PM to join Disrupting Rituals [4]

The group heads out to search for Yargul and Ser Xervos

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Disrupting Rituals [4]

Postby Shimoje on May 14th, 2016, 3:58 pm


Later Afternoon day 33 of Spring 516 AV

1st thread in series:Adventure of a Scientist[1]
2nd thread in series: Lets Hope This Works[2]
3rd thread in series: Experiments of the Mind: Rituals With-in [3]

Flashback to Yargul's experience:
“Hey Yargul. I heard of some supplies outside the city in the bronze woods were cut off. Their Caravan broke down.” Said a concerned citizen by the main gates. “Oi, how many are out thar!” he replied “not sure, I think it is a traveling family with some yung ones.” The citizen said back. “Grab yerself some friends, we will go out within the bell.” Yargul replied as gently sharpening his blades for the trip. “But, shouldn’t the knights go?” the citizen said. “Nonsense, yus know that they already have a patrol out thar, if we come across ‘em we will ask ‘em to come along.” Yargul replied.

Within the bell about 4 other citizens with a variety of weapons joined Yargul and they set off for the bronze woods. Walking their way through where the concerned citizen heard where the caravan was stranded, Yargul was cautious. There was no signs of caravan and this citizen was taking them off the Kabrin road. “By Sylir, did they go in the woods? No wonder their caravan broke.” Yargul said aloud. Suddenly a net fell and captured the group of citizens and Yargul.

Pinned down to the ground, struggling. The group of citizens and Yargul were met by a swift flurry of bandits who were hooting and hollering and overpowered them by sheer numbers. “Rhysol be pleased. Tie them to the stakes!” an older man ordered at the group of bandits. They seemed to be following his orders. “Let their bodies meet the fire’s of torture and their souls consumed by the darkness of Rhysol.” The old man prepared the citizens by taking off their shirts and painting their bodies in a chalk while attached at the stake. Yargul particularly was the ruffian of the group and quickly angered the old man. “This one goes last!” the old man ordered.

Upon observing the rituals, Yargul started to fear for his life, crying and yelling in the like. Just when everything he was about to lose hope all of the bandits started to run off further into the woods. The old man stayed behind. “You told you were out here!” The old man yelled at Yargul. “No matter, you will just be tortured in our hideout and suffer an even worse fate.

With much suffer and using a strange magic the old man subdued a lonely knight as well. It wasn’t long before he led them to an underground outpost that looks freshly made. The old man threw them in cages unfit for even most dogs. Some skeletons were decomposing inside, and various insects plagued the carcass. There were a vast number of bandits, drinking and doing strange rituals in praise to Rhysol. Surely hoping to grab the deity’s attention.

~ ~ ~

Shimoje sat next to the main gates, waiting for everyone to arrive. Soon enough they would be there and ready to head out. He spoke with Sera Reeves a little detailing of the marks he made on the trees and where approximately he saw the rituals being performed. Holding onto his stake he started to carve thread into it as well, effectively turning into something like a drill with a notch at top. “What is that for anyways?” Sera asked him. “Well, it could be used for many things, actually. It can go deep in ground and not risk of being pulled out easily. It can also be turned into something a pry at it.” He answered. “It would have been much easier earlier if I had such a devise earlier to use with that trap back there. If there are more traps I am sure I could think of a way to use it.” Shimoje smiled almost expecting another trap, but was unsure himself what the bronze woods would hold now. It had already been a few days, and the bandits would surely be expecting a visit now that they hold people captive again.

“I don’t have much supplies. What would I expect out there?” Shimoje asked the group of knights. “We have enough in ample for everyone, but the woods are dangerous, are dangerous.” One of the squires replied. “It is likely we should move slowly through the woods not to attract too much attention” Sera started to explain “Noise attracts attention for both animals and those bandits. You might actually have to camouflage your face and skin Shimoje. Dirt would probably do nicely.” She poured some water on the ground kicking at some dirt and creating some mud.

