Lucas' Plot Notes

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Lucas' Plot Notes

Postby Lucas Arias on September 10th, 2012, 8:50 am

Table of Contents

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Lucas' Plot Notes

Postby Lucas Arias on March 25th, 2016, 4:49 pm

How Lucas tells people their fortune

Lucas' fortune tellings are more or less inspired by the I Ching (in the case that he is asking the bone oracle), because that's how his teacher Anselm (a PC) did it. When Lucas tells his fortune, I don't decide the result myself, but use a random number generator to make things a little more interesting. I then try to interpret the result in a way that fits with the PCs backstory and personality.

Lucas is a real fortune teller, and he usually really asks the oracle, but occasionally he makes something up - because he can. He loves to prank people - unless they are weaker than him. He never takes advantage of those that are weaker than him. He's already told a poor woman that she'll give birth to a goat for example. He might also tell you that you'll get nuitified etc.
Last edited by Lucas Arias on March 25th, 2016, 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lucas' Plot Notes

Postby Lucas Arias on March 25th, 2016, 4:53 pm

Lucas' mysterious father

Lucas is pretty sure that the knight that raised him is not his father. He doesn’t look anything like him, and their personalities are complete opposites. Lucas is the only one in his family that has red hair. He is the only one in his family that sucks at riding and being noble and honorable. Instead he is very creative, he can dance and he can draw. When he was a squire, his colleagues constantly called him a dirty Inarta bastard because of his hair color and his comparative lack of height. He was constantly asked where he stored his eagle.

Lucas hates being called a dirty Inarta bastard, so he has begun to consider other possibilities. Who knows, maybe his father was a powerful mage rather than a random eagle rider? A lord of Kenash? A member of the Ebonstryfe? Maybe he’s even related to Kenabelle Wright, his childhood hero, herself. They certainly possess the same adventurous spirit. Sometimes he also tells people that he is the secret love child of Loren Dyres, Grandmaster of the Syliran Knights, even though that cannot possibly be true.

Loren Dyres would have had to father Lucas at the age of 16 when he was still a squire himself.

=> Eventually I want Lucas to find out who his real father is – or if he has been wrong all along and the man that raised him is his real father. If you want to explore Lucas‘ parentage with me, let me know!
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Lucas' Plot Notes

Postby Lucas Arias on March 25th, 2016, 5:00 pm

Lucas' hair

Lucas' natural hair color is red - Inarta red, peple say. There are times when he doesn't want to be reminded of the fact that he might be the bastard of a random eagle rider. He also doesn't want to look the same every day. Always looking the same is boring, and Lucas is anything but boring. So he often dyes his hair - and he doesn't always use natural looking hair colors.

In Spring, 516 AV his hair looks like that:

Spring 1 - 9: red (natural hair color)
Spring 10 - 25: a nice blue that matches the color of his eyes
Spring 26 - 65: red (natural hair color)
Spring 66-?: blue (Lucas seems to be growing fond of that color)
Last edited by Lucas Arias on March 26th, 2016, 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Lucas' Plot Notes

Postby Lucas Arias on March 25th, 2016, 6:38 pm

Lucas' Goals

1. Become a competent fortune teller.
2. Find love.
3. Prove that eight armed Eypharians exist!
4. Find out who is father is.
6 Prove that male Konti exist.
7. Learn sculpting, make really bizarre sculptures.
8. Either learn animation or get an animator to animate said sculptures.
9. Capture a Pycon, put him or her into a cage because Pycons make awesome pets.
10. Reach expert level in drawing. Have his drawings exhibited somewhere.
11. Open a fortune telling business.
12. Become competent in Voiding.
13. Throw something into the Void and see what happens.
14. Write a poem. Have a PC listen to it.
15. Play the lute and have a PC listen to it.
16. Get a gnosis mark, other than the mark from Kelwyn.
17. Teach somebody.
18. Participate in a Bar Brawl.

... to be continued.
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