Continuation from Easing into a situation.
Description "Alex Common" Alex thoughts "Myrian" "Fratava" "Others"
Description "Alex Common" Alex thoughts "Myrian" "Fratava" "Others"
Alex had extended his hand expecting to get a hand shake. Something simple and formal, but that was not the case. Instead she swept up through brushing his hand to the side and clamped her arms around his torso hugging him. Slightly stunned Alex didn’t know how to really react, he wasn’t and never had been used to physical contact at least on this scale. Kind of unsure what to do he glanced down at her slightly and lightly pressed the flat of his hand against her back. A light look of unease registered on his features. He quickly quelled it when she pulled away trying not to show it.
He’d lightened up a tad? He thought he was simply being his usual self? Shaking his head lightly he scratched the side of his face a little. A visit to the soothing waters wouldn’t have been the worst idea...Still the stiffness in his muscles wasn’t going to go away any sooner. He sighed and shrugged a little.
“Mayhaps I’ll come with. I’m just looking for a way relax today really I’ve got another couple days and then I’m back on duty.” Felling like he’d said that before Alex caught a glimpse of her lifting her tunic and wincing from the smell. Couldn’t have been that bad. Stretching out his now fairly stiff shoulders to took off first along the way.
A practiced trek, knowing that Squires and knights were able to enter the waters for free it was something Alex did fairly often. Half that and half his daring ness to try out new techniques and weapons on a regular basis in the training grounds often got his head kicked in more than he cared to actually admit. Having the bravery and the spirit to try out new things had often got him both praise and scorn in equal measure, though Alex himself believed it all to be simply distain.
Looking over his shoulder and seeing Poppy walking with him Alex took the opportunity to spark up a conversation again.
“This your first time heading to the soothing waters? Or have you been before?” Alex spoke with a calm tone light and airy as his voice was normally prone to be. However there was an odd curiosity to his tone. “Mind if I Ask where you’re from originally? You don’t seem to be too much like a local. After all most locals either hate the knights, adore them or hate outsiders.”