Imass continued, "Good, now you understand how to run properly. Let the arms move the hips. Don't put in more work than necissary... knees up, let's go," Without waiting for a response he began running again.
Imass took several deep breaths (in-through-the-nose-out-through-the-mouth) and turned to make sure the pretty boy was following instructions. Surprisingly, he had gotten it down rather quickly.
Within a few moments they reached one of the many staircases that led up to the castle ramparts. Stopping at the base of the stairs, the Knight jogged in place until Alex arrived.
"Watch closely," Imass bellowed as he focused on controlling his breathing, "You are to scale this stairs exactly how I show you,"
Bending slightly at the knees, the Akalak kept his back perpendicular to the floor. He ran his feet in place for a bit then suddenly began to climb as if an explosion was set under his arse. The steps he took were very deliberate and thoughtful; he stepped on his insoles and always had one foot on step. His chin was pointed straight up. His hands -palm open- were held in front of his face, with his elbows still at a ninety degree angle. And that was only the part visible to Alex; he was using the kinetic energy of his hips to climb, pushing up and out to drive as much power forward as possible.
The scene looked like Sylir's indomitable will driving up the staircase, as if nothing could stop Imass. His technique made him look extremely strange to the untrained eye. The energy required to climb in such a fashion over twenty-five steep steps left the Knight breathing deep and a bead of sweat finally began to roll down his face.
"Your turn!" Imass yelled between breaths to the Squire below.