, 2016, 3:07 am

Endrykas Spring 516 AV Registry

Spring is here.

Everyone loves Springtime! For one, it means that winter is over and Morwen has returned to Avanthal. Warmer weather means better hunting and easier travel. It also means renewal which is important for the Drykas given the tragic events of last winter. Those who remain look ahead for brighter days and brighter futures. The flowers are in bloom and the animals are feisty. Normally, Spring sees the numbers in Endrykas shrink but with so much loss, there is still a large number of people within Tent City.

All PCs must register for the season.

Code: Select all
[b]PC Name:[/b]
[b]Purpose for being in Endrykas:[/b]
[b]Duration of stay:[/b]
[b]Character Sheet:[/b]
[b]Character Goals:[/b] [list]
[*] [/list]
[b]PCs you'd like to interact with:[/b] [list]
[*] [/list]


If you require any extra information or clarification on any of events listed below, please feel free to contact Prophet via PM.

E V E N T S & W E A T H E R

Calendar :
[D]- Details will be provided once an event is claimed
[M]- Moderated thread

1-4 Image Chilly

-1st- The events of last season have drawn a higher number than usual to the city. People are scared and unsure of what the future holds. Tensions are high and smiles are few.

-2nd- The normal celebration to welcome spring is postponed due to inclement weather. Many gather with their neighbors and have smaller parties to try and raise hope for the coming season after the tragedies that befell the Drykas over the winter.

5-10 Image Cool

-5th- The break in the rain has everyone scrambling for food, even the animals. Hunting will be good.

-6th- The New Life Celebration is rescheduled for the 9th.

-9th- The New Life Celebration is opened and promises to be quite the ordeal. This is one of the few times where clans are encouraged to forgo their strictly held allegiances and intermingle. Most wear plain clothing and avoid colorful trappings. This is also because there are several games that involve mud including wrestling, tug-of-war and a chicken chase.

-10th- Several people report thefts of food and basic items in the days following the festival. [D]

11-13 Image Hot

-12th- It seems that Syna doesn’t know what season it is. The temperatures reach such heights that most work is suspended as people spend their time fetching water for themselves and their animals. Many of the newly born animals will need special care from trained individuals.

-13th- The sudden change in temperature has the rivers and water holes bustling with life. For those with the abilities, hunting and fishing will be good.

14-18 Image Humid

-14th- A strange haze settles over the Tent City and the Sea of Grass that is thick and oppressive. It makes breathing difficult and visibility tricky. People are encouraged to remain close to their pavilions by the Watch.

-17th- More thefts are reported and the discussion of increased patrols is set in motion.[D]

-18th- The Featherwild pavilion asks for help in locating several of their members and livestock. [D]

19-22 Image Warm

-20th- Rain drives the fog away and the warm weather makes for excellent fishing.

-21st- The fluctuating weather has caused a fever outbreak. The River Flower is packed full and has to open more tents to house the ill. All those skilled in healing, herbalism and other care related arts are asked to help out. [D]

23-28 Image Pleasant

-26th- A large gathering is held to mourn those who died from the fever. Outside the city, a memorial is erected at the foot of a long row of bodies that have been prepared to be reclaimed by the Sea of Grass. [D]

29-38 Image Miserable

-29th- Torrential rains overtake the region along with violent storms. People scramble to tie down their belongings and corral their livestock. Ferem warns that worse is still to come.

-32nd- The rains and storms continue. The spiritual bemoan the situation claiming that the Drykas have angered Zulrav. The real danger lies with flash floods capable of sweeping a pavilion into oblivion.

-36th- Water covers every inch of Semele’s skin as the Moresta river can’t seem to drain the area fast enough. So much is ruined already. People wonder if it will ever stop raining.

39-43 Image Humid

-39th- The clouds leave and Syna returns. The clean-up begins but it is slow in such a swampy and humid mess.

44-47 Image Humid

-44th- The aftermath of the rains is still being dealt with but it has become more than just cleaning up and drying out. More pavilions make their way into the city because the weather’s brutal force has stripped them of their ability to sustain themselves. The Watch asks for volunteers to help relocate the new families as well as ration out supplies. [D]

48-53 Image Nice

-48th- More thefts are reported and with the increase in population, talk is heard of vigilantism. The Watch goes on high alert but reveals the results of their previous investigations and asks for volunteers to aid in this task. They also plead with the Ankals to not seek justice on their own. [D]

-49th- The Underwatch brings a woman found in the tunnels to the city; her tale takes a while to unravel and no one is allowed to see her.

