39th of Spring
9th Bell
9th Bell
Early in the day, a strong notion comes to those out and about that it’s a good day to take a ride. The ground is still soggy from the torrential rains but the sun is shining and even though it’s humid every man woman and child says the same thing; “…at least it’s not raining.” Life around the pavilion was quiet. The animals were all relaxing in warm patches of Syna’s blessed light waiting for something interesting to happen. It’s just a good day to be a Drykas.
About a half bell’s ride to the east of the city, two young women are gathering their dried food, some water and some dusty old weapons in preparation for a long journey. Becca brushed some stray orange hairs behind her ear as she inspected the contents of her pack. A single tear slipped from her eye and ran down the bridge of her nose to the tip. There it lingered and made her nose itch. Twice she blew air up from her lips to remove the irritant but each time failed. Finally, in a huff, she wiped it away and then went back to sorting through what was in her bag. The stray hairs fell back down into her eyes.
Lina was sitting in silence in her tent. Her sister was making all of the things ready for them to go find Haggar. The old dog had wandered off in the night but Becca was certain they could find him. Since the pirate raids, Lina and Becca had only Haggar and their grandfather, Huondin, to look after them. Lina stroked the favored mat that Hagger used with one hand and thumbed at the wood ax that was her father’s as it rested on her lap. She had never killed anything before, not even a snake or a rat. It made her nervous to think of having to harm another creature but Becca had said they needed to be ready in case Haggar was in trouble. That had been enough motivation for Lina. She didn’t like the idea of violence but to save her favorite creature in the whole world, she would certainly lift the blade…or so she hoped.
Becca had two packs loaded with several changes of clothes, extra boots, water, bed rolls, a small tent, flint and steel, rations, dried meat and a plethora of herbs and roots. She put her hands on her wide hips and nodded in approval. “Lina!” her voice echoed against the whipping wind. “It’s time to go, get out here!” The older sister hoisted her pack and slung it up onto her horse. She had never made such a venture before but it was not going to stop her from trying to save her dog. The next thing she grabbed was her mother’s bow and quiver. She’d only shot it three times as a young girl but trusted in her heart that the skill would defend them all if needed. It was going to be a long day but one that would make a beautiful story.
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