The Beginning


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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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The Beginning

Postby Ixzo on March 16th, 2016, 11:55 pm

9th of Spring, 516AV
The New Life Celebration :
The New Life Celebration is opened and promises to be quite the ordeal. This is one of the few times where clans are encouraged to forgo their strictly held allegiances and intermingle. Most wear plain clothing and avoid colorful trappings. This is also because there are several games that involve mud including wrestling, tug-of-war and a chicken chase.

When Endrykas settled on its new grounds, just a little into spring, the deliberate space left in the center of the transient city had begun to stir up excitement, which had been dampened by the consistent postponing of that season's festival.

Ixzo had of course been excited as well. The Kelvic always loved a good reason to party, although she remained a bit wary. She had a hard time mingling with the Drykas when they were in their right minds, she knew it would be more difficult when most of them were drunk.

Still the sun rose, and although she was trying to keep Iollu from bouncing with excitement, Ixzo was rushing a bit too. She hadn't hunted the night before, and although it was hard to sleep until sunrise, neglecting her sleep schedule, Ixzo had managed not to peak. She wanted to surprise herself.

It helped, when she and Iollu finally ducked out of the tent, draped in their most drab clothing as per tradition, that she had settled her tent on the far side of the city. Near the emerald clan, and the Hunter's Allegiance. Carrying her kills back while in lion-form was hard enough, she wanted easy access at least.

When they reached the large clearing in the center of the city, Ixzo was not surprised to find the Drykas had made use of the recent rains. Games were held in the mud pits that scattered the dips in the plains, where the animals had eaten the grass totally away. Ixzo wondered, briefly, if Caiyha would appreciate this, or even Semele. When the city moved on, a trail would surely remain.

Iollu ripped her hand away and was already running out of sight. She had kept the poor thing nearly locked up inside her tent. Of course the child took charge of the only animal that could bear to be near the lion, but after last season's events, Ixzo had been too worried to leave the child alone.

"Iollu!" She yelled immediately, as a reaction. This stopped the child just long enough to earn a hearty glare before she disappeared. Trying not to be too worried, Ixzo walked a little quicker in the direction Iollu had disappeared, but didn't run. She was sure, surrounded by Drykas, that Iollu would be safe. More than safe. Surely she would find her friends, if any where left, and be occupied for hours. The child knew where the tent was after all. But Ixzo almost wished she had her little translator with her. Iollu was always good at easing tension when it came up.

Even so it was not yet so crowded. People must still be taking care of their animals and family. Even though it was a festival, even though the games had begun, the city could not go completely on hold for a day, they lived too wild to do so. Looking above her, the Kelvic's silver eyes widened at the colorful banners crisscrossing above her. Food Vendor were just setting up, and a few feet away, an older Drykas was unwinding a huge length of rope, likely meant for some of the bigger tents in the city, and yet he was trying to lay it out in a line, snapping at stray children who tugged at the ends in order to annoy him.

While aweing at the setting up of the festival, Ixzo hadn't been paying attention to the path directly in front of her. With the uncomfortable thud of another being, Ixzo found her world tilting for only a moment before her legs shoved out to catch herself.

"Sorry, sorry!" She rushed immediately, reaching an arm out to grab the other woman's bicep in an attempt to steady her. It was still early in the day, surely the Drykas had not brought the spirits out yet? She didn't need a fight first thing in the morning. The other hand immediately reached up to her head. Finger weaving between the dreads, putting pressure on where she had seemingly just knocked heads with the freckled woman before her.

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The Beginning

Postby Rufio on March 28th, 2016, 1:12 pm

"{R}eady to get beat today Fi?" teasing.

The playfully antagonistic boast belonged to Alar'ck Wildmane, a tall, well-built man with Syna-kissed skin awash with generous smatterings of freckles and strategically braided, dark-copper hair. He was stood in the middle of the pavilion tent, a broad grin lit fiendishly across his square jaw.

