Four questions

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In this forum, users can ask questions of one another to work through issues. New players are encouraged to ask their questions here before they turn to the Help Desk or a storyteller.

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Four questions

Postby Josh Caudle on December 10th, 2009, 6:50 pm

Okay first is to start a new skill do we have to have permission? like say shipbuilding or sailing or somthing to that effect?

Second what are the style of ship here?

Third can u invented different type of weapons, because i have a sword that i have used in other Rp and was wonder if i could use it here?

Fourth can anyone learn magic and if so how could a PC that doesnt start off with it learn it?

Thanks for the Help -JDC-
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Re: Four questions

Postby Gossamer on December 10th, 2009, 7:07 pm

Hey Josh!

Here's some answers for you. Yes you can start out with shipbuilding or something thats 'common' or that makes sense in the mizaharian environment. We'd expect you to eventually post a writeup with a skill progression (or request one of us staffers to write one for you). The price list has a 'list' of ships and shipbuilding supplies that should give you a great idea of what exists here.

You can invent different types of weapons, so long as its something that does not give your PC an advantage over other pcs... and it s something others can take. It would be nice to see a world development article on the weapon, how its used, and what it is... but if its a sword, you can always take sword and use your own unqiish sword so long as its not magical - you need permission for magical or magecrafted items via the help desk.

Magic can be learned through trial and error, from watching others, from a teacher, or from a book. Its fairly common and it would be no issue to learn it after creation in most cases.. magic like magecrafting is cost prohibited so that's the only one you might have issues with.. .its very very expensive, in some cases thousands of mizas, to produce items.

Hope that helps! Also you double posted this thread, so i'm going to delete the other one. :)
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Re: Four questions

Postby Rhylen on December 10th, 2009, 7:14 pm

1. New skills will first need to be established in the "World Development" Section of the Forum. This way everyone can have a say, and if the moderators like it, they'll post it in the wiki for you. You'll want to follow the format of other skills, so that it's easy for everyone to understand.

2. There is a list of ship and ship accessories and their prices here ---> along with some handy little explanations for each. Again, anything new would need to be established in the development area.

3. World Development... :)

4. As far as I know, anyone can learn magic, but you'll likely need an instructor of some sort, and will need to post a training thread specific to the ability you want to beef up. You can also learn magic through books, or have special abilities granted to you by the gods in the form of gnosis marks! You'll want to speak with the mods about those though. The descriptions for each school of magic will provide a better explanation regarding learning.

I hope this helps! The mods can clarify better than me, but I figured it was best not to leave you hanging! Good luck! Mizahar is awesome! ;)
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Re: Four questions

Postby Josh Caudle on December 11th, 2009, 5:50 pm

okay another question, if i were to become a storyteller could i use my own human subclass?
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Re: Four questions

Postby Gossamer on December 11th, 2009, 6:22 pm

Anyone can develop a subrace of humans just like they could a new weapon or skill... you just have to post a complete writeup of their culture (follow the examples of the Benshira, Vantha, and Drykas) in the World Development Forum.

If your a storyteller you can moderate their home city and be in charge of their 'area'.

But if you just want to be a player... you can develop them, and once they get approved, you can play one.
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