Closed The World That You Know...

58th- It is revealed that the woman from the tunnels was a slave working a mine somewhere in the Sea of Grass. She claims the slavers are from Kenash and they are searching for some kind of artifact.

(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy roleplay forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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The World That You Know...

Postby Prophet on May 17th, 2016, 11:00 pm

The relaxation and lull of Evain’s song continued for some time. The gentle melody flowed on and on for what seemed like a lifetime. Taggert was the last one to enter the room and he moved off to a corner by himself then paused as if waiting for something. His dark eyes bounced from person to person as if counting or checking but he started and ended with Aris. The Tavehk noticed this behavior and followed the gaze of his subordinate around the bath house. It was during this time that the older man noticed a great deal of attention turned upwards. He gave a polite nod to Taggert who ducked to his knees and set about removing his cloak, pack and weapons harness. The man took his time with the warm water as he washed his arms, chest and face. Aris turned his light eyes to the ceiling like many of his party and saw the strange moving mass of…color. That’s all it seemed to be but it was moving and reacting to the group or to Evain’s enchanting voice. The elder Drykas of the bunch narrowed his eyes and slowly rose then made his way over towards his guide. The two conferred in silence using only signs but shielded themselves from the group. The senior watchman didn’t even bother to check on his fugitive.

Sparrow had spent his time wisely moving around from pool to pool inspecting everything closely. His light eyes took in the details of the many flowers as well as the pattern of refraction splayed by the fountain’s waters. It was hypnotizing if one played too long but the game gave him a rush. Exploring and investigating fueled his spirit which is one of the reasons why he had been chosen to join the expedition. The mocha-skinned warrior was an absolute stormgem for a pack of weary adventurers with a seemingly uncrushable will that always yearned for more knowledge of things never before seen. He picked a few flowers; a red and purple lily, a strand of green moss that almost shimmered and several other things that he felt fit the general scheme of bright and radiant blossoms then held them to his nose. He took a large breath into his nostrils and exhaled with an audible sound commonly heard after one kicks off his boots after a long day. A huge smile spread over his face then he moved around the room taking it all in as his companions relaxed. He never seemed to stop moving except to examine the actions of his fellow Ra’athi and second pause came when he was hit with the sight of a lounging teenager who was knee deep in a pool. Slightly dumbfounded, he just sniffed his bouquet and watched the young doctor until his eyes trailed her arm to her finger and then to the object that was being addressed.

Evain finally reached the end of her ballad and moved along behind Amunet. Her feet shuffled against the floor and she finally managed to catch the redhead while she was debating something. The black-eyed girl was guessing that the mind beneath the curly red locks was wondering whether or not to pick the flowers. The tiny fingers covered in days of dirt reached out beneath the face of the small healer and plucked a few of the blooms that Amunet had been observing. The Chaktawe offered them in an outstretched hand and whispered something in her native tongue. She immediately shook her head and whispered again but this time in Common. “S-sorry. These. For you.” She repeated the attempt to hand over the flowers. “Song you sang. I like.” She tried to smile but it was weak. There was something buried deep inside of her that was broken.

A splash and a cry from the far corner of the room broke the quiet mumbling of the fountain. Taggert was in the pool and his upper arm was bleeding from a large laceration. He was fumbling about trying to get his weapons and gear while attempting to exit the water; it was not going well on either front. Something had scared him. Aris moved through the group to his man and offered a hand. He pulled Taggert out of the water then spun his head towards Sparrow. “We’re leaving. Now.” The Ra’athi responded instantly. He bent down over Waisana to help her up should she need it. In the span of his wink, he would hand her the flowers that he’d collected. Next was Jasmine, the watchman would help her with her pack if such assistance was needed before he would check on Evain and Amunet. Sparrow was very good about making signs like ‘Please move quickly’ and ‘I can help’. The darker-skinned man had noticed that the fugitive and the dark-skinned woman were a bit more rugged and built for such situations so for them, he would simply pass over a glance and offer his help if they seemed to be having problems. Everything went from a nice slow pace to a flurry of action and movement. The only body that wasn’t moving was Deathspark; the man from the Underwatch. He was staring at a space on the far wall where one might infer a door had once existed.

