Hiya. I stumbled across Mizahar earlier today and quickly became downright enamored with the setting. I have a concept I'm currently hammering out, but wanted to hit on a few questions and clarifications relevant to the characters background, as well as general setting/lore stuff. I'm a tad uncertain as to where to direct each specific question, as some would seem more appropriate for the Syliras RS or DS's while others re much more generalized.
I understand that in Syliras there is no major criminal element, but I was looking for more information on child offenders. As well as what offenses are considered minor, constitute corporal punishments vs fines vs forced labor. From my understanding thus far, in so far as adults are concerned, is criminals are met with either capital punishment (in apprehension), fines, or hard labor. Would the same be true for children?
My next question is more of a general lore one. I may have missed it, but I saw no specific reference to any form of organized religion, excluding things like Black Rock or the Opal Order. I'm wondering if there are any form of temples/churches in the cities? As well I'm curios how the common man interacts with religion. Are there formalized times and places of worship for the various gods or the pantheon as a whole? Or is that sort of thing more relegated to personal shrines? More often does the layman pay respect to the pantheon as a whole, or is more focused on a specific divinity therein?
My next inquiry is related to Dira and her Eiyons. I understand that she only marks those who "display of respect for the natural cycle of life and death", but I was curios about more specific examples of the qualities she looks for (as the section also states she often has a sit down with her potential Eiyon).
I'm trying to get a accurate portrayal of how Dira would present herself to a potential Eiyon, as I'm considering the character starting with her first mark. I'm having a hard time describing the impression I'm getting... I guess I'm wondering if shes more of a cold, heartless, remorseless death figure. Or something more akin to... that she is merciful and kind, and ultimately caring. But none the less still the embodiment of death and she has a job to do. I'm asking because the characters marking is much more personal than the events in Ending the Cycle, on his part that is.
As to magic, from my understanding Spiritism is the simplest World Magic to begin studying, as it does not require an expensive lab or exotic materials. So would, theoretically, one be able to just to pick up a a book and begin studying it? Assuming they can get their hands on mentioned books, or have the contacts that could provide an entry education.
Speaking of spirits, is the section on the afterlife and reincarnation common in-character knowledge? How about Lhex? Would the common man know about Lhex at all? Or is Divination common enough that most people at least know they had a past life and that Lhex orchestrates that?
On the Syliran Knights, how closely do they work with the general population? I understand that the The People's Council handles integration of other races into Syliras, but do they also act as a sort of liaison between the Knights and the citizens? Do the Knights have their hands in general organization and logistics of the city? Do they organize city efforts in anyway? EX: If the needed an extra surgeon in Mithryn, would they the send the request to the Employment office who would begin looking on behalf of the Knights? Thus far my understanding of the Syliran Knights governance is the it is a sort of…. Mostly benevolent socialistic totalitarian oligarchy (boy that's a mouthful). Is this an accurate picture?
More meta of questions, one relating to the above. From my understanding the Knights pay a living wage to there citizenry and profit is deducted and claimed by the Knights. How does this interact with the listed occupations? Would the Knights essentially ration resources used by business providing a public service (IE a doctor), or would they let the doc in question handle his own supplies and then take a cut of the net profit?
On skills: I'm having a bit of a hard time drawing the line between lore and skill. EX: The character is a doctor, and one of the lores I was considering was Lore: Anatomy. OR would it have to be more specific (Lore: Human Anatomy). Or are both covered in the Medicine skill?
I'm also having a bit of a hard time getting a grasp on scaling on some skills, in relation to the character in question. EX: Filtering. The delineation between Novice and Competent seems to be the addition of magical phenomenon (relating to Gnos'is). I have no interest in the character ever developing the skill to the point of being able to add magical effects, as he only has the skill so he can fabricate medications. So, would he effectively be able to fabricate everything he needs at 30 without much chance of accidentally making mustard gas?
Back unto general lore: The layman, how much do the know about the Cataclysm and the world before? I'm assuming (as formalized education in human lands is nonexistent, unless I missed something) most of the details are lost on Average Joe. What about world geography and cultures? Would Joe Shmoe only know that 'x' location is generally North, or would he have enough access to knowledge to say the 'x' is North and its populated by people 'y' who are…. I guess I'm trying to figure out how Dark Ages level of ignorant the general population is.
Anyway, I'll prolly think of a bunch more at some point, but this is getting long. Thank you much for your time.
[ I edited this some. I wanted to streamline some of the questions and take out a few I found answers to, as well as add a few that occurred to me. You guys got a big'ol world here with a lot to pour over.]