(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role playing forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)
The player scrapbooks forum is literally a place for writers to warm-up, brainstorm, keep little scraps of notes, or just post things to encourage themselves and each other. Each player can feel free to create their own thread - one per account - and use them accordingly.
As Ball is getting closer and closer to maxing out Pyken as a skill, I would like to request that in places where Ball is not doing enough to constitute Pyken XP if Pyken technique lores could be issued instead.
Examples of proper XP level for Pyken would be: Ball developing or refining his technique by adding new thing against an actual moving target, not a dummy.
The use of basic skills alone are not enough to accomplish XP at Ball's current level of Pyken.
Thank you.
I will be handling all Ball related posts on Mondays @ 1800 my time *
Bugger, came to this one a little late, but still...
For me, I've always equated a post template with a commitment to the site, and by extension the character and your journey with it. It shows that you're not just banging out words, grinding or half-arsing it, but you're really showing in interest in how you're posts are perceived and coloring them up with... well, colors, and artistry. Related to my reference to character, much like choosing the right avatar for him/her/it, a well-chosen template can really add an esoteric and unique flavor to your words.
Which isn't to say that, as a grader and a player both, some templates don't really irk me. The text-on-background problem (some of those can be so hard to read without selecting it all!) is the biggest drawback. But I've seen plenty (Ayatah's, for example, and Nivel's) which are simple, match the character perfectly and are easy to read. So I suppose it's mostly esoteric but, yeah, if more than one person is telling you to dumb it down a little for the sake of legibility, you probably need to.
The previous question, "what do you bring to the site?", really made me think. I've always used this place as an outlet for my frustrations and desire to write, to create characters and stories, since getting paid for them ain't happening anytime soon. But while getting wrapped up in your character may be a good think, producing authentic and dynamic writing, you can forget that you aren't the only person here. Threading partners can be unreliable, but more often than not, they really enhance your character, and I've had more development of mine in the past and present through interactions with other players than my own ideas and plots.
So it kind of inspires me to branch out with Kon and try different thing... not to mention make myself more available for players who want to do the same. Crafting plots and stories that effect multiple PCs in your domain is always a great way to keep them active!
Okay, that's it from me. Back to Star Wars: Rebels...
Damn, me again? Bugger. I was hoping for a buffer. Well, anyway...
Jen, I want to apologize for pissing you off earlier today in Chat. It was totally shitty, stupid and pointless of me, and part of me know I was annoying you as I was doing it. I guess I'm just so emotionally retarded that even when I'm being corrected and know I'm wrong, I can't help but push back. I didn't realize that until a few hours ago, mainly by thinking to myself "if you weren't a needlessly antagonistic asshole, wouldn't you think it would be better to get on with Goss? Be nice?"
Of course, Asshole Me had no response to that.
I can't even fathom the amount of research, design, coding, brainstorming, collaboration and sheer creativity you put into making this site. But this isn't a singular task: you're always running fifty things at once and I forget that. With the Staffing shortage, you're having to do more than ever and you don't need some uppity punk being his usual charmless self. Please don't ever assume that I don't immensely respect all the work you do here, and continue to do.
Okay. That's all, I think. Sorry again, thanks again, and for your viewing pleasure... a sloth getting a bath.
The thing is, you didn't piss me off. You disgusted me with your insensitivity and the way you projected the fact that you felt you were entitled to know things.
When you jump someone like you jumped me in chat and demanded to know why things aren't done, you come across as one of those spoiled hipsters that are entitled and deserving of pandering or pampering. You know the type... that demand full social services, free cell phones, huge wages for jobs teens traditionally have held, and the best housing, new cars and everything right now their way without having worked a day in their life, been forced to save cash, or drive a beater until they can afford something better. I don't know you. True enough. But I only have your actions on Mizahar to judge you by. And those actions speak loudly. Sloth videos don't change that fact. In my mind you are instead someone who wants to min/max everything in an unnecessarily over competitive way here on Miz and win some contest that only you yourself seem to see or appreciate.
Most people don't understand why there's an apology in my scrap. What you didn't say in your post is that in some sort of mood you jumped me about all the unfinished things in the lore. Why isn't this gnosis done? Why isn't that one done? You see, when is enough enough? I understand you are or were very recently unemployed and do not have a job full time. I do.
I work on average 70+ hrs a week if not more. I own a small hobby farm that takes a lot of my time. I have a whole menagerie of animals that also take my time. I have several time-intensive hobbies I absolutely love and refuse to give up anytime soon. I love to read and probably read a book or three a week. I am married and give a lot of time to my wonderful spouse. And then there's Mizahar.
Someone has to answer the HD tickets, my pms, keep the peace, set up new staff, get rid of the bad seeds, and generally keep the game on track. I understand you have no idea what goes into just this tiny slice of my life, but believe me it takes a lot of time. In the past, before I had Miz set up the way it is now, I was literally DSing for the whole game which I refuse to do these days. That's one of the driving reasons domains are closed without storytellers to run them. And while that's boo hoo to a lot of people, I noticed more folks like you... the entitled kind.... grumbled about it happening but not a lot stepped up to keep cities opened. Some did. Kudos to the do-ers like Kaleidoscope who put her actions behind her words and gave her time to keep her beloved city alive rather than see it close when its incredibly bitter staffer quit.