“Why?” Shimoje asked her calmly. “Because you must hide yourself better in the wilds, and that petching bald head of yours is nothing but a target.” She kicked up some of the mud at Shimoje and smiled. Shimoje walked over to the mud and started to smear it all over his skin. His face, arms, neck, and various other parts were covered in the sludge. “When we get out there you could also use bits of the woods to add to your body and make you look like a walking bush, if you wanted.”
Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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Disrupting Rituals [4]

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on May 17th, 2016, 9:12 pm




Burnt out torches, followed by the aroma of smoke and dust filtered through the hallway of the Traveler's Row. That was where, the Kenashian Ferrin is. Walking towards his room, up the steps and to his door. Where, hopefully he'll find Jade.

Shimoje had played a cruel joke. If it was one thing that Ferrin had learned about the Drykas people, it was to not doubt them. Especially, strong women; like Jade for instance. She has a heart for courage and pride. Maybe even passion. But, most Drykas strive away from being affectionate. Sometimes.

Ferrin stopped at his door and turned the knob with his right hand ever so carefully. Maybe, not to attract to much attention from Jade. He heard muffling sounds as he ventured through the room, half mentally preparing for the hunt, and half preparing for what was to come. The Kenashian finally, but slowly made it into the room. Closing the door behind him. Purposely, he made the door close with a light thud, to gather Jade's attention of positivity, hopefully.

His feet stepped with carefulness as he made his way over to the crying blonde. "Hey there Jade." Ferrin said in a low soothing tone. He hoped it had reached across the apartment, but if it didn't he'll try again.

The Kenashian stepped inside to what was meant to be the bedroom, there; Jade was propped on the bed, tears swelling and soaking the pillow, almost. "Hey Jade, things are going to be okay." Ferrin said to the blonde as he sat beside her. "What Shimoje has done, there is always a time for recompense. But, I don't think he meant any harm." He said as he inched closer. He tried to sooth her with his words, but he didn't know if they would work. It's kind of hard to get though a Drykas like this.

Ferrin said. "Hey now. You'll feel better trust me. Do you still want to help me look for my uncle? If not I understand." He smiled weary at her, trying to determine what was going on inside her head. He figured distress and anger was sewelling up within her. He sighed. Watching Jade and thinking if he should make her feel better with a back massage. He wasn't the best, but his hands aren't rough like a rock. "I can help you make things better? Just maybe a little, would you like that?"

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"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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Disrupting Rituals [4]

Postby Jade Laken on May 19th, 2016, 2:39 pm


Jade just kept hiding her face when she heard the door gently open. Whoever had entered the apartment hadn't thought the room would be so quiet. The woman had been furious when she left and the room had been furiously clean to help her calm down. Looking the blonde was glad that she had never really been one to paint her face as a child or an adult. Turning her head towards where the man had sat down Jade listened to him gently. A part of her knew that she was acting ridiculous, but another wanted to rip the whelps head from his shoulders for doing something like that to her.

"You sure I will still be welcomed?" Jade asked looking at the young man gently.

Several of the older knights had not seemed to think highly of the young woman's ability. Normally Jade would not have cared, but after looking like an idiot in front of everyone the woman just wanted to bury her head in the dirt. One minute she had one of the best matches against a squire the next she had ended up covered in mud looking like the biggest idiot in Cyphrus. Jade had been taught better than to let her guard down so easily especially around a defeated enemy.
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Disrupting Rituals [4]

Postby Collin Ashcroft on May 26th, 2016, 8:10 pm

The Main Gates

Collin and Ser Blackburn were some of the last to arrive, but they were well-prepared. The Squire and his patron led their horses over to the collection of armored individuals and made short greetings all around. When Collin's eyes finally found Shimoje where he was hovering on the fringes of the patrol, his face contorted with confusion. His head was smeared with mud, and it splattered his clothes. He looked like an East Street beggar who'd seen better days. None of the others except his patron seemed to be perturbed by this though, which was curious, but he decided not to comment.

