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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]
Moderator: Morose
by Anarkhos on May 13th, 2016, 1:09 pm
67th of Fall 513 A.V Sunberth
The moon was full tonight. Perfect, it meant that they would have a good source of light for the night. He'd been planning this job for sometime now, watching, waiting, listening to any word that came about of his interest. They were in Daggerhand territory. Waiting to see if the information gained 3 nights ago was in fact true. It seemed that lately the Daggerhands were moving something of great importance. He didn't know what it was, nor it's importance to the gang.
He did know though that whatever it was had to be pretty damn valuable for a hefty amount of Daggerhands to be roaming the streets this late at night. There was nearly one on every corner now. They increased their numbers since last time. Guess word must have gotten out about him snooping around. It didn't matter though he had been planning their approach for a while now and was pretty sure that it was fool proof.
He looked over to the boy, blonde scruffy hair, skinny and fragile looking with eyes that looked as if he would kill you for a piece of rotten meat. Sunberth took it's toll on the boy he could tell. Most people came to the city fat, plump and healthy. Given time though and they look as if they were born from a piss pot. Gage never really liked working with children. Too whiny plus always complaining that something was wrong, but he'd heard stories about this one so a special acceptation had to be made this time. And if the boy did prove to be more of a problem than a benefit then he could always kill the lad and find another to take his place.
"Ok' c'mere so we can go over the plan one more time." He didn't know how hard he could stress to the boy that things had to go smoothly, that there was no room for error, that even the slightest mistake would blow the entire operation as well as weeks of planning let alone could cost them both their lives.
He gave a quick glance as if he were suspicious of someone noticing them. "Ok open ya ears boy." He spat an off colored liquid from the weeds that he'd been chewing on. "Tis is how were goin ta be doin this ere. There be too many for a head on approach so we're goina to take the rooftops around them until we can get close nuff to the building then we're goina sneak our way in and take what ever it is they be gaurdin in that there house ya ear?"
He tried to keep it short and simple. Of course there was more to the plan, but he didn't want to confuse the boy. They'd be pretty petched if things went wrong because the lad were too stupid to follow complex direction, but then again he was the one who hired on a kid.
He looked down at the boy once more thinking on if he should wait it out and find another person for the job. He didn't want to play babysitter for a snot nosed brat that couldn't wipe his own ass straight. Then again there wasn't many that he could trust with a job like this. Plus it would take even longer to find another person as well as cock up another plan that would work. Shaking his head clear of his thoughts he nodded his head to the lad signally for him to get ready. "You ready? Ey? How agile are you? I don't need you falling on me up there. Ah fuck it too late for all that now. C'mon now."
The stood in an alley just outside Dagger hand territory. His back against the wall Gage set into a squat knees shoulder width apart and hands cuffed in between them. Another nod of the head signalling the kid to jump for it. The building was two stories high. Normally one couldn't make the jump alone unless they were one of those Akalaka fella's. He looked out to the end of the alley once more. By the gods he hoped that this kid wouldn't be the death of him.

Anarkhos - Retired Staff
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by Hwyn on May 18th, 2016, 1:03 pm
Their were times when Hwyn really regretted his decisions, running away may have been the best worst thing Hwyn had ever done. He had indeed escaped the clutches of an unpleasantly binding parent. But now he was learning what it meant to live by his own hand, It was not as easy as he would have liked.
Though using his charm and quick fingers he had been surviving. Not easily but it was a living none the less. It had started with just stealing bread to live but it started to become coin, and then after that trinkets and baubles, he was fairly decent at it. Word of his ability started to spread among urchins as Hwyn made his way up in what pecking order their was among street rats. As such one day an offer had made to Hwyn, a job of sorts, and supposedly a rather big one. That's how he had met Gage, he was no street rat but a full grown thief with the scars and abilities to back it up. Hwyn didn't trust the man but he did trust the man's desire to not get them caught while on a heist to keep them both breathing.
As time for the Heist came Hwyn had met Gage under a moonlit sky in daggerhand territory. The plan it seemed was to use night and the roofs of buildings as cover. the plan being to Send Hwyn to the roof via a boost and they would take further action from their. Getting a bit of a start Hwyn stepped into the man's hand and while the man hoisted him up Hwyn reached for the ledge and snagged it with both hands.
Thank god I'm light Hwyn thought to himself as he scrambled and clambered over the ledge to get onto the roof. It wasn't the prettiest action but it got the job done and got him onto the roof in one piece so he could call it a win for the time being. Hwyn peeked over the ledge unsure of what exactly Gage was doing to get himself up but if he needed a hand he would offer it. Even still Hwyn remained quiet trying to silence even the breaths that left his lungs. He kept his head down and his feet slow so as to not make any unnecessary noise. Or to risk collapsing or putting a foot through it.

