Hello there for the first time, my character's name is Parushta and I am Alexander. Pleased to meet you. I was advised to make one of these so here I go, introducing myself like I'm at school again.
Those who know me, and especially one of my very old friends from school and my sister, call me Spock. I'm generally outwardly unemotional, very logic-oriented, and I like to think there's a logical reason for everything. My character is the opposite. He's reserved, yes, but Paru likes to think of himself as a 'jump into the adventure and think of consequences later if i live' kind of guy. He's a little dim, but good at hunting and foraging for herbs, wild vegetables, and other things he can put into his mouth.
As for my experience, I've been a writer ever since I had a boxy Windows 95 computer. I used to write stories about all different things; witches and dragons, haunted houses, cursed back-from-the-dead cats. You name it, I wrote it. I read all of the Harry Potter books out by the time I was nine, and I have been interested in and playing things like D&D for around two years now.
If you think my character is interesting, or if your character wants to feel smarter in the face of a slightly dim Kelvic, then come speak to me. I'm always happy to force my character into action packed and slightly traumatizing situations.