The cups smelled nice, of ginger and peppermint. Of homemade medicine, something she couldn't remember having for so long. The smell filled the cave as Merevaika huddled under the warm, watching Amnet work. Turnips, carrots, onion and garlic were all added to the pot, in between blue and gold eyes watching red and green. Her eyes seemed so peaceful, the colours merging nicely. Merevaika's looked violent, unnatural and wild. Just like her nature, she supposed.
A tea was brought to her, and Merevaika took it and sipped it, feeling so much warmer with the warm liquid inside her. It tasted good and didn't want to make her throw up. Of course, maybe her stomach would reject it later, but having something warm inside her soothed her.
It was the 91st. When had she left it was the 87th. She had entered the cave the next day? Was it three days in the cave? Two? She couldn't figure it out. Such a short time, but it wasn't. It had been eternity, waiting for something to happen. Endrykas had moved on, it was almost Spring. She was lost, without a plan, without any idea of what to do. But she was still alive. That meant something.
The eyes stared at it, speaking gently but intelligence in her eyes. Merevaika thought about it. She couldn't remember why she had joined the race. It was so long ago, so unimportant. She wanted to win, but she was competitive. There was a prize, but she wanted the honour and pride of coming first. "I don't know." Another question. "I don't know. One second I was racing, the next, my nephew, little Vaikar was in the way. I didn't see him. He was there and... and..." She didn't say anything else, looking away. There was no emotion in her eyes, no feeling of guilt or sorrow or even pleasure. Just nothingness.
Then the answer to her previous question clicked. Merevaika spoke rapidly, almost excited, although her face was still. "Some in this world are meant to hunt, others, like you, are made to heal. I am made to ride. I am meant to ride, on Eryunt, against the wind, chasing the storms as they move across the land. I am meant to be with Eryunt. Eryunt, Eryunt..."
She felt a sudden urge to see him, rising quickly. She dropped the tea, spilling the scent of ginger and peppermint across the ground as she stepped forward. Then she sunk to the ground, clutching her head. It had got worse, now piercing yet also dull. She blinked, looking up, and everything was wavy lights at once, paths twisting. Her vision went blurry and Merevaika fell to the ground, clutching her eyes.
When she opened them, it was gone. Merevaika closed them again, counting her breaths slowly. She couldn't do this. She couldn't... Yet Amunet could. "How do you... control it?"
Grassland sign