Sunberthians, celebrate! We've survived the harsh winter and now can reap the rewards of a pleasant, warm spring... Right?
Probably not. This is Sunberth after all, the most dangerous and criminal and delicious of cities in Mizahar! If you're planning to write in Sunberth in Spring 516AV, please complete the below form. We're going to face a hard time this season, guys, so do be nice to each other
PC Name:
Age & Sex:
Character Summary: Keep it short'n'sweet! Why might someone want to thread with you? Does your PC have a dark, sordid history they're trying to run away from? Do they have an impressive button collection? Share with us anything that might help make your PC stand out
Character Loyalties/Groups: In Sunberth, where your loyalties lie are pretty important. Is your PC a member of any gangs, or religious groups? Do they *want* to join any of these?
Purpose of being in Sunberth: Resident? Visitor? Other?
What are your character goals for this season?: Be specific! Is there anything you really want your PC to experience this season? Is there something you really wouldn't want to happen to them?
What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: Do you want to write more edgy, violent threads? Want to branch into your softer and more romantic side? Let us know!
What made you chose Sunberth as a domain?
Favourite type of thread?: Social? Violent? Romance? Other? Tell us!
Do you require Moderator Assistance?:
Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?:
Additional Comments:
Probably not. This is Sunberth after all, the most dangerous and criminal and delicious of cities in Mizahar! If you're planning to write in Sunberth in Spring 516AV, please complete the below form. We're going to face a hard time this season, guys, so do be nice to each other

PC Name:
Age & Sex:
Character Summary: Keep it short'n'sweet! Why might someone want to thread with you? Does your PC have a dark, sordid history they're trying to run away from? Do they have an impressive button collection? Share with us anything that might help make your PC stand out
Character Loyalties/Groups: In Sunberth, where your loyalties lie are pretty important. Is your PC a member of any gangs, or religious groups? Do they *want* to join any of these?
Purpose of being in Sunberth: Resident? Visitor? Other?
What are your character goals for this season?: Be specific! Is there anything you really want your PC to experience this season? Is there something you really wouldn't want to happen to them?
What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: Do you want to write more edgy, violent threads? Want to branch into your softer and more romantic side? Let us know!
What made you chose Sunberth as a domain?
Favourite type of thread?: Social? Violent? Romance? Other? Tell us!
Do you require Moderator Assistance?:
Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?:
Additional Comments:
- Code: Select all
[size=150]Character Registration[/size]
[b]PC Name: [/b]
[b]Age & Sex:[/b]
[b]Character Summary:[/b] Keep it short'n'sweet! Why might someone want to thread with you? Does your PC have a dark, sordid history they're trying to run away from? Do they have an impressive button collection? Share with us anything that might help make your PC stand out
[b]Character Loyalties/Groups: [/b]In Sunberth, where your loyalties lie are pretty important. Is your PC a member of any gangs, or religious groups? Do they *want* to join any of these?
[b]Purpose of being in Sunberth: [/b]Resident? Visitor? Other?
[b]What are your character goals for this season?: [/b] Be specific! Is there anything you really want your PC to experience this season? Is there something you really [i]wouldn't[/i] want to happen to them?
[b]What do you as a WRITER want to achieve this season?: [/b]Do you want to write more edgy, violent threads? Want to branch into your softer and more romantic side? Let us know!
[b]What made you chose Sunberth as a domain?[/b]
[b]Favourite type of thread?:[/b] Social? Violent? Romance? Other? Tell us!
[b]Do you require Moderator Assistance?: [/b]
[b]Are You Willing to Guest Moderate?: [/b]
[b]Additional Comments:[/b]