But honestly.... it takes some bigass empty balls to suddenly start grilling someone like me on how come things aren't done. Gnosis gifts take time to write. I've wrote most of them in play right now. I've created a hell of a lot of races. I've even written up most of the cities. I thought when we opened the WD Forum we'd have a lot of help in development but people have soon discovered writing articles isn't easy and in the seven years we've had it opened, we've had on average less than one finished article a year. They are abandoned repeatedly mostly before they are even started, or people don't want to write new things because they can't wrap their mind around simple concepts. They instead want to make godamn lists of cute furry animals or pretty flower pictures they find on the web. Why? Its easy, fun, and they can see progress immediately. We live in an instant gratification world. They want to re-write things that someone has already done the hard work on and polish it to their liking and then plaster their name all over it and eradicate the name of the person who originally did the work. Or they produce a half-assed half-done article because they pinned someone like me down once upon a time for five hours and grilled them about a pet faction long enough to get enough material for a faction writeup like the Ruv'na. That's not helping. It's taking diction secretary style.
I laugh. I honestly do. I especially laugh when someone like YOU who has written nothing for the lore, contributed nothing to the game but his own storylines which have to be constantly corrected by the staff because you take too many liberties.... DEMAND TO KNOW WHY THINGS AREN'T DONE.
You know what I think in my mind when that happens? Well, no, I probably don't need to share and you can already guess the approximate level of my scorn. And seriously? You have zero right to be that kind of asshat anyhow, apologies aside.
So my answer is always going to be the same. Articles for the lore will get done when people get the time, inclination, and brain to do them. Or, when I get time. OR when Gillar gets time. Or when Tarot or any of the other members of the staff get time and want to take it on. It won't get done sooner and no ones entitled here to demand it does. I've been politely asked by the Syliran Knights to do their gnosis and that's my first priority. My second one? Zintilia's Gnosis because I too was asked nicely for that one and its really something that's already been developed. It just needs put on paper.
But since I haven't had a chance to post for my PCs for weeks because of my work schedule and other things, that might be a ways out. It will get done though... like everything else gets done... all in good time.
So truthfully? Don't be an asshat and then come around later and apologize for your natural behavior and your normal self. I've seen it time and time again from you Konrad and that's why I keep a sharp eye on you and interrupt during situations where you are say telling someone all about an NPC I have created in chat like you know that NPC when in fact you do not. Ego's are healthy. Inflated egos though, generally get a person banned on Mizahar. I've done it before for less and I'll do it again in a heartbeat if shit keeps happening like this. I'm not here for a popularity contest. I'm here to write. And anything that interferes in that - including PCs that feel they are entitled to demand to know why a staffer like me isn't preforming to what they feel is an adequate level - catches my attention faster than anything else I can think of because its harassment and utterly unnecessary and hypocritical.
So until you have a string of development behind you, don't you DARE ever step out and demand to know why others aren't producing at a rate you think they should be.
One more thing too. I understand you are going to probably come back and say 'But Goss, that's not what I meant...." It doesn't matter what you meant. Intention means zero here in this case. It's how you came across that matters. It's perception. And if I perceive you to be an asshat, you're going to last exactly five minutes. And lately? With all those interventions and now with this chat thing? That's how your reading Konrad. You've been warned.
In light of serious ill-advised plotting in chat, I've decided to make rare and ultra rare items required as components in Magecrafting via HD approval only.
Be advised.
I love our staff dearly, but some of them recreationally use illegal drugs and or alcohol or might just be ill informed about how rare certain rare and ultra rare things are... and as a consequence may be inclined to say yes to insane things while under various drug, alcohol or ignorant influences.
HD tickets can be answered by myself, Gillar, Liminal and definitely by Tarot.
Remember, when you go to the effort to make people think you don't care, all you're really doing is fooling yourself. The rest of us see the effort going into the argument and think..."Oh yea. Way to win an argument with yourself."
The truth always hurts. And one truth is that we always have control over our own lives and our own happiness. I have never nor will I ever let someone take that away or dictate my happiness. It's a big lesson learned that all adults know. There is a big wide world outside the internet. I suggest some of you go enjoy it.
Take me for example. I'm at work, sitting outside in the shade enjoying an almost 90 degree day in Western Washington. I'm getting paid to do this. I'm doing what equates to babysitting today. I'm checking Miz on my phone because my pet crow I was feeding ran off to dunk his wheat thins in the pond.
Life is good. My only puzzlement is why people get so mad at me when I react to their behaviour on Miz like a normal person would. Self righteousness always baffles me. Why are you so entitled? Oh wait. You donated? No that doesn't give you any more rights than non-donars. I don't think people with money deserve more rights than others. Sorry.
And while some of you sat online all weekend I did not. I helped my husband build raised beds for the garden, played horses, and made some fused glass jewelry in the kiln. I even played with some of my beehives. If you're FB friends with me I posted pics of the jewelry.
What's the point? Lifes out there to be lived beyond the internet. Try it. Grow something with your own hands and see what it does for your mental health. Activity beyond sitting your ass in front of a computer screen does wonders for you. That's what being an adult is. Go pay a mortgage, hold a job, get some hobbies, all this is adulting. Adulting is NOT forcing your ideals of courtesy on someone else.