His half-Drykas cousin, Rufio, was sitting on her bedroll, not long awoken, busy pulling her arms through the long, loose sleeves of a plain, beige wool shirt, as she tossed her retort.
"Name your game, Al, you're going down!" determined.

Grandmother Raen, who was sitting in the right corner, a heavy fur blanket wrapped around her shoulders, chortled. Her deeply set brown eyes peered out from under her bushy grey brows, her thin lips parted above a swollen, jutting chin.
The elder waved her hands in amusement
"Rufio you are big talk for one so small."

She tossed a pair of simple pants across to her granddaughter.
"Here, for you, take my old pants, don't ruin your own."
Her gnarled, shaky hands returned to weaving a few willow-tree sprigs into a circular shape, entwining green brush in between.

Rufio gestured her—thanks—and stood up to pull the hide pants on, wrapping a tan plaited belt around her waist. "Where are Laiha and Tal'ck?" Rufio inquired, curious.

Alar'ck's grin dimmed, and grandmother Raen quietly kept weaving. The copper-haired Wildmane cleared his throat, breaking the chime of tense silence, and offered—"Laiha is already at the festival, she wanted to help set up. Tal'ck, uh, he went trapping, before dawn-break."

Rufio felt a pang of guilt, and frowned, sadness ebbing into her freckled features as she turned around to slip into her woven sandals. Alar'ck shot grandmother Raen a disquieted look.

Raen nodded knowingly, and her gentle voice soothed the hurt a little. "It is wounded pride. 't is all a man has to have his pride, but, he will come round. Give him time." grieving, healing.

Alar'ck watched his cousin shrug on a thick hide fur-lined coat, rocking lightly on the balls of his feet uneasily. Rufio had argued with their Ankal ten days ago. Tal'ck's shoulder was still cold for Rufio.

Rufio sighed, and nodded; deep down she knew that tempers flaring had just been grief, over-spilled. She turned to her family with thoughtful cocoa-hued eyes. What was left of her family.

A faint, wry smile flickered along her lips, she shrugged, admitting—"He is stubborn as I am, I know that."
The trio laughed quietly at that, and the mood lifted to greet the warm, yellowy light filtering in through the tent flap.

Raen heaved herself to her feet, and set the plaited willow-sprigs over Rufio's unruly, messy cropped black hair—a Spring-themed crown. "For luck. Now, get on with ye's! Don't hang about here all day, go, go." The grandmother ushered.

Alar'ck picked up a package of hide-wrapped skinned rabbits, and shoved Rufio side-ways with his big, calloused palm roughly as he past by her.
"See you in the mud, cousin!"
Rufio teetered off-balance, and growled like a she-wolf, chasing after him. She hesitated by the doorway—
"Grand-mama are you not coming?"
Raen gestured for her to go on ahead—
"I will seek out friends, you go on, have fun. Caiyha-knows we need a bit, ay."
Rufio smiled warmly and dashed out after Alar'ck.

It wasn't long before she joined the sparse throng of Drykas wandering leisurely in the direction of the festivities. Rufio looked about, trying to see where her cocky cousin had got to, but couldn't see him. Her lively gaze was taking in the decorations and half-completed stalls just when she was felt a knock to her hip—"Woah!"—as a child whipped past her.

Rufio halted, suddenly, to watch the girl race on, hearing a name called from behind her—"Lollu!" The half-Drykas turned towards the call, that was when—"Mmff!"—she felt a skull knock with hers.

Unbalanced, Rufio weaved on the balls of her feet, feeling the tug of the other woman's grasp keeping her upright. Her freckled face scrunched into a light grimace as she rubbed her temple where a pink mark was darkening slowly into purple.

When, then, her cocoa eyes landed on Ixzo's face, stunned as she had to look up, up, up to the Myrian-esque woman before her. Her heart stammered a little then. Rufio thought Ixzo breath-taking; beautiful.