Aris and Taggert had wrapped his arm both making sure to snub any attempts that the healer or doctor made for help. Instead, they began to go through the group and line them up between the door and the fountain preparing to leave this strange place and get back on track. Sparrow took trail and Taggert went lead with Aris but the Tavehk stopped. A sign from Deathspark very plainly said ‘that way unsafe’. He then went back to studying the wall in front of him. Aris responded with “Horzpah!”, then went to confer with the man. He got halfway down the line and turned back to give an order. What he saw drained the color from his face and all that came out was a very loud noise but not any kind of words or phrases. It was like his mind couldn’t function beyond a wail.

Taggert had been watching his leader and when the horrid expression was registered, he spun around and cried out. The mass of swirling color had returned. It was brighter and more vivid than any color one might ever see in nature and loomed like a giant cloud nearly filling the space against the wall. The colors shifted and changed so rapidly that it was dizzying to view. Taggert staggered back a step, drew an ax with his right hand and used recoil to spring ahead and slash at the tangible cloud of pigments. The other watchmen sprang forward but they would barely get a step before the nightmare began. The color didn’t seem at all bothered by the bladed weapon. It simple passed through. The slash was so ineffective that Taggert had to exert almost as much strength just to control his motion and avoid hitting himself. He opened his mouth to curse the colored mass when he was overtaken. The cloud surged forward in a way that was too fast for a human eye to perceive. The instant it made contact with the man, a thousand long, tapered needles of color penetrated the body of Taggert. He made no sound. He did not move. He was frozen in midair leaking his life onto the floor in a rainstorm of red droplets. The man was instantly dead but his body remained suspended.

Aris and Sparrow lunged forward but a chocked gurgle from Deathspark preceded the strange man using his arms to yank both men back. He signed ‘Don’t fight!’ ‘Don’t fight!’ ‘Urgent!’ He did this openly so everyone could see and follow. He released the watchmen and turned back to where he’d been staring at the wall. He went into an almost trance as his body went still. The guide was pooling djed in his hands and the lines massed into spheres that hovered against his palms for several moments. The hollow eyes of the man also seemed to fill with this same energy and slowly, the spheres grew from the size of acorns to fists and eventually over a foot in diameter.

During this time, the murdering mass of color retracted itself from Taggert’s lifeless corpse. It continued to linger and evolve its shape but it never moved to assault anyone else. Sparrow, amidst tears, had gathered himself and heeded his guide enough to draw the line of volunteers back behind the fountain. He stared at the thing but his grief and rage did not overcome his reason. Aris had helped though his face was as cold as the stone beneath their feet. The color would remain blocking the exit and hovering about the dead body whose blood have initially covered the stones but slowly began to soak into the bricks of the floor. Within a few ticks, the blood which should have been everywhere was nearly gone. Evain shrieked and Sparrow roared in anguish. The water of the fountain began to run red from the top down and once the watchman’s blood reached the pool beneath the fountain’s last tier, the pools in the corner would begin to permeate with crimson as well. It was just after this morbid event occurred that the crackling of flame ripped through the room. It was not the fire along the walls but twin infernos billowing from the hands of Deathspark. He held his hands up and out forming a ‘y’ with his arms and body. In a single fluid motion, he brought his fists together and the two orbs became one giant fireball. The Tunnel Warden hurled the bundle of flame at the wall. The force of the explosion along with the noise shook the entire room and huge cloud of orange dust filled the chamber removing any hope of visibility. Truly, the party would not know if the spell or the resulting explosion had killed the mage.

LadiesThis will be your last post in this thread. Please do not respond to anything past the explosion and dust. That reaction will be your character’s first action in the joint thread. :D Exciting, right?
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The World That You Know...

Postby Ixzo on May 27th, 2016, 3:34 pm

The cry of pain sent the lioness to her feet and further. Before giving herself a chance to think, the Kelvic had reverted to her most protective stance, crouched with one arrow already pulled taut in her bow. She aimed at nothing, but was prepared to if the case called for it. In an instant, she realized she had overreacted. The break in the peaceful lull had shocked her too much. Reflective eyes found the pained creature, a human. He was bleeding, but there was no attacker. With quick and fluid movements, now fueled by the sudden shot of adrenaline, Ixzo readjusted her grip so her four arrows and bow remained in one hand, freeing the other.