Hwyn - Soul endowed plushie
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by Ashley Blairen on May 24th, 2016, 10:40 pm
Ashley was lost slightly, only a few days earlier did she depart from the boat and set foot upon the soil of Sunberth. Though she was born of ship builders, she hated ships. Just the rocking and the stench of the ship, it just was terrible... She practically leaped off the boat when she was able to exit, where she laid on the ground for a few chimes, letting the steady ground take hold of her.
She sighed slightly as she continued to walk through the streets, hoping she would just turn up in the right place. She wasn't bothering using her cane at this point. She held it at the middle, and began to thumb her finger on the trigger, just as a sort of way to comfort herself.
She squinted her eyes as she looked down the street, something odd seemed to be happening, she couldn't really tell as of the moment. She began to walk faster, going towards the small commotion... She felt herself pressing down the trigger, even though she had no clue how to fight with her sword, she will still try to intimidate who ever it might be with the sword if they were hostile to her. |
- Ashley Blairen
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by Anarkhos on June 4th, 2016, 9:53 pm
He gave a look around waiting a bit longer for her to show up. Damn youngin's. This is why he hated working with children. Alas though she did as she came around the corner hand on her cane slowly approaching the alley which he stood impatient and anxious to get the job started. "Nice of ya to show. Lad, this is lass she will be elpin us with our task." He gave a quick introduction. He'd done his research on her too. She wasn't as good as the boy no, but her skills could still be used to aide them.
"Now missy listen up cos I am only going to say this once. Me and the boy here are goina go across the rooftops ere and get to at that building there that these Daggerhands be guardin. Of course ya know that place is guarded tight swarming with the fuckers so that's where you come in. He turned reaching into a barrel pulling out clothing and other forms of apparel, shoving them into her arms. "We gonna need you to get into that building and be ready to open the latch atop of the roof so we can come in all quiet like and take what ever it be they guarding. Understood?" Not waiting for a response he snapped his fingers to the boy making sure that he was focused for the heist.
Taking a step back, he gave a nod to the girl before jumping up and hoisting himself onto the roof top with the blonde haired boy. Hell, if things were to go smoothly, he wouldn't mind making this a regular thing. That was only if things were to work out. Children weren't as strong as actual adults nor as cunning. They were more manipulative though and a hella lot cheaper. "Ready to move ya asses?" He asked them both before moving to continue. The building wasn't far, it was quite easy to get too actually.
It was the trip that they had to take that was the hard part. Seeing that there was a large gap between them and their target, they would actually have to go around the smaller buildings and alley's to get to their actual destination. All in the name of riches he guessed. Giving a nod he ran towards the edge of the building before launching off and landing onto it's neighboring structure. It wasn't a far leap, something even a babe could get over. He just hoped that the boy could keep up. Looking back down towards the lass he gave a signal telling her to move on. By the gods he hopped they didn't get him killed.

Anarkhos - Retired Staff
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by Hwyn on June 6th, 2016, 2:23 pm
If for lack of anything else that the man could have going for him he had bravado and a one track mind. Hwyn didn't pay much heed to the girl that showed up she wasn't going to be involved with him for the time being so he really only needed to focus on keeping track of the man running the job, and not getting caught. Keeping himself Low Hwyn watched the man give his directions to the girl, Hwyn himself warily eyeing the both the man and the arrival, he wasn't sure how much he could trust either of the two, it was a shame but Hwyn didn't trust either of the two beyond their desires for money, he didn't particularly intend to stick around after he got payed for his work.
Following the man Hwyn Hwyn prepared himself for the next leap, the trick wasn't so much about making the jump but making the jump as quietly as he could. Crouching low and running Hwyn aimed for the next building, using the ledge of the first building he kicked off and landed almost softly on the next building going to a knee when he landed but otherwise making it. A soft thud sounded in the alley behind him as some of the mortar Hwyn had knocked loose from the last building hist the ground. With luck anyone that heard it would mistake the sound for some sort of vermin or alley cat and not bother to look up.
The question remained in Hwyn's head, how exactly were they going to be getting out after they got their loot, would they be leaving the way they came or did the man have another plan, and how did the girl fit in exactly, too many unknowns where in the air for this particular shill and Hwyn didn't like it too terrible much. That said he wasn't the leader this time around and if the man was right about how the proceedings would go Hwyn did not want to mess things up just over his nerves.
Hwyn was unsure of what he would be doing with the loot acquired, would it just be Mizas? Maybe some sort of treasures were being guarded One couldn't ever really be sure of what the gangs could have stowed away, but whatever it was Hwyn hoped it was small enough to be hidden away in all of his pockets.