The half-Drykas took in the woman's impressively woven dreads, her gaze drawn inexplicably to the tattoos and scars that criss-crossed her dark skin.

"Sorry! Sorry!"—Rufio heard a twang of foreign in the woman's accent, and like that a spark of curiosity caught in her. Her nose-piercing glinting in Syna's light, as warm laughter bubbled over her lips, and she waved grass-sign in response.

Ohs Tratche * "Are you alright?"—her right hand gestured loosely to Ixzo's head and then swept to emulate Lollu sweeping by—"Are you looking for your daughter?"
" When you visit a witch bring an offering:
food, tobacco, alcohol, secrets, sex or death.
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The Beginning

Postby Ixzo on April 1st, 2016, 12:47 am

When Ixzo met the intense eyes of the woman before her, she thought her heart had simply disappeared. It was not the same sensation as when it stopped out of fear or picked up from excitement, but it suddenly felt as if it was not the thing keeping her alive. The necessary organ was past her notice and away from her mind, because a new warmth had taken its place within her chest. She recognized the feeling. It was in no way similar to her connection with Jodoc, the name which suddenly was hardly important let alone painful or impossible to think as it had haunted her this past year, and yet the blossoming warmth that replaced her heart felt exactly the same.

Just when the woman laughed, Ixzo broke out into a grin, unable to focus on the warm words in the foreign tongue that followed, unable to understand them. She still had her hand, loosely on her arm, but she tightened her grip only slightly, as if to remind herself that her hand was still her own. It could belong to the Goddess before her now, which would have been perfectly acceptable as well. She felt as if this woman was keeping her standing at the moment, keeping her feet on the ground, and yet she did not know her name. Did she need to? Did it matter? She was no longer a single being, but an extension of this person before her. She had thought Iollu had been the center of her universe for the past season, but she knew now that that was an impossible comparison. This was the center of her universe, there could be nothing else. She was content. Iollu was completely out of her mind.

"I found you." She whispered, unable to tear her eyes away from the warm russet pair before her. Not remembering to speak in her new language. Not hesitating to try and get closer to the most important person in her life. Abruptly, but still remaining as gentle as possible, Ixzo pulled the stranger forward for a hug, unable to contain herself. A million thoughts were running through her head, but the loudest one sang of the joy to feel whole again, to again be a part of another. After only a tick, she pulled away from the embrace, utterly unashamed and unable to lessen her smile. For the chime, she remembered Pavi. "I'm yours now." The exclamation was platonic, but unapologetically genuine, as she had no doubt this woman would take the statement in stride, it was simply the truth.

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The Beginning

Postby Rufio on April 1st, 2016, 10:24 pm

"Are you looking...for...

Her voice had trailed off into a quiet murmur, dissipating in the air as they had lilted off her lips, as those deep eyes peered into her own. Enchanted.

There was an inexplicable tension in the space between them, she felt the hair on the back of her neck prickle, and an imperceptible shiver ripple down her spine. Somewhere deep within—where instinct, and intuition, and vibes ebbed and flowed, powerful as the wind or waves—something clicked.

As she laughed, the other grinned, and in that moment they were in sync. The warm hand tightened on Rufio's upper-arm, though Ru didn't notice much. Her mind felt distant from her body just then.

Her warm smile lingered, flickering along her lips, surprise danced in her eyes as Ixzo's whisper fell into the charged silence between them. What language was that?

She cried out quietly in mild alarm as she was pulled into a hug, though she felt that inner ebb-and-flow tugging at her, drawing her into it, too.

The half-Drykas' hands were aloft for a tick, unsure, confused by what was happening; the tensions roiling within her. Though a warmth seeped into her bones, within that chime she placed her arms around the Kelvic's toned form and returned the embrace. Her eyes closed gently with a sense of acceptance.

Her, the earthy, fiery rock, to Rufio's wild-wind spirit—
    —Moon and Tide.