As a lion, it was not her immediate reaction to go in aide of the wounded Taggert, but something else pulled her towards him. The thought of Priskil whispered to her, guiding her into the idea of helping even the less-than-desirable Taggert. Yet the Drykas responded quicker. The Watch set forth in such mechanic movement, she would have thought it was rehearsed. Aris and Sparrow guided the women up and to prepare. A small glint of satisfaction seeped into her gaze as she approached the group, finding her way closer to Waisana as usual. None of the watch hardly glanced to help her, which meant they must think her strong, and that idea made her raise her chin slightly. She never felt strong or prideful among the Drykas anymore. When she first arrived she was so routinely put down, her Myrian pride flared in response. Yet, as she proved herself, she only grew to be ignored and tolerated. Even without the showering of praise that the cat felt she should expect, the barely noticeable idea that the Drykas may see her as able to hold her own was enough to satisfy the little pride that remained.

You're too distracted. The sharp, chastising thought, which took on the voice of her mother, prodded her mind. Taking a deep breathe, Ixzo forced herself out of her human thoughts, giving freely to the instincts of a lion to pull her through a situation like this. A man was cut, and there was no attacker. Stupidly, that had relaxed her, but now it raised the hairs on her neck. Where was his attacker?

Having masterful observation, it took the lioness less than a tick to find the only one who was not moving, the strange pale cave-man. Her gaze followed his, and the blank wall before him confused her. Had they not come through a door just there? Involuntarily a low gutteral yowl seeped out of the base of her throat. The others may easily expect a ratting-cat among them with the noise, but instead they had Ixzo.

Oh how she wished to be a lion right now. As the group had quickly gathered, Taggert let out another pained yelp, and Ixzo turned back to him. This time, she hesitated with her bow. The lioness tried to find an enemy, as she followed the man's gaze, but he was only looking at the strange cloud of color. It wasn't until the Drykas attempted to fight the strange occurrence that Ixzo realized what the enemy was. One arrow was quickly fitted into her bow, and the string pulled tight. She should have given herself just a tick to aim properly, but instead the sharp arrow flew wide. To her disgrace, the tip wasn’t even close to the color, shooting far past to the right of it, but that did not stop her from quickly popping the second one in place from where it aligned with her bow.

This time she took a moment, but in the tick it took her to get a more proper aim, the cloud had moved. It was not where it was, rather surrounding Taggert now. She didn't trust her aim nearly enough to attempt now that Taggert was in it. But something was off. It wasn't until the thick rusty scent of blood hit her nostrils that Ixzo realized he was dead. Her mind couldn't process how, he had been standing perfectly still, and now his body had sunk to the ground… Yet the lioness did know that it was the cloud which had done it. Taggert had tried to fight it, and had paid with his life. Self-preservation lowered her bow, and she quickly stuffed the arrows back into her quiver, just as Deathspark told them not to. She didn't understand his signs, but it was easy to see he had come to the same conclusion she had. Fighting it meant certain death.

As the strange pale man engaged in some frightening form of magic, Ixzo's attention was drawn as the smell of blood grew stronger. The fountain, which had been pouring crystalline pure water now rained down the thick, dark red of blood. Ixzo had the stomach for a great many things. Had the color cut off Taggerts head and delivered it immediately to her, she might not have even flinched. But the idea of the man's blood filling something which had been so beautiful moments before sent a new, twisted feeling through her stomach.

In only a tick, she was retching. There was not much to come up on her measly meals of the past few days, but whatever had been in her stomach was deposited on the floor in an acidic orange stream. The sounds of retching where unpleasant, and her throat and nose immediately set to burning as she straightened up, wiping the dribble off her chin as best she could. Oh how she had wished she had been given his arm, rather than seen his blood in the fountain.

But Ixzo did not dwell on it long, as Deathspark's strange motioning had resulting in a… thunder storm? Watering eyes flinched away from the falling rock, as more thing the Kelvic was not prepared to process entered her world. Had he just blown a hole in the wall? With what?

