Ferrin sighed in relief as he unhooked his shaky hands off Cyprus' reins and slid off of the saddle and landed squarely onto his feet. His legs were even shaking, but not to vividly. That felt wild to him, and almost insane. The riding on the horse felt a bit extreme to the Kenashian, though a lot of people in Cyphrus would usually ride horse. Obviously, the Endrykas and its people do. They're a traveling city and all. Literally. Ferrin also didn't know what to ask more of where Jade had come from. He knew at least enough of it now to understand what Jade and the rest of the Drykas people had to go through. It seemed that living as a Drykas would probably be off a better choice than living in Kenash where there could be an advantage for the enemies to easily reach the agricultural city.
Ferrin sighed once again, and patted the mares neck. "There, there big boy. How'd you feel now that we got those legs stretched out?" Said Ferrin as he gathered his longbow and quiver that was strapped to the saddle quite securely. The horse whinnied in excitement and rubbed its head on Ferrin. And Jade had answered Ferrins previous question. She had been doing it her whole life? It made sense and all. But, wouldn't there be other things to be doing at the traveling city?
"Oh, I see now. It makes sense. Your way better then I am at horseback." Said Ferrin in a more complimentary tone. He walked beside Jade whilst Cyprus strolled alongside Diria through the woods. Cyprus, as well as Diria, both picked their steps carefully through the woods and avoided any fallen logs and large boulders. The usual sort to look out for. As Ferrin clung to his longbow and quiver full of arrows, he hung the quiver around his left shoulder after switching the two with his hands, trying to get situated. "So, Jade what do you plan on hoping to find today?" Asked Ferrin in a light manner.
The quad strolled deeper into the woods, and the air grew more humid and almost wet. "At most, not a bear. Those a dangerous." Commented Ferrin with a smirk across his face. Sure, bears are dangerous and all. But, not as dangerous as a Kriital. Maybe just as so. "So, first lesson with your bow. You'd always want to keep the hand you hold the wood with in the center. Easier to aim your arrow. That is a basic thing. Second, the arrow is a bit tough for beginners. You want it rest the back of the arrow on the string, and its tip along the wood, but you won't want to hold the arrow. Because if you do, the feathers and the un polished wood cut give you a nice cut along your hand."
The two trekked along father and so far nothing. Ferrin looked around and sighed. He turned his head back at the two mares behind them who kept silent for the majority of the conversation between Jade and Ferrin. "Have you spotted anything yet, Jade?" Asked Ferrin as his head faced her slowly. Hopefully, they could get something today.
OOCI don't remember if you had a gauntlet for the bow, so if you do I can edit my post.