Hwyn - Soul endowed plushie
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by Ashley Blairen on June 10th, 2016, 4:35 am
Ashley was slightly confused on what exactly she walked into, but the instructions seemed simple enough, better yet, inside her skill set. She nodded, along to what the man said, gave a toothy grin as she did so. Trying at least to seem like one of those children that would probably pick a person clean if they had the chance. She grabbed the clothes and once she was sure they wouldn't be able to see her, she started to change her clothing that was provided.
After she was done she studied herself, male clothing, daggerhand symbol... She assumed this came from a unlucky bastard that gave a... Generous donation for this mission she found herself in. She patted herself as she thought about what to do exactly, if anything went wrong she could end up dead or into some sort of servitude.
She started to make her way to the pointed building, preparing to put up an act, making sure she prepares to make her voice alike a males. (Even though it might be a bit difficult) Soon she found her self staring at two Daggerhands as she approached, she swallowed her nerve and continued on her way. |
- Ashley Blairen
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by Anarkhos on June 12th, 2016, 9:18 pm
He cringed as the boy landed. Was he trying to get them caught on purpose? He held his hands up as if halting someone as he listened to the night. The only thing they needed was an army of Daggerhands after them. Once all seemed well, he stood straight up putting a finger over his lips motioning for the lad to keep quiet as they moved.
He took aim as he gave a slight run before leaping to the next building. This gap was significantly bigger than the last so it required much more effort to clear. He turned around standing at the edge to catch the boy if he were to fall. What was he a babysitter now? He calmed his mind, reminding himself of the reward to come once this job was done.
"Yea yea I know I'm late, but i'm here now. Shyke doesn't happen anyways." He heard the voice of a man coming. Petch, his skin crawled and his hairs stood on the back of his neck. "Hide." he whispered to the boy as he himself scooted off the edge of the building while gripping the edge dangling off the side like a blanket in the wind. He would've had them jump down, but two more men walked under them. He prayed to the gods that they wouldn't look up. Looking out to their inside...woman. He mouthed for her to get them away.
The two men eyed the new face that walked past them suspiciously for it was a face they none of them had seen before. "Aye you comes here lad." They called out. They eyed the boy as he moved closer trying to get a better look at him in the night time setting. "What are you doing here? Are you on patrol?" They asked unaware of the two thieves dangling behind them. "I can't believe they got the newbies doing this kinda shit now man. Is good help really that hard to find?

Anarkhos - Retired Staff
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by Hwyn on July 24th, 2016, 7:31 am

Thieves in the night
Hooking his elbow over the edge Hwyn Mimicked his elder hanging like laundry left out to dry from the edge of the building, his light weight aided him in his hang and left him with a free hand. Reaching to his Hip Hwyn unsheathed the small dagger he kept their, if things devolved into a fight he wanted to be ready. That said he wasn't to keen on combat if it could be avoided, that said he wouldn't be caught unprepared. He hoped that the person below would be able to by them time or provide a distraction for them to turn the tables on their would be captors.
Pondering what the people below would do he watched the other thief waiting to see of he was going to drop below or continue climbing roofs, his heart pounded in his chest as he waited for what felt like minutes when only seconds were passing.
Hwyn hoped whatever they were after would be worth it He still had only gotten vague descriptions of the treasures they might find though he couldn't ask for too much considering he was being done a favor for even being allowed to come along.
On the bright side it did seem that their cohort had a chance as the people below seemed to be buying that the distraction was one of them, it was a huge leap in the right direction if that worked out for them. That said hanging off the side of a building like this was a at best a precarious perch even under the cover of darkness.
Credit to Shimoje, the bestest buddy

Hwyn - Soul endowed plushie
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by Ashley Blairen on July 25th, 2016, 2:35 am
Ashley stood taller, pushing her shoulders out. She would attempt to make her chest appear flat as she spotted a couple of people coming towards her. They were dressed like her, so she assumed they were part of the same gang and were on patrol. She tried her best to appear as one of them as they approached her... Calling her over and studying her features. Their breaths were rancid as she tried her best to not cringe in disgust as they studied her face. They asked if she was new and on patrol. "Yeah, I am new." She saw her boss tell her to get them away. She would try her best but she knew their weren't any guarantees. "I just got sent here today in fact... I am not sure if I am on the right route... Would you mind helping me back on course?" She asked. |
- Ashley Blairen
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