"You, too," Asarni returned as she gathered her own squirrel, giving the arrow the same tug-and-twist movement that Caesi had given hers to remove it. Asarni chuckled lightly at Caesi's comment; squirrels were good for giving an individual meat, but these were relatively small, being as it was still the beginning of Spring. The squirrels and other animals were still fattening up from the winter. "Squirrels are always a good addition to stew," she said; she loved a bit of squirrel in her stew, personally. She was in the same camp as Caesi; she could boil water, but that was about it. For the moment, however, she was more than content to spend her time finding contributions to the cooking pot and observing her father's wives as they cooked. Her younger sisters were both showing signs of being more domestic than Asarni had ever been, which she was sure pleased her father to no end; domestic girls with many homemaking skills would find good husbands.
Asarni had just slipped her squirrel into her own bag when she noticed Caesi's attention had been caught by a rustling bush; instincts prickling, the Drykas quickly notched an arrow, not drawing just yet, but ready to. Crouching down, Asarni stepped forward until she was on Caesi's right, her attention focused on the bush as well. The upper branches were the parts that were rustling, indicating that it might be another squirrel, or perhaps a bird. Asarni noticed a small rock near her foot, and - keeping one eye on the bush - she carefully nudged it into position before kicking it into the bush.
A grouse exploded from the bush, screeching and feathers flying, and Asarni did not bother waiting to see what Caesi would do, following the bird through the air with her arrow as she pulled her bow to a full draw, breathing a quick prayer to Zulrav and whichever other gods were listening before loosing it; in a one-in-a-million shot, the arrow flew straight and true, striking the retreating grouse below the wing and lodging in its side. The bird fell from the air, landing on the ground with a dull thump. Asarni turned to Caesi with a stunned expression. "I... honestly did not expect to hit it," the young woman says, getting to her feet as she moves to her kill. "That will likely not happen again for a very long time, if ever."
OOCLet me know if that was okay, or if you'd like me to rewrite it
Asarni had just slipped her squirrel into her own bag when she noticed Caesi's attention had been caught by a rustling bush; instincts prickling, the Drykas quickly notched an arrow, not drawing just yet, but ready to. Crouching down, Asarni stepped forward until she was on Caesi's right, her attention focused on the bush as well. The upper branches were the parts that were rustling, indicating that it might be another squirrel, or perhaps a bird. Asarni noticed a small rock near her foot, and - keeping one eye on the bush - she carefully nudged it into position before kicking it into the bush.
A grouse exploded from the bush, screeching and feathers flying, and Asarni did not bother waiting to see what Caesi would do, following the bird through the air with her arrow as she pulled her bow to a full draw, breathing a quick prayer to Zulrav and whichever other gods were listening before loosing it; in a one-in-a-million shot, the arrow flew straight and true, striking the retreating grouse below the wing and lodging in its side. The bird fell from the air, landing on the ground with a dull thump. Asarni turned to Caesi with a stunned expression. "I... honestly did not expect to hit it," the young woman says, getting to her feet as she moves to her kill. "That will likely not happen again for a very long time, if ever."
OOCLet me know if that was okay, or if you'd like me to rewrite it
