New player history.

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New player history.

Postby Nhyt on May 24th, 2016, 12:04 am

As a new player and new to the world of Mizahar, I was hoping to get some impressions on my characters history. I'd like to know if the history I wrote up makes sense for the race I choose before copying it to a character sheet.


Nhyt was once a well known citizen of Zeltiva, since his family served the city and its people as the local undertakers. Nhyt was a third in his family line to take on the trade learning from his father Edgar who was taught by his father Horris. Of course in his life as human he had a different more suitable name, Ichabod Broomholm.

Ichabod took over the families mortuary at thirty-five years after his father Edgar passed. He lived well having in a spacious home with his wife, and two daughters. With neither of his daughters interested in taking over the family business Ichabod became a teacher at the university part time to properly educate the coming generation in his trade.

Ichabod was entering sixties when a stranger came to his parlor in need of a favor, it was a five-hundred year old Nuit, or so he claimed to be anyway. The Nuit never identified himself by name but asked the undertaker for a body, a clean newly dead body for him to inhabit and he asked for the body to be cared for by the undertake in payment for his service the Nuit offered a generous amount of gold rimmed Mizas.

Ichabod took the night to consider the Nuit's offer before accepting. Having grandchildren now after his daughters married fisherman Ichabod considered this a fair arrangement allowing him to leave behind a healthy stash for his family. Soon the Nuit would learn Ichabod was sick and dying at the age of seventy-eight years. The Nuit thought this was unacceptable, and a way of Ichabod escaping the deal he'd made, so the unnamed Nuit forced his ichor down Ichabod's throat transforming him into an undead just like himself.

His transformation made him an outsider in the city he was raised up in, his family would eventually turn their back to Ichabod ashamed of what he'd become. No longer welcomed in Zeltiva Ichabod left and headed for Sahova where other Nuit were welcome, and he figured his skill set would be valuable to the community.
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Joined roleplay: May 23rd, 2016, 3:16 am
Race: Nuit

New player history.

Postby Gossamer on May 24th, 2016, 12:18 am

Your history seems fine to me. The only issue is that Sahova is closed so its not open for play at the moment. And also you are using 'Earth' ages. A seventy year old man would be incredibly rare in Mizahar with its tech level and dangers. It would be far more realistic for you to get sick at forty or fifty or even maybe stretched to seventy.
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New player history.

Postby Nhyt on May 24th, 2016, 12:24 am

Gossamer wrote:Your history seems fine to me. The only issue is that Sahova is closed so its not open for play at the moment. And also you are using 'Earth' ages. A seventy year old man would be incredibly rare in Mizahar with its tech level and dangers. It would be far more realistic for you to get sick at forty or fifty or even maybe stretched to seventy.

Ah thank you! I'll make the age changes and pick a differnt city to resettle in.
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