Branch from Archie's main training thread.
Description "Alex Common" Alex thoughts "Myrian" "Fratava" "Others"
Description "Alex Common" Alex thoughts "Myrian" "Fratava" "Others"
An indignant response from Avrial. Alex simply smiled listening to her attempt to file a grievance. For what? Him giving her praise? She was so petty it was almost amusing. He could play her like a fiddle and get away with it. That woman has an ego the size of a mountain. Just as cold too. I'll leave her to Ser Imass, wouldn't want me showing her what i cna truly do now that i know some of her tricks. However with the few actions that had occurred around the training grounds another face had meandered in. Funnily enough it wasn’t one that Avrial was liable to take offence with for turning up late. Garland. A friend of Alex’s and one he’d held his own against for a little while with a similar weapon. Despite the vast difference in experience and time served. Still Alex marched off clapping down the visor on his helm.
His partner for this part of the exercise was Poppy. He hadn't seen much of her style nor her strengths. However if it had been Ball or Arch he was up against Alex would be on his back again in seconds flat. Against Garland he would be able to hold his own a little better than last time but it was clearly in garlands favour. Against either Imass or Avrial, the chance couldn’t be taken that Alex would show up a knight so those two were out of the question. Ross, Alex was familiar with facing and as such would serve no purpose there, and the same with Ferrin. So Poppy was the logical choice for him to square off against.
Still the advance of the sergeant and the weapon master. Gave him something to consider. Perhaps he’d over stepped a line. An unspoken boundary, however Alex wasn’t about to let another thing slide against someone he knew. Before returning over too Poppy for the exercise Alex stopped off infront of Sera Slyth. Taking a moment he paused in front of her with a small salute.
“Sera Slyth, I do apologize for my actions. I still hold fast to the belief that it is in our duty as knights to uphold the teachings of Tyveth as well, which are those of truth, honour and chivalry. I simply spoke the truth, and was attempting to defend the honour of a fellow squire. If my words gave offence I do apologize.” A sincere smile backed up his words as he spoke to her. As a man of religion there was no cause for her to doubt him nor the voracity of his words. Because he truly meant what he’d said. And he knew exactly that she’d take a certain way being one of the extremely prickly Stalinsas.
Another salute to Sera Slyth and Alex headed back over to Poppy. His bastard sword drawn, his shield in place. Alex hissed a breath out through his teeth beneath the steel of his helm. He fell into stance, his shield raised his left foot forwards his blade resting along the shield. He squared off against Poppy. Alex paced around her slowly, keeping his movements slow and angular he circled her, willing her to turn and face him else he’d have a straight shot at her back. He was trying to goad an attack from her willing her to make the first move. "Poppy, feel free to attack first."
Alex knew that Archie would be watching him in this exercise, and that Archie would be giving both him and Poppy pointers. However Alex had already had some teaching from Arch before and had worked on it, he’d extrapolated on some simple choice words and turned them into a full fighting force. Alex was working on something that Greyheart had told him. Manipulation of information. Feed as little as you can and take in as much as you can. And right now he was attempting to fish for information from poppy.