by Kavala on December 10th, 2009, 3:33 am
Kavala had waited nervously for most of the meeting, quietly sitting in one of the empty chairs near the front. She'd been surprised that the seats had filled up quickly, having had no experience with these sorts of meetings in Endrykas. The city was mobile, informal, and didn't have the logistical problems that a city that never moved did. She had paperwork, hours of sketches she'd done from hand. It had been a healing of sorts, from the capture and abuse, to sit in the sun and think about the future. The past was too painful to think about sometimes, so she'd channeled her energy and indeed her hopes into the one facility she thought Riverfall could use.
So when Nevar Chivan opened up the floor, Kavala glanced around, noted no one was rising, and herself rose. She didn't know if the Lord of Riverfall had any idea of who she was, but it didn't matter in the long run, not really. Hopefully they'd know her name when the meeting was over. The konti woman strode around the seats in front of her and beside her, to walk down the center of the meeting hall to the public podium located in the center. She wasn't afraid of speaking in crowds, though it was usual that the entire crowd was mostly comprised of males. Clearing her throat and rustling her vellum papers... Kavala got started.
"I wish to thank the people of Riverfall for their hospitality. Two months ago I was a prisoner of a caravan bound for zith territory. I was taken when my horse, through my carelessness, went down after hitting a tripwire. It was the worst day of my life. And it was what I thought would be the end of my life. I was rescued though, when an Akalak group raided the caravan and liberated the women who were enslaved within it. When I was taken, there was nine women with me. When the Akalak men struck down the caravan mercenaries, there were only seven left. I do not think many of those would have lived to see the Zith, and certainly they would not have lived much past meeting them. So I am here today because the brave men and women of this city do things to free people. I know that there has been a statement that no debt is owed. But there is a debt of life... a huge debt. It is one I wish to repay."
Kavala said gently, her voice growing stronger and bolder as she spoke.
"I noticed that while you have a very nice healing facility here in Riverfall, there is no healing facility for animals. I know there is a high population of kelvcs here... I've come to understand Riverfall imports unwanted kelvics females. I have two main skills... animal husbandry and medicine. Along with that I have a deep and profound faith in Rek'keli, and she's marked me with her healing. I would like to open a clinic... a healing facility for animals and kelvics, for even people with a bestial nature need their beasts cared for as well as their human sides. In addition to this, I'd like a boarding facility attached to the clinic so that not only do visitors to Riverfall have a place to stable their horses, but they can have a place to purchase horses when they leave or are in need. Riverfall lacks a stable, and an animal clinic needs a place to house those larger sick creatures as well. Now, I do not have a business mind. Finances confound me because I come from a place where barter and trade fuel the world, not mizas. But I've heard that Riverfall helps people start businesses, provides them a place to work, and so long as their business is needed and successful, those that work hard will be rewarded. I think I can give back to Riverfall and provide a much needed service... for the people and their animals. I would need a facility... a large building with living quarters and a barn that has at least twenty stalls if not more. An arena would be nice but not necessary, so I could teach younger horses and do rehabilitation for those creatures that need it as part of their healing. The edge of town, near where there is grazing would be preferable, though we could make due in town."
Kavala took a few breaths, shuffled her paperwork, and read down a list.
"I would need two stable hands in my employment for general labor, an assistant in the clinic, and perhaps a groundskeeper or housekeeper inside. I would like to be able to pay these people good salaries so that they are happy at their work. I myself would like a salary of ten gold mizas a day... which is a fair wage for a competent animal husbandry specialist, someone trained in medicine... of which I will improve the skill... and a healer of Rek'keli. I would not ask for any additional amount, though I would like the right to live in the facility and hopefully have room for the assistant to live as well. I have someone in mind... someone I suspect is more than competent. In addition, we might breed horses for the populace... and do whatever community outreach work we can. I would like to make this healing service affordable and if necessary free in that it would be a sanctuary for those that need a place to stay and recover. We can cover the expenses, I suspect, by the profits made from the sale and boarding of the horse side of the business."
Kavala said gently, then took a breath. "All I need is a facility, the money to acquire supplies, and the ability to pick the first horses for the startup. I ask no more of the profits, and I would anticipate that the facility would be self supporting if not profitable within a year." Kavala said, finally drawing to a close on her sales pitch.

Please Note:
- This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
- Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
- This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
- Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.