When they parted, Rufio's smile split into a grin again, and she felt a quiet chuckle bubble up. Confusion still lingered in her freckled features—
"I'm yours now."
—and it knitted her dark brows together, now. Rufio shook her head lightly, her nose-ring glinting in Syna's rising light. Yet the gesture meant nothing, a subtle fear of the sudden connection, which receded as it had came.

The half-Drykas laughed, again, lightheartedly, and took Ixzo's hand in hers, fingers intwining, feeling the tug of The Bond pull the words to respond from her deepest core.

   I'm yours."

Rufio felt those inner Bond workings settle into place; like stardust settling into constellations, never to be drawn apart. Her fingertips released the Kelvic's, and, with a relaxed, harmonious chuckle, gestured for the Kelvic's name.

Rufio had never met a Kelvic in her life, nor heard of The Bond that could ignite, but she didn't question it in that moment—this force, greater than her ignorance, at play.
Last edited by Rufio on April 7th, 2016, 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Beginning

Postby Ixzo on April 2nd, 2016, 3:48 am

"I-Ixzo," She stuttered, realizing she had to return to reality. The feeling wasn't going away, but the Kelvic had to grasp that her new bondmate might not know what exactly just happened. She was sure the woman had felt it. Her intertwined fingers were pleasantly on fire, and she wondered if it was the same. She felt giddy and light, and for some reason she knew that Rufio was feeling the same. "I am Kelvic." She explained, exhaling as if she had been holding her breath, even though she hadn't. For the moment, she couldn't exactly break her gaze from the warm kind eyes before her. From Rufio's eyes. Gently, Ixzo tugged her fingers from between Rufio's, allowing herself only a moment to form the only sign she thought could explain what just happened the best. Commitment. Friendship. And yet they simply weren't enough. She couldn’t find the words in this foreign language to adequately explain what had just happened.

Yet, Ixzo knew she didn't need to. As soon as her hand carved the last sign into the air, she picked Rufio's hands up once more. One in each of hers, trying to bind their fingers together as her bondmate just had. As if the connection that now shared was not enough to link them. Iollu floated into her mind briefly, but she tried not to worry about the child. It was unusual for her to callously throw away the worry of another, but for the moment she had something more important to focus on.

Ixzo's eyebrows furrosed slightly and her paralyzing grin wavered for a tick as she pulled the thought back. "Iollu." She breathed, truly coming back to reality. "She be fine with the Drykas." She reminded herself, finally glancing around again and disbelieving her own words, despite the truth in them. Of course Iollu would be safe among her own people, it was only Ixzo who needed to be wary. Her fingers itched to find the sign, but she didn't believe she could let go again. Opening her mouth, she tapped the tongue on the roof of her mouth twice before she found the word.

"No, not my Dotra." She answered the question which seemed to have been asked years before, but at least she understood it. A hint of urgency was left in her features. She wanted to stay with Rufio, but the sudden fear of Iollu getting into trouble was interrupting her wave of euphoria. "But… I must find her." Still thickly accented, her Pavi was coming together easier as she got back into her right mind. She was not proficient enough with the language to have the instinct for the words just yet, but they came back to her quicker now as she spoke it again. Albeit she was making it harder on herself by not signing. She often knew signs that she didn't know words for or vice versa.

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The Beginning

Postby Rufio on April 7th, 2016, 6:07 pm

      Ixzo. Kelvic.

The half-Drykas chewed over the words, the way they resounded in her head, her dark brow low and thoughtful as Ixzo signed shapes with her hands to explain.

Rufio was stolen over instantly by the realisation that there weren't words or sign to really describe what she felt herself, or in the air between them; her hands a flurry as she communicated—understanding...

Bonding—the notion of one spirit bonding to another not foreign to a Drykas. Though this moment with Ixzo was a kaleidoscope of depth and colour and nuance that she had not felt with another ever.

When Ixzo picked up her hands and slunk her long fingers between the half-Drykas stubby-ish paws, Rufio pressed her palms lightly into Ixzo's. A gesture like an embrace.