Reimancy. Her thoughts informed her of the magic that she had nearly forgotten. Some warriors used it as a weapon, making hammers from the earth or blades from the water. It seems as if something in her mind was forcing her to think more clearly now. If anything, the retching had helped to do so. Her eyes still watered, but there was a bit more clarity with which she stepped forward. Her legs shook from the shock, but still they moved with the uncanny grace of a huntress as she settled into the prepared crouch, one hand with her bow, the other resting on her tomahawks, waiting for the dust to clear, to see what new horrors they were about to meet.
oocSorry gals! I didn't realize we had one more post, eek!

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The World That You Know...

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on May 31st, 2016, 4:09 am

Looking around the blond spotted several very beautiful flowers. Plucking a couple of the purple plants Jasmine looked at them in amazement. She was not much of a flowery person, but did enjoy just stopping and relaxing among them when the time presented itself. Something caught her eye as she listened to the soft sounds of the other woman's song. Turning her head upwards some the swirling lights caught her attention. Gasping the woman quickly moved into formation with the other women in the group. A sudden scream caused the woman's blood to run cold, frantic she finally spotted the source of the scream. Taggert had been attacked by what ever the strange moving light was. Her mouth dropped open as the woman tried to understand what she had just witnessed. Aris quickly had the crew backed away from what ever the strange light was. All the blond could think about was if the strange thing would attack them next.

Jasmine wanted to run up and pull Taggert's body away from the light, but Sparrow and Aris had them all held back from going any further. Panting and looking around the blonde wasn't able to find a way out of than how they had come. All that would be gained from going back was getting away from the light, but it still did not solve the issue of having to find a way past the room and past the light. She moved around some getting a little closer to Merevaika wanting to see if the other woman had spotted anything that could be used as an escape. Turning quickly seeing Aris and Deathspark moving around so fast made the blond want to keep up with their movements, but that was proving to be more difficult than she wanted it to be. The sudden crimson color of the water scared the woman.

Jasmine had never seen anything of this caliber in her life. Gulping a sudden fear had hit her that was unlike anything she had ever felt. Her fight and flight was battling inside her body to keep her there or to run and possibly die in the tunnels. Hearing a strange sparking she turned and saw the fire balls. The woman had not paid attention to the man earlier due to how quiet he was. When the man threw the giant fireball at the wall she turned her head just before the explosion sounded around them.
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The World That You Know...

Postby Merevaika on June 1st, 2016, 3:47 pm

A splash brought her from the sleep she hadn't even realised she was in. The world blurred into vision and the image of Aris pulling someone out of the water came became focused. There was a cut. Deep, or so it seemed from her angle. Had the fool cut himself on his own blade? Merevaika wouldn't have been surprised, but then people around her started moving, helping each other to prepare. They were scared, uncertain, as if they had been attacked. But there was nothing near by. Merevaika blinked watching them for a second as her own consciousness hung before her. All she wanted was to close her eyes and rest...

But she couldn't. Before she could relax again, Merevaika burst up, snatching her things without hesitation. It had been too still and peaceful, she had known it. An invisible enemy had attacked and she didn't know where it would strike next. Her hands were on her weapons, twitching for them to be used. She wanted a fight. After all this calm, they needed some excitement. Some fear. Some emotion. Something to make her heart pound in her chest and her blood run warm. Her eyes darted across the frantic movements of the others as they gathered themselves for what was to come. No one thought to look at her. Not that she needed their help - she was ready, weapons ready, pack on her back, resting on her toes to flee or fight. She could have sprinted away before any of them realised, taking her freedom as it came. They didn't seem to care anymore. But for the same reasons as before, she couldn't. She'd stay, despite them not caring.

Her eyes landed on the pale man - he knew something, something that they didn't. Unlike the rest, he wasn't moving. His steady stance irritated Merevaika more than anything, who clenched her fists only slightly. Unlike her, he wasn't lost or confused. He knew his path, and that path lead through the wall, or so it seemed, from his gaze. Merevaika didn't even know how they'd get through.

