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Postby Stitch on December 12th, 2009, 1:10 am


Credit goes to Rickbw1, of DeviantArt.


Race: Human
Birthday & Age : Season of Summer, Day 7, 483 A.V.
Gender: Male

Long locks of black hair have grown to flow a bit over his blind eyes, and naturally part to the side. He has a strong jaw, a tan face, nicely proportioned nose, and all that other nice man stuff. His eyes are a coal black, both black pupils, and black color surrounding. They have white scars across them, and even though there is a bit of color left, they no longer hold any sight. All in all, even though his face is tanned, and has the classic strong jaw... He kind of has a "baby face". His features are all soft, and one would think he was "pretty" before they really decided he was "handsome".

The rest of his body is quite nice, tall and lithe, built with enough slim muscle to give him some bulk, but not enough to make him a hulking bodybuilder. More built for speed it seems, then any kind of 'punch through walls' kind of power. He is about 6'2 in height, and around 175 in weight. He is nicely tanned, spending quite a bit of time out in the sun. There is a single Lacun mark on his sternum, representing a past loss.

He almost always wears a white bandage wrap around his head, to help hide his blindness from the elements. They are already damaged enough, and he is a bit paranoid about damaging them more.


Due to certain circumstances in his life, Stitch is a man dedicated, and faithful to a personal code that he has set for himself. He feels that is it his job, his calling, or simply fate that would have him be a light unto the world. Nothing heavenly, or famous, simply a bright spot on the dark blot of our current existence. He feels as if the world is filled with too much pain, strife, suffering, and seeks to heal as much as he can. He lives for the little moments, the ones where he receives a smile, or realizes that he just made a person happier, if even for that day. Being a good person was originally a part of his personality, but over the years, it grew into something more than that. If he once simply loved the world, and being a part of it, he now loves the world with all of his heart, wants to improve it with his existence, and protect it from all harm, sadness, and injustice. From all pain.

However, even with this radical faith and dedication, he still has his own personality. Stitch is a rather cheery and outgoing man, often speaking up to offer some piece of wisdom or thought, or to give a few words of opinion on the matter. He is mostly polite and friendly with his tone, sometimes a bit joking, but never quite rude or sarcastic. When he finds he is lacking in knowledge about a subject being discussed, he will not hesitate to ask questions, or perhaps inject his own opinion. He is eternally curious, ever so loving, and extremely happy with his place in this realm.

He has a heart as big as the world, having a fondness for everything living, especially children. He can be amazingly tender and kind, offering advice and comfort, and being an extra play partner. He is quick to rescue a damsel in distress, break up a drunken fight, or help children resolve a squabble. He promotes peace and happiness, and his naturally kind personality only helps with that particular sentiment.

A weight will sometimes seem upon him, as he feels he fails whenever he cannot help a situation, or a person. If a child was to die by the hands of a bandit, when they were both in his sight, he would delve into depression for a few days, swearing there was something he could have done about it. He feels a weight to truly protect, help, and to bring life to everyone. To be able to help everyone, and to save everyone. Not quite a martyr, but certainly a superhero.
Last edited by Stitch on May 11th, 2011, 6:43 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Stitch

Postby Stitch on December 12th, 2009, 1:29 am

Training (Skills)

Acrobatics- 7

Acting- 4

Babysitting- 2

Bodybuilding- 7

Boxing- 1

Brawling- 3

Childcare- 1

Cooking- 3

Dancing- 2

Gambling- 1

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Martial Arts- 73 (30 SP)
[The martial art Stitch studies is based around self-defense instead of attacking, and is also geared around defending against multiple attackers. It has multiple techniques for redirecting and guiding the attacker's force, both away from Stitch, and into one of Stitch's own attacks, if needed. No strength is really needed, mostly reflex and speed for reacting to opposing attacks. Speed instead of strength, flow instead of force. Stitch has trained against both un-armed and armed attacks, both melee and ranged.]

Intimidation- 6

Interrogation- 8
[Stitch's brand of interrogation is more or less good cop, good cop. He is so nice, kind, and empathetic with the person at hand that it is hard NOT to confess your life story to him. He feels warm and cozy, is quite friendly, and isn't faking a single bit of it just to get the information he wants.]

Investigation- 1

Leadership- 2

Meditation- 3

Negotiation- 9

Observation- 15

Persuasion- 8

Running- 9

Rhetoric- 13

Singing- 3

Stealth- 2

Storytelling- 4

Tactics- 1

Teaching- 11

Weapon (Snowball)- 3

Wrestling- 1

Wilderness Survival- 1

Training (Arcana)

Personal Magic: Auristics- 100 (20 SP)

Personal Magic: Flux- 41 (15 SP)
[An art that Stitch undertook to both aid his martial art, as well as increase his personal discipline, Stitch is a practitioner of the Flux. He learned this from the same person who trained him in his martial art, and tries to study both as one whole personal practice. He is apt at integrating the Flux into his martial art studies, and can use both at the same time with some efficiency. As will all other users of the Flux at his level, he can only really enhance major parts of his body, although he is most used to using it on either arms or head, simply enough.]
Training (Lore)

Nuit (What they are)
Forms of Hand-to-Hand Combat (Specific Form)
Human Anatomy
Fight Night at the Spinning Coin
A Little bit Sexist
Teach on the Job
Staying Civilized in a Brawl
Overgiving with Flux
Chastised by a Child
Intense Enthusiasm
Can’t Travel without Candy
Keeping Secrets is HARD
Not a Good Liar…at all
Explaining Sparring Rules
Don’t Let Me Win!!!
Getting Carried Away in a Fight
Last edited by Stitch on November 3rd, 2011, 4:47 am, edited 50 times in total.
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Re: Stitch

Postby Stitch on December 12th, 2009, 2:17 am

Equipment and Possessions

Magical Equipment and Possessions
  • Magical Dancing Rock- A small piece of smooth, black, volcanic rock. Upon looking at it, the rock suddenly grows hot in your hand and there is a spark of flame that turns into a small, humanoid-shaped figure of flame that dances about a half-inch from the top of the rock. The figure performs a repetitive dance that goes from calm and smooth to fast and erratic. With a moment or two of playing around with it, you will find that it activates when held in the hand with the word, "dance" spoken to it. Where it came from and who gave it to you is unknown.