The Squire wasn't altogether comfortable with the fact that civilians would be present for this search. He whispered to his patron under his breath, voicing his concerns, but the old Knight just shook his head. He didn't seem pleased either though. They were going to be a liability.

He was left with these dark, fretful thoughts while the others finished preparing to move out. When Ser Blackburn gave him the order, Collin stepped up into the stirrup of his saddle and climbed into the seat. He was using a horse from the stables that was familiar to him; a tall sorrel beast of a gelding that he'd first learned to ride on. The horse snorted a stomped a shod foot on the cobbles beneath it, loudly scraping steel against stone. He stroked its neck absently, trying to distract it from its impatience.

When it was time, the guards at the gate halted and cleared pedestrian traffic through the massive portcullis so their group could move out.
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Disrupting Rituals [4]

Postby Shimoje on May 27th, 2016, 2:20 am


It was around the 14th bell of the day, and the rather large group was almost ready to make their way back into the bronze woods to search for Ser Xervos, Yargul, and the bandits which had plagued the wilds. There was no telling what adventures would unfold for the group. Knights clad in their armor, squires eager, and horses gently patting at the ground with their hooves almost knowing something was about to take place.

As clouds rolled across the sky bringing in sunlight that waned Shimoje was only more cooled by the mud drying upon his body. The wind gently blew, and soon enough citizens across Syliras crowded around the group rumoring about what might be going down. It was a big enough gathering of knights and a strange occurrence for a group to prepare for such an adventure. Perhaps, this would be Shimoje’s biggest adventure yet, and he was as ready as he could be.


Shimoje watched tentatively as Collin approached with his horse and nodded. There was only Ferrin and Jade missing, and he was almost eager in anticipation. Shimoje took a guess that Ferrin was trying to do some damage control from his own pranks. Though, his heart was cold and care less. He acted like nothing ever happened. His mind was strong enough to make up for his weakness and then there was the idle thoughts of what could take place.

If the group ran into any more traps it would surely meet hardship during their trials and Shimoje didn’t expect so many horses to make the venture. “Perhaps, I should scout ahead. I know the way and the marks that I made on the trees. Ferrin would know what to look for as well.” He said while letting out a deep sigh.

As Collin stroked his horses neck, the guards cleared a way for Shimoje and he made his way without any input from anyone else. Perhaps, his stubbornness getting the best of him. As he made his way across and into the wilds and soon to the bronze woods, he did so carefully and quietly trying to use his stealth and camouflage as well as possible, keeping a low profile. There was the occasional noise that startled him and made him freeze in place, and finally he reached the first mark of the tree. A circle to note that it was the start of the path. Not far from here Ferrin and Shimoje were attacked by wolves. The situation still haunted him in his head, and reminded him of the scratch on his arm. Taking out his woodcarving knife he daunted another circle on the tree to make note that he made it there once again.

Continuing on, the smell of death filled the air. Bones and carcass of the wolves still lay dormant upon the ground, and the varieties of different bugs swarmed around them. Shimoje stopped at their carcass and threw some dirt at them, covering up or scattering some of the bugs away, then intuitively grabbed at one of the rib bones in attempt to snap it from its rib. After a bit of struggle he took out his hatchet and started to chop at the bone while pulling. It gave way eventually and it’s fractured end still had a bit of spine on it. Shimoje sat there for some time then grafted into it with his biggest woodcarver’s knife trying to create a point.

After about 1 bell of sitting near the carcass the bone was finally carved to a fine point, it was patient work, and something that needed to be done to ensure a little bit of security for Shimoje. Though, at this point, all alone in the bronze woods… no such security came. In a desperate attempt Shimoje starts to crawl forwards keeping low to the ground, hearing the occasional rustling of the woods which wasn’t him. Soon enough the trap and masquerade of different flayed bodies came within sight. The trap to which he had previously rigged seemed to be altered or moved a bit. The bodies remained, but all of their weapons which they had carried were gone.