She was reluctant to join the others, eyes still trained on what he was doing. They were going wrong, she could sense it. Only the pale man knew what he was doing, yet no one seemed to be listening. Not that he had said something. But so many things could be seen in what wasn't said. They were for the observant, who looked anyway. Her mind settled on a decision. Whatever happened, the pale man was the one to follow. Even if the rest ran back down the way they came, tails between their legs, she would stand firm behind him. Out of them all, he was the only one who knew these tunnels.

A horrified cry from the watch made Merevaika turn, gaze dropping from the pale man to them. The cause for their cries was there, a cloud of swirling colour, dancing before their eyes. Yet she didn't know what it was, or whether it was dangerous. The second was answered moments later. The dark skinned woman was already shooting at it, wasting arrows before she even knew what it was. One of the watch tried to attack it with an axe - a foolish, pointless move - and stumbled as the weapon pass straight through. At once, the cloud surrounded him. It was as if he had been cut by a million blades that weren't there. Red trickled down his body to the floor, life soaking out of him.

Merevaika stumbled back, at once realising fighting this colour with physical weapons would be pointless. There was nothing to hit, nothing to aim for, only a mass of colour. Colour wasn't a physical thing. The watchman had proved that much. Yet she kept her weapons close and ready. She had just witness a cloud of colour kill a man, scatter as many cuts on him as there were blades of grass. Despite knowing how useless they were, she clung to her weapons. They gave her comfort. If she did die, she'd die a warrior.

Blood soaked through the ground, rising through the fountain and pools. Merevaika stared at it, images flashing before her eyes in succession as she tried to make sense of it. The first was one few would understand, if she told them. Her brother, in a form she had never seen him. Older, stronger, her age. In a form she had seen on her own body. Then came the red water that made them change, back in Riverfall. She had thought these strange, fantastical events only occurred in that city, not in her home. But she had seen so many things in just these past days that she couldn't be certain. Strange things happened here too. This was evidence.

Behind her, the dark skinned woman, one Merevaika would have expected to not care, threw up. That woman was a warrior, she was strong. She could tell by the way she held her bow, the way she walked, just the aura that clung to her. This blood did terrible things. Jasmine moved closer to her, the younger girl uncertain. Merevaika didn't even spare her a glance. She was in survival mode. Merevaika knew how she acted in these situations. She didn't know whether she could trust anyone else to fight with her and flee with her. Not in this strangeness. The minute it called for, she would hesitate to abandon them. Not if it kept her alive.

Her eyes flickered back to the pale man, seeking guidance more than ever. He knew how to get out of here, he knew what that was, he knew what to do...

Then he erupted into flames before anyone could discover anything.
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The World That You Know...

Postby Waisana on June 2nd, 2016, 10:01 pm

It was so peaceful in this place. The softly rising steam, the musical play of the water in the fountain, Evain's voice rebounding melodically off the walls, the warmth of the water and the air, it was enough to make her wish they could stay forever. Her eyes drifted shut as Evain's song trailed to its ending and the doctor began to hum softly to herself, a slight smile playing across her lips as she drank in the atmosphere of the place. It would be so easy to sleep here, to drift off and just forget about things for awhile.

A harsh cry shook her violently from her happy reverie. She sat up with such abruptness that she almost sent herself sliding in to the pool after her legs. The source of the sound was easy to trace as the splashing of water continued and as she looked to where Taggert was, Waisana found a chill pass through her despite the warmth of the pool. The Watchman's fear and his wound had her drawing her legs out of the water, peering in to the waters with wonder and fear as she tried to see if there was something in her own pool. She could see nothing but she wasn't sticking her feet back in there. Besides, the peaceful attitude had been utterly destroyed by the man's stress and she found that she wasn't so keen to remain here any longer. It seemed that she wasn't the only one who wanted to be gone and there was something about Aris's attitude towards this situation that frightened her more. Was he scared of what would happen if they stayed?