Animals and Property owned

Orphanage Owner Wages :
Paid 10 GM a day for Orphanage Owner duties. Is given 800 extra to fund the orphans, and gives any extra back to the Knights.

Stipend for Orphans = 800 gm for Winter, 800 gm for Summer
Living Expenses per orphan = 150 gm for Winter, 150 gm for Summer
Number of Orphans = X for Winter, X for Summer
Total Living Expenses for the Orphans = X*150 for Winter, X*150 for Summer
Amount paid for out of pocket = (Either X*150-800 for each season, or nothing)

Winter 509AV Wages

92 days x 10gm per day = 920 gm

Spring 510AV Wages

Inactive - No earnings, no expenses

Summer 510AV Wages

75 days (91 days - 16 days for adventures) x 10gm per day = 750 gm
-37 GM (Adventure Ahoy)
-62 GM (All Things Leather)
-239 GM (Windmount Stables)

Season Total: 417 gm

Fall 510 AV Wages

83 days x 5 gm per day (half wages for shirking his duties) = 415 gm

-67 GM (Special Needs)

+50 GM (Windmount Stables)

Season Total: 398 gm

1726 Gold-Rimmed Mizas.
Last edited by Stitch on February 22nd, 2011, 4:57 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Stitch

Postby Stitch on January 3rd, 2010, 7:31 pm

Thread List


Fighting Blind(Completed. Gained 5xp Martial Arts, 3xp Teaching, 2xp Meditation, and Taking a Punch, The Basics of Boxing.)

[Winter, 509 AV]

21st- Bring the Ruckus (Completed. Gained 1 Auristic XP, 1 Flux XP.)
41st- Sighting the Soul (Completed. Gained _2 Auristic, +1 Interrogation)
46th- The Midwinter Fire Festival (Completed. Gained 5 Auristic XP, 2 Dance XP, and the Dancing Rock.)
48th- A Midnight Prowl (Completed. +1 Stealth, +2 Auristics, +1 Intimidation, +1 Storytelling.)
50th- Approaching the Unapproachable. (Completed. Gained 3 Auristic XP, 1 Rhetoric XP, and Getting someone into Syliras.)
51st- Friendly Sparring (Completed. 3xp Unarmed Combat, 1xp Meditation, 1xp Teaching and Margin of Error (Objects), Unarmed Versus Armed Tactics.)
52nd- Merchant's End(Completed. Gained 2 Auristic XP, 1 Persuasion XP.)
54th- Pray to the Mantis(Completed. Gained 3 Auristics XP, 1 Flux XP, 2 Hand-to-Hand XP.)
64th- Detached from Reality (Completed. Gained +1 Philosophy, +1 Storytelling, +3 Singing, +1 Observation, +2 Auristics, +1 Musical Instrument (Lyre))
82nd- The Game- Acting it Out

[Summer, 510 AV.]

5th- Dreaming of a Reality (Gained +5 Observation, +4 Persuasion, +5 Rhetoric)
16th- Disrespecting the Dead (Gained +1 Flux, +2 Childcare/Baby Sitting, +1 Auristics, +1 Storytelling, +2 Interrogation, +1 Rhetoric)
17th- Adventure Ahoy (Gained +3 Hand-to-Hand Combat, +3 Auristics, +1 Flux, +2 Observation, +1 Wilderness Survival, +1 Brawling)
28th- Lost in a Labyrinth
75th- Awaiting a Challenge (Gained +1 Tactics, +2 Auristics, +3 Unarmed Combat, +3 Flux)
80th- The Other One
??th- A Home for a Hopstop (Gained +3 Auristics, +3 Cooking)

[Fall, 510 AV.]

6th- Always Darkest Before the Dawn (Gained +4 Unarmed Combat, +3 Intimidation, +3 Negotiation, +3 Auristics, +2 Flux)
15th- ]Fighting the Blind (+1 Childcare, +2 Auristics, +1 Stealth, +1 Intimidation, +5 Teaching, +3 Unarmed Combat.)
25th- Crush these Killing Hands (Gained +4 Running, +2 Bodybuilding, +3 Auristics, +2 Acrobatics, +3 Hand to Hand Combat, +2 Flux)
51st- Ascending Higher (Gained +1 Observation, +2 Auristics. +1 Martial Arts, +1 XP Brawling, +2 Flux)
71st- The Midnight Hour (Gained +4 Auristics, +3 Running, +2 Bodybuilding.)

[Winter, 510 AV.]

1st- Questioning Passerby (Gained +1 Auristics, 1 Interrogation, 1 Intimidation.)
??st- Dreaming of an Imagination (Gained 5 Auristics, 1 Flux, 3 Observation.)

[Spring, 511 AV.]
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