As Shimoje looked around the group of bodies he heard someone speaking in the distance. Immediately he fell down to the ground, lying flat and pretended to be dead.

His breath slightly began to grow labored from trying to slow it, and his heartbeat quickened, sending a chilling and tingling through his every core. As he waited he could only hear portions of the speaking between what seemed like three people.

“Boss wanted us to do what?!”

“Fire, all shall feel Rhysol’s embrace.”

“Most of them were friends, and we are to set their corpses on fire!?”

“Yeah, I don’t like it either, but it is what that old man said. What he says goes.”
Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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Disrupting Rituals [4]

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on May 29th, 2016, 7:49 pm



Ferrin smiled cordially towards the blonde as she took her time to listen and understand what Ferrin was saying and expecting out of her. "People make big mistakes sometimes. Of course, what Shimjoe did was wrong, but doesn't mean you need to lose your dignity over a mucky water bucket." Said the squire with a concealed smirk. It was almost hysterical to watch, but Ferrin refrained himself from making manners worse by keeping his expression content.

"We'll probably be out a few days. I am highly sure that you'll be welcomed. Who wouldn't be interested in a Drykas? Especially, one from the Emerald Clan? You'll get to show the others your true abilities." Said the man confidently with a smile. "I can prepare the tent and the bedrolls. The squires and Knights are already waiting for us. So I think we must hurry, now you'll be alright trust me. I got your back." Said Ferrin with a blush over his face. He quickly looked away and awkwardly got up and headed for the closet that contained some clothes and the tent plus other stuff.

He piled the tent and the bedrolls in a neat pile and walked over to fetch his longbow that he had propped up against the wall from when he walked in. (Forgot to mention it). He slung the bow and quiver around his shoulders. His waterskin tied on the opposite side of his short broadsword. "I can carry the tent, if you can carry the bedrolls. We'll probably make it in a bell if we can get the horses and pack up our things on them." Said the Kenashian with a smile. "Come now."


The Windmount Stables:

Serena is a beautiful brunnet. Her brown hair flowed below her shoulders tanned skin all over. Muscular physique, but clean and steady. She had her hair in a pony tail, as she came around and out of the barn. She instantly smiled at the two, she figured as a couple. "Aye, glad to see you two up and out today. I've heard the news within the city. About Yargul and Ser Xervos. You need your horses don't you?" She Asjed Ferrin and Jade. Ferrin nodded, he was having a bit difficulty holding the folded up tent and bedrolls. He carried his pack which contained some rations and what not, but the two hadn't intended to pack for less than a week. "Yes, thank you Serena I would love to ride Cyprus. " Alrighty then. I'll bring them out so you could mount up. Jade you want to help?"

Ferrin waited for Jade's assistance as she and Serena pulled out Cyprus and Ferrin gathered his gear and strapped it on the back of the horse. "Thanks so much Serena. You ready Jade?" At the end of his words he mounted Cyprus. He looked over at Jade and he clicked his heels lightly against the sides of his companion. Ferrin, eyed the roads ahead of him. There wasn't much time left and hopefully they'll be able to reach the group at the gates.


The Main Gates:

The four managed to reach the group in about a bells time. Only to find Shimoje missing. Sera Reeves turned and scoffed at them as they entered. "Took you long enough. Shimojes out there in the woods scouting. I don't know what for. He's really a pest, an undiscovered species that's what he is." She smirked. Obviously, Ferrin could tell she was tired if waiting.

"Oh, hello to you too Sera Reeves." Ferrin said with a smirk across his face. "Where's Shimoje?" He asked Collin as the Kenashian turned his head to face the fellow Squire before him. "I thought we'll be late, but I guess I was wrong." The Kenashian said with a slight smile. He was glad that they all hadn't left yet, but was partly worried that Shimoje didn't come yet. "Did he come??" He asked in a confused tone, the he meaning Shimoje.