The teen had little chance to think of the matter further before something else stole her thoughts away. She accepted Sparrow's offered hand given that her legs were wet and the floor slippery. However, it quickly became apparent that he wasn't helping her purely out of a sense of duty but also because it gave him the opportunity to flirt with her. The girl only had time to register surprise before he was gone and the full impact of what had just occurred hit her. She stared at the flowers that had been pressed in to her grasp and realised that her recent attempt at seduction might have been effective after all. She wondered just what she'd gotten herself in to and decided that it couldn't be good. This didn't seem like the time or the place for such things so she found herself wondering just how strong an effect she'd had on him. A sigh escaped her as she patted her legs dry and put back on her shoes. By the time she was ready, Aris was gathering everyone together and lining them up to prepare to leave. She made sure to keep her eyes far away from Sparrow, just to be safe, as they prepared to set off but there seemed to be something else afoot.

There appeared to be something going on with Deathspark and she found herself watching the man rather than Aris but she did catch up to what was going on to realise that something was going on down Taggert's end. The swirling mass of colour that she'd seen on the ceiling had moved down. It was blocking the way out. It hadn't just been light playing on the ceiling but something more substantial. Taggert made to attack it, swinging his blade at it but to no avail. It passed straight through it without a bother. It wasn't as substantial as it looked then but it couldn't just be some trick of the light, nothing looked like that, nothing...

It moved. It moved with such speed--it must have because she didn't see it move at all--that it was suddenly upon him and in him, many points of colour stabbing in to him and truly stabbing! She didn't comprehend it at first, didn't see how deadly it was until the blood started to pour. There seemed to be no part of him that wasn't pierced. He was just a multitude of holes gushing his life force all over the floor. It soaked in to the tiles, devoured greedily in to the ground beneath him. It spilled and spilled endlessly, the man left dangling in the air like a meat carcass. The floor drank Taggert's blood and spat it back up, oozing it in to the waters that stood around them. All the waters were stained scarlet, a gory testament to what has just taken place. Waisana made a low keening sound, backing away from the being of colour and the drained body. It was too horrible. She hadn't liked or trusted the man but no one deserved that, no one was meant to experience such a gruesome manner of death.

They had no way out, that thing blocked the only exit and it had the capability of slaughtering them. It could kill them easily and they could do nothing. Waisana had no weapon and even if she had one, she'd be more inclined to cower in a corner rather than fight that thing. It responded in kind though. Taggert had attacked it with the intention of killing it so it had responded in kind except that it definitely could kill. Deathspark seemed to have realised as much. He'd pulled the others back after all.

She turned her head to see what the man was up to, the one who seemed to have a better grasp of this situation. She'd expected him to know what to do. She hadn't imagined that he'd be holding fire, of course. She knew of reimancy in a vague sort of way but to see it was startling, especially so much in such a small space. He brought his hands together and the world exploded.

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The World That You Know...

Postby Amunet on June 4th, 2016, 3:24 pm

The song, music of the water and the soothing calming fragrance soaked into Amunet. Those gold starred blue eyes regarded the former slave as she came to her in her examination of the strange flowers. Her palm went towards the dark eyed girl. As the flowers were exchanged, The red headed healer closed her hand gently over Evain’s as if trying to pass some of her strength to her. The look in her eyes seemed to harbor some deeper pain that she had no experience for yet it tugged at her heart. There was not a compulsion exactly but her compassionate nature wanted to make it better. In her mind, no being should feel so so defeated as to give into the demands of their surroundings. Maybe she could help her when they returned to Endrykas, teach her things.

“Thank you.” The heart felt gratitude for the flowers conveyed with a sincerity that seemed to be a lost art in itself. That was part of the nature that is Amunet. The girl knew most people thought emotions to be a point of weakness or it got in the way of getting things done. She didn’t know how she would live if she didn’t feel.

The cry of pain came from were taggert was at as the familiar urge hit her. Her face grew concerned and curious as she was waved away from Aris and Taggart though she didn’t know why. The girl was about to disobey the order till it got worse and Sparrow came to help her get her gear up and ready to move. The flowers were tucked into a pouch quickly once the pack and yvas bag was settled on her body. Sparrow looked to think about taking one from her for speed sake till the ghastly scene of Taggart being drained by the colored thing. She moved towards Taggart and had to be held back by Sparrow as The Healer would not think of herself. Her hand outstretched as the death ended the compulsion leaving her empty. Those light sky blue eyes teared up and she swallowed hard. He might have been a jerk but he was Drykas.

