61st Day, Spring Season, 516. Mid-Morning. The River Flower
The little clay pot man stood attentive and alert as the Drykasian herbalist, Sadara or as he liked to call her in Pavi, 'Teacher'. Sadara had made it a point in her a couple task to the little Pycon to gather local herbs in her effort to show the outsider of not only the bounty that the Sea of Grass had to offer, but the dangers of trekking across the grassland alone. What was supposed to be a test of survival skills in the wild grassland gathering vital herbs, turned into ' How do I find my way back?' Simply put, Harameus must’ve had his hand into. When it came to completing his task, Planter was fortunate, partly due to how plentiful the herbs were, but a small portion was from him being able to identify the plants themselves based off the books he took to reading when he was in Riverfall.
Most outsiders that came to Endrykas were human or something close to humanoid, Planter on the other hand was neither one of those things. The little clay pot man, in all intent and purpose, was a artificial representation of a humanoid. His appendages were stacks of clay pots that ran down to his three clay digits, while his head was an up turned pot with a minimalist approach to facial features. Meaning the wildlife took no interest in nabbing a juicy, succulent clay pot, which Planter thanked the Ever Changing One for.
His hollow eyes stared blankly as Sadara began chopping up stocks of white sage on the table with a antique looking knife. In his best Pavi he could muster, the words spilling out of a mouth that was formed with the look of a constant surprise, "Inquiry. Knife. Special?" Sadara not pausing for a chime as she chopped, and knowing the Pyconian was attempting to speak to her in her language she replied,"Agreement. Family. Gift. Knife. Strong." "
Planter stopped to think of what she had said and how it translated. Though Planter had a rudimentary knowledge of the Pavi language, he had a difficult time translating it into a context he would understand. The words themselves were easy enough, since they were relatively simple, but when he attempted to apply them with gestures and how that related to the subject of conversation, well Planter would get a little lost. This time, Planter was lucky he understood the context in which the conversation was headed, so Planter merely nodded and focused back to his study of the Master Herbalist's work.
" Now, if you're done with the language classes, could you be a dear and finish this for me, while I got check on one of the Watchmen that came in last night." the petite herbalist said, as she offered her student another knife. Planter took the knife in his clay digits and adjusted his grip of the knife to accommodate his tiny stature. Using his body he slice through the stocks of white sage, slowly and methodically.
He wanted to ensure he wasn't what they call totally ...what was the word that the Drykas used, Horzpah? Which, Planter roughly translated into poop, though cutting up plants hardly proved his worth. On top of his desire to learn all that he could from Sadara and her husband (though, he didn't seem to be keen on teach him directly.), he wanted to learn how the Drykasian people interacted together, when the shells were open and vulnerable, to see the true selves of the proud people. From what he gathered, white sage wasn't only used for it medicinal uses, but for spiritual uses as well, which Planter still didn't quite understand how. Further inquiry would be need to figure out that quandary out later. For the time being, the little clay man focused on cutting.
Chopping these sage stocks took much longer than an average human, due to the size of the knife and effort needed to use said knife properly, After a couple bells, Planter had finished his last batch of white sage, when one of Sadara's assistants brought him a a new batch of herbs, ' Time....No...Dime...That's not it. Oh yeah, Thyme! ' The auburn haired Drykasian assistant, who took the board of finished freshly chopped batch of white sage under her arm and in a voice that bordered on song bird Pavi," Dry. Hang. Tent outside." Planter shrugged his clay shoulders, the meaning of the words spoken lost on him, though he wasn't sure if it was due to him not knowing the words, or how musical she made the words sound. The assistant sighed and spoke in a slower tone, slowing her gestures to accommodate this simpleton," Dry. Hang. Tent outside."/ She finished her sentence with a final gesture toward the back entrance flap. Planter nodded, and laughed at himself, switching to Common, " Ahh, this one understand now. This one thanks you! " or at least he hoped he understood what she meant, for the most part he knew she wanted him to hang the herbs to dry, but where was the question.
He really needed to practice Pavi with someone when it came Directional Verbs. Taking the bundle of thyme in a bear hug, Planter hopped down from the table. The impact shortened his form a bit, but with a little concentration, he reverted back to his original self. Lugging the small bundle of thyme outside made it difficult navigating his way out of the River Flower, but after a couple pauses and course changes, he made it without being stepped on.