8th Day of Spring, 516
Draven ran a hand through his hair before sighing, somewhat unprepared for his latest assignment, he was to be a stable hand for the day. Draven had no ability when it came to caring for horses, nor did he have much of an interest in them for example. But being contacted to take care of this for a single day wouldn’t be too bad as long as it put some money in his pockets. He stood outside one of the barns, apparently the horses ready for sale were kept here, or so he was he told. ”Now where’s the person I’m supposed to be assisting at?” He muttered to himself as he looked around, he knew that he was a good bit early, but he was also a slightly impatient person.
Draven walked up to one of the horses sticking their heads out of what appeared to be a window, the top part of the paddock door. ”Ya alright there buddy? Need some air huh?” Draven spoke to the horse as if he expected some sort of reply back. ”Don’t worry, imma only be here today, then get straight outta your hair.” He said with a small chuckle giving the animal a rub on the head, though unlike dogs horses didn’t seem to give that big a reaction.
He saw the animal looking at him, Draven couldn’t read animals so he just reacted by talking about himself. ”Well you see, I’m a mercenary, not only that but I offer to do anything...You get what I mean? So what this means is that I do anything for money, even clean horse shyke.” Draven said patting the animal once more, however the horse sneezed right at that moment. The direction just so happened to be in Draven’s face, as mucus landed on his face Draven removed his hand from the horse and deadpanned. ” Yeah....Imma have to let go of our friendship now.” He said with a frown, his hand twitching at his side.