The blood red water both revolted her and drew her curiosity. She shook those thoughts as this was no time to examine anything. It was getting more bizarre. The bizarre was what made it curious despite the deadly consequences for one of them. Ixzo and Mere were on high alert as she continued to stand with the former slave. Waisana was not too far away as she tried to catch the fellow medical practitioner eyes for solace if nothing else. Amunet did not take loosing patients well even though she wasn’t allowed anywhere close to Taggart. Jasmine was not too far away, giving the usually cheerful blonde a look as if to make sure she was there.

The little lithe body turned from sparrow as she cleared the tears in her eyes with the sleeve of her stained and faded red top. It happened that her head turned to see the back of Deathspark as he warned to not fight. They didn’t have to worry about that with her. She was barely cognizant of the strange substance that Deathspark was commanding till it burst into flame and that startled her. The ball of fire hurled to the wall and chaos exploded outward. On instinct, she covered Evain’s body with her own to protect her from the blast as her pack and yvas bag would do that. What was the world coming to and what did they get themselves into?
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The World That You Know...

Postby Prophet on August 3rd, 2016, 1:25 am


It was an absolute pleasure to run this quest for you. The colorful personalities of your PCs and the varied approaches that each of you took as writers has made this a personal favorite; not just on Mizahar but in my decades long RP career. Grading it was a beast because I kept getting wrapped up in the story and forgot to write down XP and lores. :D If I missed anything, do let me know. I was going to wait until the Mine thread was over to give your your rewards but I don't want to wait anymore. Each treasure was given deep thought and ample consideration based upon what I know about your characters and your goals as writers. All of your gifts are courtesy of the late Deathspark; items he'd collected in a life under the earth. I will still have Aris distribute these things at the end of the Mine thread. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! You've certainly earned it. Once again, thank you.

  • Socialization: +2
  • Planning: +1
  • Endurance: +5
  • Logic: +4
  • Swimming: +1
  • Organization: +2
  • Investigation: +2
  • Herbalism: +1
  • Tactics: +1
  • Weapon-Longbow:+1
  • Ixzo: Courage for loved ones
  • Ixzo: The curious cat
  • Sea of Grass: Riddled with Tunnels
  • Underwatch: The Man with No Tongue
  • Endurance: Marching underground takes a toll
  • Logic: Always bring a healer
  • Ixzo: Always thinking
  • Swimming: Gear is heavier in the water
  • Ixzo: Not accustomed to fast speeds
  • Sparrow: Watchman
  • Zoot: Pycon
  • Taggert: Watchman & Jerk
  • Evain: Scared black eyes
  • Deathspark: Tunnel Guardian
  • It’s hard to track time underground
  • Herbalism: Flowers require sunlight
  • Ixzo: Instinctual
  • Aris: Good at not giving answers
  • Tactics: Relaxing with a weapon
  • Rozacapotl: Colorful cloud of death
  • Logic: Don’t attack something you can’t kill

  • A necklace with a carved horse figure. It's magic and can allow her to befriend and ride a Gilding. She'll have to figure this out ICly and there is no way to for her to change the magic so that she could ever bond with a strider. Once she meets this Gilding, the figure will become entwined with the horse. If it dies, the figure crumbles; a one-time deal.

  • Socialization: +2
  • Organization: +1
  • Planning: +1
  • Observation: +5
  • Endurance: +5
  • Investigation: +1
  • Wilderness Survival: +2
  • Swimming: +1
  • Unarmed Combat: +1
  • Onyx: Small but strong
  • Jasmine: Doesn’t view herself a warrior
  • Familiar faces help calm the nerves
  • Jasmine: Uncomfortable in the dark
  • Aris: Rough with his charges
  • Evain: Small and Silent
  • WS: Don’t over hydrate
  • Swimming: Fight to the surface
  • Zoot: Pycon
  • Pycons: Small like toys
  • WS: Making a fire with the resources available
  • Taggert: Creepy Watchman
  • Sparrow: Watchman
  • Ixzo: Helpful
  • Evain: Has a soothing voice
  • Deathspark: Reimancer
  • Rozacapotl: Colorful cloud of death

  • A delicately carved hand ax made of Valipsar bone. It will never break or dull as long as it remains in the Sea of Grass and is extremely light.
  • +20 Arrows | -1 GM