54-56 Image Cool

-54th- The cooler air has brought the animals to life. Hunting will be excellent though some mating seasons have begun and caution is advised.

-55th- A problem has been discovered amongst the birds of the region. All those willing to help investigate are asked to meet with a falconer who has offered to lead the expedition. [M]

57-71 Image Hot

-58th- It is revealed that the woman from the tunnels was a slave working a mine somewhere in the Sea of Grass. She claims the slavers are from Kenash and they are searching for some kind of artifact. The Watch forms a team of volunteers and Watchmen to investigate. The journey will be long and hard and it begins in the tunnels. [M] Clear a week from your PC calendar.

-61st- The heat begins to take its toll on the city but spirits are high as trade and enterprise have finally seemed to recover from the horrible storms.

-66th- The continued heat has slowed the progress of many things but the Drykas are hopeful as some of the pavilions begin to move along making the city less crowded.

-70th- People are tired of the heat. Days are spent doing nothing and nights are spent outside trying to feel a breeze.

72-75 Image Warm

- A man shows up in Endrykas. He is not Drykas and looks to be half dead. He tells a tale of a grass bear attack that is completely ridiculous. The Watch tries to decide if an investigation is even warranted. [D]

76-80 Image Humid

-77th- The weather finally makes for good hunting and everyone is encouraged to get out and gather what game they can before it’s time to move on for summer.

-79th- Bugs and flies overrun the city. No one’s happy.

81-85 Image Humid

-82nd- Thunderstorms spook cattle but the rain drives the bugs away. Pavilions post sentries to keep the livestock from running off amidst the booming thunder and vivid lightning.

-83rd- Spearback mating season is in full effect. Hunters caution certain locations to avoid because the creatures are so dangerous.

86-88 Image Nice

-86th- It’s the perfect day. If love ever chose a setting, this would be it.

89-91 Image Hot

-90th- Final preparations are made for the journey to the summer grounds. This includes a lot of drinking.


If you wish to claim one of these events you can post here, but must start a thread within 24 hours of claiming the event or your claim will not hold. You must finish one claim before starting another. Moderated events cannot be claimed; if you wish to participate in a moderated event you must fill in the signup form below and post it to my Office.

Event Signup Form

Code: Select all
[b]PC Name:[/b]
[b]Skills you want to improve:[/b]
[b]Moderated thread (date):[/b]
[b]Your interest in this thread:[/b]
[b]Something you're willing to lose:[/b]
[b]Can your PC sustain an injury:[/b]
[b]Preferred outcome:[/b]



Spring 516 AV: New Challenge Format: there are two groups; Personal (on your own) & Social (with another PC).
  • Complete at least 2 of each and receive choice of a 5 GM purse or a special item designed for your character of similar value.
  • Complete at least 3 of each and receive choice of a 10 GM purse or a special item designed for your character of similar value.
  • Complete at least 5 of each and receive choice of a 20 GM purse or a special item designed for your character of similar value.

1. You cannot cover more than three seasonal goals in a single thread.
2. The thread must be at least 1500 words long.
3. Please be sure to include detail when completing your challenges. I reserve the right to deny anyone for lack of effort. The challenges are used to encourage everyone to think and write. Simply restating the challenge in a thread will not suffice.



    + Help someone get revenge
    + Help a friend with his or her job
    + Kiss a stranger
    + Debate religion with someone
    + Challenge someone to a contest of his or her choosing
    + Break an item belonging to someone else
    + Pretend to be in a relationship
    + Pick flowers for someone


    + Work hard at a task and then fail
    + Have a good, hard cry
    + Set a goal then achieve it (two separate threads)
    + Get sick for a minimum of 2 days
    + Spend some time tending to your animals and/or belongings
    + Fall off your strider at a high rate of speed OR get injured by a fast-moving strider
    + Get dressed up for something special
    + Learn something new (must be done over 2+ threads or a minimum of 2000 words)

I thank you all for your time and creative genius. Now go write tales of awesomeness!!
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Spring 516 AV - Calendar & Registry

Postby Amunet on February 26th, 2016, 3:27 am

PC Name: Amunet
Purpose for being in Endrykas: Live and work in Endrykas
Duration of stay: half of the season, traveling to riverfall for half
Character Sheet: Amunet's CS
Character Goals:
  • Complete the spring plot
  • Amunet is learning more about her strengths as a person.

