80th of Spring, AV 516
And we're off! Well, I should say we are done for the day , but off in general? Forget about trying to write and fly. There isn't much of anything to do but hold on and shiver. It is cold up in the air. I'll stick with the sea any day, though I can tell we are flying away from it. Judging from my maps, it looks like we are heading southwesterly due to the direction from which we left Nyka. It soon disappeared and it became crystal clear why no one travels much outside of guarded caravans. The long expanses of nothing combined with the movement of hungry creatures below made me happy to be up in the air safe.
So now I find myself under my little tent, the best purchase so far. Having a little bit of privacy and shelter at camp is clearly coveted by others, though they all seem happy enough. We are all just trying to get used to the idea of flying every day. Our asses are sore.