"Iollu."—Rufio's brows arched in interest—"She be fine with the Drykas."—and her mouth puckered curiously.

"—not my Dotra." Ah, Rufio nodded, she remembered solemnly many children had had to find new family after the invaders raided.

Her brows furrowed lightly as her cocoa gaze took in the urgency flickering into Ixzo's beautiful features. "But… I must find her." Rufio watched the Kelvic look about her, still holding hands, and smiled softly, lightly amused by her.

Sensing her torn feelings, the half-Drykas tugged her a little closer and untangled the indecision, feeling the lightness of the moment passing, her feelings gently becoming grounded again—"Come, let's find Iollu."

With a reassuring squeeze of her thumbs over Ixzo's before she stole her hands gently from their clasp and turned towards the festival.

Her eyes darted about the tents and stalls thoughtfully, she offered—"If I were Iollu I would have gone right to the Heart Fire." Excited, gathering, food, contests.

An impishness glinted subtly in her smile, her own child-like excitment remembering itself and bubbling off her lips in a giggle. With that she took Ixzo's hand and tugged her after her—"Come, let's see!-"
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The Beginning

Postby Ixzo on May 6th, 2016, 6:29 pm

Ixzo was elated to have Rufio agree. The light, tingling in her chest didn't subside or go away, she merely understood how to function with it again. She didn't want it to leave either. The soft, almost purr-like feeling of their bond now remained close to her heart, and the idea of Rufio wanting the same thing she did, to find Iollu, was exciting. Of course if Rufio had not wanted to find Iollu, Ixzo would have been just as excited to utterly forget about the orphan, even if it was wrong. A thought floated up from the back of her mind, pointing out that Rufio was not greedy this way. She had known her bondmate for ticks, barely a few chimes, and she thought she already knew everything about the Drykas, even knowing they still would have to learn.

Dragging herself back to reality once more, Ixzo listened to Rufio. The Heart Fire. Unsure of what it was, she still gladly followed Rufio. Iollu, which had been the center of her attention just a chime ago was now floating to the back of her brain when Ixzo noticed how Rufio's curls shivered with the Drykas' excitement. A soft caress of the emotion told her it was not entirely her own, but something she shared. Rufio was excited for whatever the Heart Fire was, and Ixzo was simply excited by proximity. She loved it.

Trying not to skip was much harder, as it seemed the appropriate way to move when one was filled with so much glee. Still, she matched her elongated strides to Rufio's. Still hand in hand, Ixzo had to drag her silvery gaze away from the Drykas to occasionally search the growing crowd. She knew she was looking for the soft black braids of Iollu, or the bouncing blue tunic she had purchased for her. But instead the Kelvic found herself looking for Rufio's freckles or the soft glint of a nose-ring.


The thought yowled at her, and she closed her eyes, reopening them to look at the crowd. The buzzing in her chest was still there, but she used the distraction to push her towards Iollu. Rufio is right here, no need to keep looking for her. Still, Ixzo squeezed er hand to make sure the consistent pressure of her bond-mate remained.

"Ixzo!" Iollu appeared out of nowhere. She realized too late, that she should have recognized her earlier, but didn’t realize until she nearly tripped over the little Drykas. Iollu barely noticed, stuffing a fried hunk of dough towards her. She could see the jam seeping out of the corners, and realized it was one of the vendor's treats. Unhealthy things that her mother would have only let her eat on occasion back home, but Ixzo hardly cared what the child wanted to eat. Ixzo was not really a mother, so instead of looking down on the thing she got excited for the child instead.

"Ooh, yum." Her voice was distracted when she watched Iollu take another steaming bite of the treat. Her eyes dropped from the child's immediately looking for Rufio's reaction. Ixzo realized she had panicked for nothing, of course Iollu ran straight for the sweets, which threw another thought into her head.

"I need more Mizzzaaas…" The child sang in a pleading voice just as Ixzo thought it.