PCs you'd like to interact with:
  • Riverfall folks
  • someone new
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Spring 516 AV - Calendar & Registry

Postby Azmere on February 26th, 2016, 3:32 am

PC Name: Azmere
Purpose for being in Endrykas: Resident
Duration of stay: Forever
Character Sheet: CS
Character Goals:
  • Beefcake
  • Do more seasonal goals
  • Rebuild
PCs you'd like to interact with:
  • Akasja
  • Cool folk
Attn: GradersObservation is maxed. Thank you for all your hard work.

where do you go when you don't know who you are?
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Spring 516 AV - Calendar & Registry

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on February 26th, 2016, 3:36 am

PC Name: Jasmine Moonstone
Purpose for being in Endrykas: Living and working
Duration of stay: All season
Character Sheet: Jasmine's CS
Character Goals:
  • learn to hunt
  • hopefully buy a few animals to keep around her pavilion

PCs you'd like to interact with:
  • anyone
  • again anyone is cool with me

The Clan is Strength.
The Clan is Life.
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Jasmine Stormblood
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Spring 516 AV - Calendar & Registry

Postby Graham Whipmane on February 26th, 2016, 6:25 am

PC Name: Graham Whipmane
Purpose for being in Endrykas: Resident
Duration of stay: Forever!
Character Sheet: Here
Character Goals:
  • Figure out Career Path
  • Some drama!

PCs you'd like to interact with:
  • Azmere!
  • And everybody else!

*Replies will be slower until Jobthread's have been completed*
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Spring 516 AV - Calendar & Registry

Postby Merevaika on February 26th, 2016, 6:23 pm

PC Name: Merevaika
Purpose for being in Endrykas: Trying to hold on to the last thing she has left of normality and the theft opportunities.
Duration of stay: I will never leave! Even after being chased out/exiled!!
Character Sheet: Here it is!
Character Goals:
  • Pathfinding
  • Steal a lot of things and try not get caught
PCs you'd like to interact with:
  • There are so many good PCs in Endrykas, don't make me pick!
  • Seriously, no one specific. Preferably people who have things to be stolen.

Why are you teasing torturing us like this?
Pavi Common

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Spring 516 AV - Calendar & Registry

Postby Garnet Sunsong on February 26th, 2016, 9:19 pm

PC Name: Garnet Sunsong
Purpose for being in Endrykas: Resident
Duration of stay: Forever
Character Sheet: CS link
Character Goals:
  • Join a PC run Pavilion
  • Juicy plots and drama maybe... or just play with chickens and horses

PCs you'd like to interact with:
  • literally
  • everyone
| Common | Pavi |
xXx pavi=#D99126
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Garnet Sunsong
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Spring 516 AV - Calendar & Registry

Postby Seirei Dawnwhisper on February 27th, 2016, 2:24 pm

PC Name: Seirei Dawnwhisper
Purpose for being in Endrykas: Resident
Duration of stay: Forever
Character Sheet: Seirei
Character Goals:
  • continue to learn/build skills that will help her survive now that she's no longer a captive
  • work towards opening a shop of her own
PCs you'd like to interact with:
  • Naiya Dawnwhisper
  • anyone else who wants to

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Seirei Dawnwhisper
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Spring 516 AV - Calendar & Registry

Postby Kaitanu on February 28th, 2016, 1:33 am

PC Name: Kaitanu
Purpose for being in Endrykas: Kai lives with the Blackwater Pavilion
Duration of stay: Indefinite
Character Sheet: Link
Character Goals:
  • To learn combat skills, hand-to-hand and with weapons
  • To gain more friends and improve interpersonal skills
  • To find a purpose beyond just being subservient

PCs you'd like to interact with: Anyone! The more, the merrier!

Common- Fluent
Pavi "spoken" and signed- Basic
Equine Language- Fluent
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Spring 516 AV - Calendar & Registry

Postby Waisana on February 29th, 2016, 11:48 pm

PC Name: Waisana
Purpose for being in Endrykas: Lives and works here
Duration of stay: All season (as far as I know)
Character Sheet: Waisana
Character Goals:
  • Improve riding (the horse kind obviously ;) )
  • Improve herbalism
  • Heal some folks

PCs you'd like to interact with:
  • People who get hurt a lot. Come to me so that I can experiment with heal you!
  • Folks who have nothing to do with medicine because Wai has to do something other than her job and get out of her shell (whether she likes it or not)

Active threads: 2 of 5
2 Quest threads


Pavi | Grassland sign | Common | Speech of others

Pavi | Grassland sign | Common | Speech of others
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