[Syliras' OOC Thread] The Calm within the Storm

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[Syliras' OOC Thread] The Calm within the Storm

Postby Shimoje on May 26th, 2016, 12:16 am


Woah Woah!

What is this? Shimoje is using a boxcode? Yep, you guessed right! I am back from the field!!!

So for those of you who didn't know. I am military, more precisely I am in the United States Army, stationed here in Ft Carson, Co. Lovely place, a lot of nature, a lot of mountains, and a lot more trying to catch your breath... both from the view, and from the high elevation!

During this field exercise you are tasked with setting up a CP (control point) to defend and prevent enemies from crossing a said boundary. I belong to what is called a BSB (Brigade Support Battalion), but sadly we are an infantry division. Due to this we will often practice for the worst, and that is what happened during this Field Problem. We were being attacked multiple times a day by a variety of different forces. I can't go into too much detail here, but just know it is a lot of work!

I have some pictures if you would like to see some of what occurred out there, of course it won't show you everything, like how the FOB was set up or a variety of different intel which is usually a no-no in sharing! Enjoy!

The Album

Speech Thoughts
Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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[Syliras' OOC Thread] The Calm within the Storm

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on May 26th, 2016, 12:39 am

Glad your back Shim! Hope all went well! Now you get to relax. :)

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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[Syliras' OOC Thread] The Calm within the Storm

Postby Imellion on May 26th, 2016, 6:43 pm

Good to see you back!

And I go to school out in CO. Beautiful place. Even going back to work at a camp in a week.

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[Syliras' OOC Thread] The Calm within the Storm

Postby Shimoje on May 29th, 2016, 6:13 pm


The Tipsy Wench Sets Sails on the 91st of Spring. There is room for more passengers or, if you would like to be a part of the adventure for a short time and work as a crewmember there is that opportunity as well!

Speech Thoughts
Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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[Syliras' OOC Thread] The Calm within the Storm

Postby Kestral on June 1st, 2016, 6:37 am

Hey Syliras, I come bearing bad news. I've reinvented my character after some thought and she is moving to Zelvita to start out in instead. So any threads I have been talking about with any of you can no longer happen. Sorry guys, see you around!
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[Syliras' OOC Thread] The Calm within the Storm

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on June 1st, 2016, 12:19 pm

Bummer Kestral,

Hope you have fun in Zeltiva! Maybe travel to Syliras some time soon? Cheers!


"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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[Syliras' OOC Thread] The Calm within the Storm

Postby Wrenera on June 1st, 2016, 2:29 pm

Hey there!

Your neighborly Zith is back for the summer and is looking to cause a stir! She rather enjoys hikes and hunts in the wilderness and meeting potential prey. Feel free to give her a visit sometime.

Disclaimer: Wren will not be held responsible for any bodily harm that may befall your character.

Alright alright, that's just me being my usual silly self. Of course she'll be responsible! :P

Feel free to send me a pm with whatever fun plots you may have. I would say I'm pretty flexible and open to most threads with the exception of meet and greets. Boredom will not be tolerated and those are horribly dull! I much prefer combat heavy threads or at least a thrilling adventure of some sort. ;)

See ya on the flip!
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[Syliras' OOC Thread] The Calm within the Storm

Postby Garland on June 8th, 2016, 5:39 am

Hello! I'm looking for someone to teach Garland how to Flux or

Garland may or may not pay, we can discuss it through PM. Since Nivel is gone, I was hoping someone might help me with this. I don't know any other mages.
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[Syliras' OOC Thread] The Calm within the Storm

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on June 8th, 2016, 12:25 pm

@Wren: Welcome back. I can shoot you a PM or something if you want to thread. I've been wanting for Ferrin to meet more Ziths and get to know them. :)

@Garland: I can also shoot you a PM of the few mages here in Syliras, plus if you want I can GST for you? If you really want it.

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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Credits to Prophet for making this amazing Sig. He does a great job!
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[Syliras' OOC Thread] The Calm within the Storm

Postby Clyde Sullins on June 10th, 2016, 1:47 am

Clyde is always looking for some new magic students, so he might be convinced to teach Garland some, particularly as he's a squire. As Clyde is a master Reimancer/Teacher, he'd be a good Reimancy master.

That being said, as he's currently keeping his Reimancy secret from the knighthood, it'd be a tricky subject to reach, or for him to know to request lessons in that particular magic, at least directly.

Although whether or not the knigthhood would even care if they found out is questionable, as he's currently working as a mage for them, and can practice magic in his lab(within reason and limiting a few outright forbidden ones within city limits). But he likes his secrets.

Clyde doesn't give out lessons for free, but he doesn't charge coin. He doesn't sell magic for anything as cheap as money.

But if your interested, perhaps we can talk further.
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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