Sera Reeves glanced at the squire and scoffed. "Sure he came. He had scouted. Said he'll be back, but it's been roughly a bell. I don't know what's gotten into him. I think we should go since all of us are here anyways." The she Knight spoke in an eager and yet impatient tone. Ferrin nodded, looking once at Jade, and scanning the rest of the Squires and Knight. "I guess I'll take the lead then. Since, I know where their campsite is, or probably was." All Ferrin hoped for was that Shimoje hadn't done something stupid. He was probably tinkering around with another trap. At least, that is what he hoped to find him doing. "Let's go."

OOCSo sorry for the wait guys. School was eating me and been busy with alts. Doing some planning with them and what not.

My Words Others Words My Thoughts

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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Disrupting Rituals [4]

Postby Jade Laken on June 1st, 2016, 3:44 am


Jade sat up and wiped her eyes again feeling like an idiot. She had fallen right into his game. Nodding with a smile the blonde got up and cleaned herself up before strapping her quiver on her belt and put her bow across her back. Grabbing the pack next Jade quickly packed food for at least a week just in case and pulled on her boots. The blond stopped by the door and looked at her cloak before grabbing it and running behind Ferrin to catch up. The pair needed to cover as much ground as possible in the next bell to make it on time.

"Let's hurry," Jade said pulling her hair into a ponytail braid to keep it out of the way.


The Windmount Stables:

Jade felt a strange calmness seeing the stables appear before the two people. It represented a world that she understood how to maneuver. Seeing Serena walk over caused the woman to smile at her superior. Looking at Ferrin the blond let him explain everything and quickly went to help get Diria and Cyprus ready. Jade thanked the woman and lead out the two horses. Grabbing the two bedrolls she strapped each to one side of the yvas before strapping her bow on as well. She mounted up and nodded following him to the gates as quickly as they could. It was nearly a bell later when the two found the rest at the gates already. Pulling up her cloak's hood the woman became nervous hearing that Shimoje had went on ahead of the group.

"Let's go quick. Something doesn't feel right about this," Jade said.

Though she was still mad at Shimoje Jade didn't want him to be hurt. No matter how angry the woman could get at someone the last thing she wanted was for anyone to get hurt if she could help it.

"I should introduce myself properly. My name is Jade Laken of the Laken pavilion within the Emerald Clan. I want to help in any way I can," she said proudly sitting up in on Diria's back to everyone.

The time to cower and pull pranks was over. Everything had changed from being playful and preparing to going full steam into something out of her depth.

"Let me ride beside you Ferrin. I can help spot any recent tracks," Jade said as Diria walked beside Cyprus not caring for the other horses.
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Disrupting Rituals [4]

Postby Shimoje on June 15th, 2016, 12:37 am


Shimoje was covered in dirt and was kept cool laying down close to the ground, but the scent of death and blood filling the air was almost noxious. Burning flesh crept across the floor of the woods, and soon enough he knew if he didn’t do something he would be next. Despite the voices coming ever so closer, he kept his head on the ground, and only once did he dare to pick it up to look at his surroundings. The group of bandits seemed to be dousing bodies with a type of oil before lighting them up with a single torch.

He could hear their maniacal laughter as a chore turned into a pleasurable action with fires embrace. It was almost sickening how such people could find joy in such things, and Shimoje knew if he didn’t attempt to get away he would surely be next. Inch by inch he started to move, slower than a worm crawling across the ground. His heart was pounding and there was no telling if he would make it out of this alive. Luckily for him, the concealment seemed to blend in with the dirt of the ground, and he slowly made his way to bush where he watched the egregious men burn bodies.

He wondered if his companions would ever make it to him, and at this rate he almost hoped that they wouldn’t. It seemed far too dangerous, even for knights, to involve themselves in such a fight. His eyes only widened as one of the sickly looking bandits knelt over one of the crisped bodies and picked up it’s arm and took a bite out of it, laughing maniacally. “Great, they are crazed.” He thought to himself.

