Explanations and Future Plans
Greetings! I know it's been an age since I've posted here and I doubt many people will even read this. Still, I'll stick this down here, even if it's for my own benefit right now.
I have been massively absent in the last number of months. Replies were left piling up because I didn't have the will to write. When I did write, replies came at a snail's pace. Caela ended up shelved for a season because I couldn't maintain her for a time because I would need to do job threads for her and I didn't think I was capable of managing that much.
It's been a very stressful year so far but things are stabilising enough for me to come back in a somewhat active capacity. My doctor has finally found an antidepressant that seems to work for me although if I abruptly fall off the radar again then it's entirely possible that it has stopped having the desired effect so don't be alarmed. My overall mood has improved greatly since I've been able to come out as transgender and my family have finally come around to the idea. If it interests anyone, I go by Max now. I'm not going to take it personally if you happen to talk to me and don't know/remember that fact (who do I even expect to read this?) but yeah it's out there anyway. Maybe it's a stupid thing to go revealing on the internet but to be honest, I'm not going to hide behind some sort of facade, I've done it for long enough.
So yes anyway, depression and trans things have interfered, there were also some exams in there and now I'm doing writing work online so if it happens that I can't muster the will to tap at my keyboard anymore then it's only to be expected although I'm sorry about it.
Good news is that Caela will come back. However, when she does my reply rate will be slow because I'm going to have to make up for a lot of lost grading. I'll probably tackle Riverfall first as it is usually busy. I'll either move on to Syliras or Sunberth after that. It'll depend on how things go but that's the plan and I can look at it so I know what I'm doing. I will catch up on replies for her.
Waisana is gradually been worked through although the rate I post with her is ridiculously slow. The backlog will be caught up on, swear to the gods it will.
Azira is the most active right now because she's the easiest for me to write with right now because of whatever head space I'm in but I'm still on the slow side with her. I'm slowly kicking into gear so I will get to everything before the summer season is over. Think I'm going to end up starting Caela grading in the first day or so in July unless work interferes again.
So that's the story for anyone who's interested and because it's written here, there's no way in hell I can avoid it so that's that.
I'll keep y'all updated,