After several conversations I was left to ponder the inner workings of what visible strife the Knights may be going through and if there is indeed secret infighting within the ranks of those indoctrinated by the fragment monster known as the Wind Oak.
It might be cool to distinguish in The Order whos on what side of the fence if there is indeed anything going on since Glav Navik has become an imposter Sylir as he isn't exactly Sylir reborn and he hasn't exactly reached full god status either.
I'm under the assumption that the vows that knights makes to the Wind Oak are similar to vows of chivalry, and some may view his ascension as a bit of a betrayer and false idol.
As no knight has made oaths to glav navik, and those that follow him under the pretense of being Sylir have been manipulated into tarnishing there honor by betraying what's left of the true Sylir as some will undoubtedly believe the lie and essentially become infidels in the eyes of other zealot fanatics.
I'm actually a bit surprised that the Oak hasn't dispatched it's greatest warriors to Wind Reach to end the false one to protect itself as Glav has meddled with the fragment monsters order and is trying to seize and steal lands by lamenting false claims of the origin of his divinity.
And what of Lord Dyres? What is he without the oak? Wouldn't other noble families after generations of servitude feel a certain level of entitlement to take it over. Knights don't have to be honorable they simply have to be able to fulfill a role to serve the oak.
I mean I could have it all wrong, but I thought the conversation would be useful in understanding the whole picture so that we may better play our roles in the story arc.