Suddenly the thoughts of Yorgen and Ser Xervos crossed his mind. He hoped that these bandits didn’t do all these rituals just to consume them! No it had to be something much more than that. After another bell had passed, it felt like time had painstakingly slowed down, as Shimoje hid himself amongst the bushes. The bandits started to drag the bodies away, leaving a trail of ash and flesh along the path he had previously ran down.

Well, at least with a trail the knights could easily follow them. He almost wondered how such people had escaped and thrived this much so without being detected before. When the area was completely clear Shimoje couldn’t hold it in anymore, he got up and went to the nearest tree and leaned against it with his hands and started to throw up.
Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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Disrupting Rituals [4]

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on June 16th, 2016, 9:19 pm

As the search party ventured deeper into the woods. Ferrin was unsure of what he'll find. He prayed silently to Sylir that he'll find Shimoje, Ser Xervos, and Yargul alive and well. Not dead, like the men from the trap that Shimoje had tinkered with the other day. Ferrin hoped so much that Shimoje wasn't dead. He needed Shimoje to stay alive. He didn't know why, he needed him to. He just did. "So, what did happen to Shimoje?" Asked Ferrin to Sera Reeves. The she Knight looked at him with a stern countenance.

"He wanted to scout ahead. Maybe he had lost his sight of mind." Said Sera Reeves with a slight chuckle. The she warrior was being a bit too hard on Shimoje, the other members of the party kept quiet and surveyed their surroundings. "Well, he is right about the bandits. If I didn't push myself hard enough. I've probably been dead. Or worse, a sacrifice to Rhysol." Ferrin grew goosebumps over his arms and wiggled in his saddle uncomfortably. He could sense the coldness of someone watching him.

Hopefully with this number of squires and Knights together would make a difference against a party full of followers of Rhysol. Maybe Sylir would be watching? Is Syna alongside us? Ferrin was really curious of what would happen. Though, he needed to focus on the now.

Ferrin clutched onto his longbow. He needed to make sure that all of those outside of Ferrins hands were okay. He can't let them down. Ferrin needs to save them from Rhysol. It is his duty. To serve and protect. To make Mizahar a better place. To improvise justice. Up ahead, a trail of footprints could be seen. 'Are those Shimojes?' Thought Ferrin. As he peered over the saddle, ignoring all others around them. "Stop." Whispered Ferrin demandingly.

The Knights obeyed. Ironically. Ferrin grimaced. "Footprints. Up ahead. Jade, what do you think? Are they Shimojes?"


"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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Disrupting Rituals [4]

Postby Jade Laken on June 20th, 2016, 6:58 pm


Jade rode beside Ferrin listening to the light clanking of metal armor. Making a face the woman began to wonder why in the world they would wear so much if trying to be stealthy was a thing. Diria's ears flicked back and forth quickly putting the young woman on edge about what was ahead. The mare was not easily spooked due to her time on the plains so the nervousness put the young woman on edge. Looking up at Syna gently she prayed for guidance before pulling her hair back into a bun at the nape of her neck. Once her hair was removed from sight she pulled her hood up hiding any form of blond.

Diria skirted to the side with her nostrils flaring. Jade pulled on the yvas to steady the creature. A knot began to form in the woman's stomach as Ferrin called to her. Leading Diria over the blond looked to where he was pointing. Sure enough there was human foot prints. Taking a deep breath the drykas slid down from Diria's back.

"Only one way to find out," she said and walked over to the tracks the wind blowing her cloak to one side.

Kneeling down the woman noticed that the tracks were not long tread. Who ever had made them made them recently. Standing up and looking into the forest the woman took a deep breath and turned to all her companions.

"We should continue on foot. Be as silent as possible, the forest is silent any noise will alert predators and people with in. Stay close something isn't right," Jade said took hold of the yvas leading Diria into the forest.

Watching where she stepped the woman made almost no noise what so ever causing a few unpracticed squires to replicate the steps of the female. Hearing more clinking the blonde rolled her eyes and bit her tongue to not lash out at the ground behind her.
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Joined roleplay: September 12th, 2014, 2:03 pm
Location: Syka
Race: Human, Drykas
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