"Already?" Ixzo pretended to frown. She was running a little low on coins, just on hand, but it was not something the lioness generally worried about. Sticking her free hand into her pocket, the lioness pulled out three gold, two silvers and seven coppers. Dropping two of the gold coins into the child's hand, she put the rest back in her pocket. Now that her request had been met, the child looked at Rufio for the first time.

"Who are you?" A curious and slightly rude gaze glanced down at their hands and then back up at Rufio, willing to take a reply from anyone, but the testy child wanted to make Rufio feel uncomfortable, if she could accomplish it. Worry immediately creased her brow when she realized what Iollu was doing. The Kelvic braced for a cutting remark towards Rufio from the child, but Iollu seemed to simply want an answer from Rufio.

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The Beginning

Postby Rufio on May 19th, 2016, 9:02 pm

  As the morning waned into the warmth of after-noon, the tented city was becoming busier. The festival beginning.
  Rufio's dark gaze darted with surprise to the child that they had almost stumbled over, and she felt a spark of curiosity lick within that golden, good mood.
  So, this is Iollu.
Sighting the braids Rufio's freckled features fluttered with a subtle subconscious hint of being impressed—impressed that Ixzo had kept her in the Drykas way.

With quiet observation she watched the warmth ebb between makeshift mother and adopted child. "Ooh, yum." An amused smile tickled along the Drykas' lips, though she made no show of seeing Ixzo's looking at her.

"I need more Mizzzaaas…" The child sang in a pleading voice, and Rufio chuckled and felt surprise lift her brow subtly as she watched Ixzo acqueisce generously.

A soft heart for a woman with so much scars etching a hard history across her ebony skin...

Rufio wondered, feeling a depth shift her vision of the lioness, like a prism rolling, casting light into their bond. Already growing to know her, as if, almost, remembering the feeling of her aura, a dream come real.

When the child's gaze dropped to Rufio's hands, the Drykas' brow arched lightly, and an imperceptibly impish, knowing smile shadowed the curve of her lips. When Iollu looked at Rufio, Rufio looked back, eyes-to-eyes. "Who are you?"

The half-Drykas' cocked her head, her messy hair casting shadows against the ground, her nose-ring glinting in the warmth. She glanced at Ixzo, her smile widening into a grin.

"Mana—..." Her shoulder lifted lightly in a half-shrug even as her tone lilted with an odd mis-match between certainty and uncertainty.
  There was no other way to put it, or so she guessed.
        Sisters of the soul, hearts bonded.

The word flirted at the edges of her ken, and she knew then, as if the knowing was drawn up from the bond itself embedding deeply at her core, what their connection was named.

Rufio hunkered down to Iollu's height, dabbed a finger in the jam dripping out of the pastry treat in the child's hand, and sucked it off her finger, responding with a more practical answer. "—Rufio."

When, then, Rufio challenged the Drykas child playfully, narrowing her eyes with a dare. "Think you can beat us at the tug-o-war, Iollu?" challenge, dare, fun.

A traditional sport of the festival, which Rufio looked forward to every year since she was herself a small girl. It reminded her of her mother, how she would tug on her hand and show her all of the traditions that were Drykas.

Rufio was a spark of excitement, of life. Ixzo had bumped into her but a moments' ago, and yet, it seemed that their bond was forged by Lhex, tethered immediately, vehemently, Drykas and Kelvic.

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The Beginning

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on August 14th, 2016, 10:37 pm

Let me know if i missed anything ladies

  • Socialization: 4 XP
  • Observation: 2 XP
  • Investigation: 1 XP
  • Rufio: Bondmate
  • Ixzo: nervous since the pirate raids
  • Lollu: can be rude

  • Socialization: 4 XP
  • Observation: 2 XP
  • Investigation: 1 XP
  • Ixzo: a kelvic
  • Ixzo: bondmate
  • Lollu: not Ixzo's daughter
  • Rufio: always up for a challenge
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