  • Planning: +3
  • Endurance: +5
  • Investigation: +2
  • Negotiation: +1
  • Pathfinding: +2
  • Socialization: +1
  • Swimming: +2
  • Intimidation: +1
  • Tactics: +2
  • Philosophy: +1
  • Logic: +1
  • Merevaika: Feels safer with a weapon
  • Aris: Clever Watchman
  • Drykas: Once lived underground
  • Merevaika: Patient in her plotting
  • Amunet: Knows how to read
  • Swimming: Use your whole body
  • Zoot: Pycon
  • Evain: Black eyed slave
  • Merevaika: Untrusting Thief
  • Sparrow: Watchman
  • Time underground is different
  • Merevaika was not herself without Eryunt
  • Tactics: Someone has to stand guard
  • Deathspark: Steady as a rock
  • Planning: Always looking for a way out
  • Ixzo: A warrior
  • Rozacapotl: Colorful cloud of death
  • Jasmine: Full of uncertainty

  • A hooded cloak of various bird feathers that are all dyed black and shades of deep grey with splashes of color that show through. It's large enough to cover her entire body and if she wears it as a complete cover it will eliminate her scent. It's not a masking deal where one scent replaces the smell of a human but completely eradicates any smells coming from the woman. This means no animal could smell her approach such as the targets of her hunts or a guard dog.

  • Observation: +5
  • Planning: +2
  • Organization: +2
  • Braiding: +1
  • Endurance: +5
  • Logic: +3
  • Swimming: +2
  • Tactics: +1
  • Wilderness Survival: +2
  • Socialization: +2
  • Investigation: +1
  • Flirting: +1
  • Waisana: Takes care of her hair
  • Waisana: Silent compliance despite herself
  • Drykas: Tunnels don’t seem like a natural habitat
  • Aris: Thorough Watchman
  • Tunnel Guide: No tongue
  • Tunnels play tricks on the eyes
  • Swimming: Kick your legs
  • Tactics: Cut the dead weight
  • Logic: Making the tough decision
  • Zoot: Pycon
  • WS: Using flint & steel to start a fire
  • Sparrow: Shy Watchman
  • Evain: Black-eyed slave
  • Ixzo: A welcomed face in the darkness
  • WS: Using wraps to protect your body from terrain
  • Waisana: Doesn’t like tight spaces
  • Flirting: Trying is the first step
  • Rozacapotl: Colorful cloud of death
  • Deathspark: Knows what to do
  • Deathspark: Can hold fire

  • A charm that holds the blessing of Rak'keli. The stone held by the pendant is gold and holds a single use per season. The power within is equivalent to that of a level two gnosis mark. Once used, the gold will turn blue. Every flare of the Watchtowers will reset the stone.

  • Rhetoric: +2
  • Planning: +2
  • Organization: +3
  • Endurance: +4
  • Logic:+3
  • Socialization: +1
  • Swimming: +1
  • Leadership: +1
  • Medicine: +1
  • Investigation: +1
  • Singing: +1
  • Pathfinding: +1
  • Tactics: +1
  • Amunet: Willing to heed the call
  • Dak: A growing boy
  • Whipmanes: Good friends
  • Rozacapotl: Colorful cloud of death
  • Amunet: Sturdy
  • Tunnels: Not all have drawings
  • Amunet: No stranger to the dark
  • Evain: Black-eyed slave
  • Aris: Rough but direct Watchman
  • Stretching is good for sore muscles
  • Evain: A scared girl
  • Leadership: Giving orders
  • Zoot: Pycon
  • Pycons: Little bundles of clay
  • Taggert: Got what he deserved
  • Zoot: Chivalrous being
  • Sparrow: Gentle giant
  • Amunet: A natural comforter
  • Evain: drawn to the healer
  • Amunet: Curious despite fear

  • A pair of copper bracelets. When both are worn on the same arm, she can feel the strongest emotion within a ten foot radius. When they are worn on separate arms, she can hear the thought behind a single strong emotion like rage, fear or grief (same range). The bracelets absorb djed from the world around them and take a long time to charge. They can be used three times per season.
Cannibal of Faith
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