I am a writing machine- quite literally Hello, my dearest Sylirans. I am the newest AS to this fantastic area, and it is my task and my pleasure to start gathering all the little tidbits that are collecting dust in Dusk’s or any of the other AS’s offices. Once I have these threads and such in my clutches, I will be using them for my own diabolical purposes: reading them and then awarding XP. No joke. I am seriously low on good reading material, guys, so it’s up to you to keep me entertained. I’m pretty new to the whole XP thing, though, so I’ll have to ask you to bear with me. I’m open to criticism, of course, as long as it is polite, and I will re-read most anything if there is dispute on what is awarded to see if I missed something. Warning: I can't guarentee that my decision will change, but I will give it second look. If there is anything you have already posted in one of the other offices, please do not repost it here. I will be checking with all my 'associates' to see where to start, so I just need a little time. Anything new, though, can be placed here if you trust me (or if you value speed over experience). I will work on the requests in the order that I get them because, after all, that is the most logical way to do it. Like in the other offices, I would be greatly appreciative if you could set up your requests in the following format: Thread Name: Characters: Timestamp: Summary/Notes: I can’t say what all else I’ll be working on in the area, but I’m sure it will be interesting; and I can’t wait to get started. Ready, Set, GO! |